Blog: Make Change Fun And Easy
When to Surrender vs. Struggle... with Samia Bano
When you're faced with #lifechallenges, when should you #stopstruggling and surrender to what is? What happens when you surrender? How does surrendering make change #funandeasy?
Listen now to this episode with #HappinessExpert Samia Bano to gain insight on these very questions!
PLUS learn the essence of #courageousliving.
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#SurrenderAll #surrenderedheart #CourageousHeart #liveyourbestlife #mindsetmatters #FollowYourHeart
Here's the audio version of this episode:
Full Video Transcription
Hello, Salam, Shalom, Namaste, Aloha, and Holah and Sat Sri Akal!
Hi :) My name is Samia and I’m your Happiness Expert and award-winning author of the book, “Make Change Fun and Easy”. And today I want to talk to you about “When to Surrender vs. Struggle”. Because look, when you step out of your comfort zone and commit to living a courageous life, a life of following your passions, a life of following your dreams, your heart’s desires, a life of doing what you love and knowing .. and doing what you know is the right thing to do, you will run into obstacles and challenges…
Or rather you will run into circumstances or face circumstances that you perceive as obstacles/challenges…Because to call something an obstacle or challenge is a judgement that you have made. It’s your perspective on the situation that you are faced with. Do you realize that you are choosing that perspective? Do you realize you can choose a different perspective, and arrive at a different judgement as to what is happening in the moment?
It’s true! You can choose your perspective. You do choose your perspective.
I’m not saying there is something wrong with your perspective, it’s not like you’re seeing anything false or being delusional or anything like that.
No! It’s just that there is a difference between the circumstance that you’re in and your judgement of the circumstance. In the same circumstance you can form different judgements. You can arrive at different judgments about what being in that circumstance means to you or for you…That same circumstance you can judge as good or bad, easy or hard. Or even just let go of all judgments about the circumstance entirely. You can take on the role of just being an observer, and describe in an objective/factual way what you can see, feel, touch, smell, etc. at the level of your 5 senses. True or true? So the circumstance is what it is, and whatever the circumstance is, your judgment of it is different … It’s your judgement about the circumstance.
So, if you want to make your life fun and easy, if you want to more easily magnetize the success and abundance you desire into your life, then it is important, even critical that you, I would say, that you let go of your judgments of the situation, and sink into your source of inner peace and happiness and wisdom, that is your spiritual heart, and just surrender…
Just surrender your judgements, your desires, your wants, everything of you, surrender everything of you to the guidance of your spiritual heart, and then move forward as your heart guides you…That is the essence of living a courageous life. That is in fact the definition of living courage — that you follow your heart, you do what your heart guides you to do.
So when should you surrender vs. struggle? Well when it comes to following our heart, living with courage, I say always surrender to your heart’s guidance, and never struggle. That’s right, always surrender to your heart’s guidance, never struggle against that guidance.
Because rest assured that your heart, your spiritual heart will always guide you towards living a life of following your passions, a life of following your dreams, a life of doing what you love and know is the right thing to do…and so no wonder when you surrender to your hearts guidance, and you live with courage, you find that you are able to achieve your greatest successes, you find yourself growing in love and abundance, you find your life filled with more joy and peace and happiness, and you find that change becomes fun and easy…great or great?!
So, that’s all that I really wanted to say to you. And you know I will tell you, doing this podcast or rather this live right now, this is something that my heart just guide me to do. And so I’m doing it, I imagine that there … that you really needed to hear this message, I don’t know why. But my heart was like, Samia, “Do this! Do this live and do it right now. Do it as soon as you possibly can”. And so here I am you see... and in this very moment you know living my heart’s guidance and it is you know living in that way … courage! Right now!
And in this moment living courage doesn’t feel like a hard thing to do. It doesn’t feel like a challenge of any kind or any big obstacle. This is me living courage, following my heart’s guidance and doing something that’s actually really fun and feels easy and feels amazing to do! So, living courage, following your heart’s guidance… it doesn’t always have to be a hard thing, not at all. It doesn’t ever have to be a hard thing, I think. So anyway, all right… I’ve said everything I wanted to say right now. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for being with me right now and listening. And until we connect next time … I wish you salam, shalom, namaste, aloha, sat sri akal and holah :)
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