Blog: Make Change Fun And Easy

A Holistic Path to Back & Pelvic Health. With Livia Suver & Samia Bano

A Holistic Path to Back & Pelvic Health.

May 15, 202435 min read

A Holistic Path to Back & Pelvic Health.
With Livia Suver & Samia Bano

Struggling with #pelvichealth or #backpain?

In this interview, Livia Suver, Women's #HolisticHealthCoach, shares critical wisdom for restoring balance and vitality to your #pelvichealth and #backhealth.

Gain insights from #ancientwisdom and #modernscience, unraveling the interconnectedness between physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Discover how #traumainformed #holistichealing practices can #empowerwomen to reclaim their health and wellness.

Livia is gifting our listeners a "Radiant You Breakthrough Session". Use the link below to book your FREE 60-minute discovery call with Livia now!

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Here's the audio version of this episode:



Full Video Transcript

SAMIA: Hello, Salaam, Shalom, Namaste, Sat Sri Akal, Aloha, Holah, Ciao, Bonjour, Buna, Privet, and Mabuhay! It's really, really good to be with you again. And I know you'll be so happy you're joining us today, because we have a wonderful guest with us. It's Livia Suver, who is a Women's Holistic Health Coach. Welcome, Livia…

LIVIA: Oh, thank you so much, Samia, for inviting me here to your show, and it is always pleasure to be here with you.

SAMIA: Yes. I'm so excited for our conversation today, because I know you have so much wisdom to share. And, Livia, please tell us more about who you are and what you do.

LIVIA: Certainly. Hello. As you mentioned, I am a Women's Holistic Health Coach, yoga teacher, therapist, spiritual mentor. So, yeah. And I... Well, in my work, in the context of integrative, trauma-informed framework, I am actually weaving together the ancient wisdom with the modern science and integrating different facets, different elements, different parts, and dimensions of our being. Meaning that in my work, I'm using tools that are integrative in nature, body, mind, soul... So psychosomatic, you know, psycho-emotional. So, yeah, so it is very holistic.

SAMIA: Yeah, yeah. I love that about your approach. And I do the best I can in working with my people to also use a holistic approach because it's just so important. Our body, mind, spirits, I mean, everything's so interconnected and interdependent that it's really challenging to try and help somebody without using a holistic approach, honestly. So I really appreciate how you do also recognize that and use the more holistic approach. Yeah…

LIVIA: Yeah, yeah. I mean, it is the way to go. Yeah. For long-lasting healing and sustainable transformation. Yeah... That's very critical that we look at person, look at ourselves as a multidimensional being, really, that's what who we are. And because we are multidimensional beings, pain is also multidimensional. So in order to heal that, we must look at it as such. You know, like multidimensionality of it. You know, we need to see.

SAMIA: Yes, yes. So a lot of people that you help under, from what I understand about your work, a lot of people come to you at first because they're in pain. Can you tell me a little bit more about some of the main challenges that people come to you with?

LIVIA: Yeah. So, certainly... Well, I primarily serve women, and it is mostly around pelvic back issues. Pelvic back pain because just as you said, everything is interconnected. So if the woman has pelvic or reproductive system disorder or pain disease, it is inevitably interconnected with other parts. And the back is number one that women are experiencing pain with as well, along with the pelvic. Yeah. So. And it is not just structurally interconnected, you know, but energetically. So I work a lot on energetic level, metaphysical, you know, and subtle body work as well.

SAMIA: Yeah. I didn't realize how common back pain was an issue for women in particular. I mean, I've had back pain, now that I think about it. I've had issues with back pain. My mom has had issues with back pain... Now that I'm thinking about, my sister has had issues with back pain. Oh, my gosh.

LIVIA: I mean, who doesn't, right? I don't know anyone who wouldn't have some kind of back issue, you know, and just the sedentary lifestyle itself contributes massively to that.


LIVIA: Yeah. So…

SAMIA: So what you were sharing about, you know, how all our different systems are so integrated, and your other area of where you help women in terms of their health that you specialize in, particularly, is pelvic health. And I think you were saying some. Can you tell me a little bit more about pelvic health? Because I know, like, for me, I was sharing with you before, English is my second language, and I didn't actually fully understand what encompasses our pelvic and pelvic health. When we talk about it, what are we really talking about? Can you tell me a little bit more about that? Get more into how interconnected and how you help, etcetera…

LIVIA: Right, right. Oh, my gosh. I mean, especially the female pelvis. When we talk about female pelvis. Ah, there's so much to it... We could talk hours about this, you know, and mostly people are, you know, familiar with the structural aspect of the pelvis. You know, they would think about the hips and, you know, pelvic bones and pelvic floor structure. So that's the usual way, you know, people would associate with pelvic pelvis. But obviously, it houses the tremendous amount of, you know, these organs within the pelvis and glands and lymphatics and nerves... And so just the lymphatic, for instance, lymphatic plays a major, major role in pelvic disorder symptomology, especially for women and any disease or any disorder pelvic or pelvic floor disorder is due to lymphatic obstruction, lymphatic stagnation. So... But, yeah, and of course there is... Yeah. So I work a lot with a trauma as well. You know, trauma stored in the body. And I use, as a yoga teacher, therapist, I use yoga a lot to re-pattern those patterns of trauma stored in the tissue, stored in and specifically in the female's pelvis because pelvis holds really the feminine wisdom, you know, womb space, right. And when women are experiencing, and it has been obviously, as we know, over millennia, decades and decades and generations of traumas, you know, suppression and marginalization, abuse and exploitation, it's usually goes all the trauma just goes into female pelvis being stored there. And, you know, pelvis is also closely interconnected with a heart. I mean, the womb space specifically with the heart and the seed of expression, throat as well. So, you know, and when there is a heartache trauma, the women experiencing for... Actually, I learned this, which is fascinating, you know, like in order to protect the heart somehow on the energetic level, that trauma actually moves into the womb space. It's more kind of manageable than, you know, her heart. So I have been always fascinated with this energetic and metaphysical mystical aspects…

SAMIA: Now, when you talk about the heart, you are not... I mean, obviously, again, everything's interconnected and interdependent. But in this context, are you talking about like our spiritual heart or are you talking about the actual physical heart and the connection with the pelvis?

LIVIA: Both.

SAMIA: Both…

LIVIA: Both actually. Yes. There is a very, very intimate interplay between both on physical level in terms of the blood, blood flow, blood exchange, blood flow, but also energetically, you know.

SAMIA: You know, what you just made me think about is in the Muslim tradition, the main word that we use to refer to God. Sort of like in the Muslim tradition, when we want to say, God, there's a proper name that is used in the Quran and that name is Allah... But there are also 99, there is total of 99 names by which God refers to God in our holy scripture, the Quran. And some of them have feminine attributes and some of them have masculine attributes. And actually, because Arabic is a gendered language, every word has a gender, even if it's referring to something like a table or a rock word has some kind of has a gender, because that's just the way that the Arabic language works.

LIVIA: Yeah.

SAMIA: And it's very, very interesting. The word, one of the names of God that is most often used and repeated in, in the scripture scripture is it's called Rahman. And in English we normally translate it as the merciful or the most compassionate. But, you know, in Arabic, it's very interesting that that root word Rahman, the root of it, it has a feminine.


SAMIA: Meaning to it or association with it. And one of the root meanings of it is actually womb. And so there is this intimate connection that is that we are being told exists between our experience and ability to be compassionate, practice compassion. Experience compassion and the womb and the, you know, the function that the womb serves. And it's one of the most emphasized qualities of God in the Quran.

LIVIA: Absolutely. Yes. I mean, that's why I advocate so much for a womb space, for a womb wisdom, because it is really a sacred portal. All life emerges from the womb, right?


LIVIA: So it is a sacred portal and also in a body. We're talking about female body. It is, located, you know, in the pelvis, close to the foundational chakras an d energy. You know, many people are familiar with chakras... Not sha chakras, chakras, difference... So that primal foundational ground from where all life emerges, right? And so I am really passionate about I myself. And one of the reasons why I am so passionate and advocate for female pelvic, pelvic floor health and wellness and wholeness is because I myself experienced a wounding in my pelvis. And so I don't want other women to go through that. So especially in my program, my program, whole and radiant holistic path to back and pelvic health, I use all these tools that are helping women to really restore not just that physical health well being, but the whole wholeness, the whole who we are... You know, so…


LIVIA: Yeah.

SAMIA: So, oh my gosh. Because, you know, what you just made me think about is, again, this is related to my Muslim tradition. In the Quran, it is said that, of course, like every verse in the Quran, every chapter has its own beauty and its own power. Different things that you learn from it, right? But when it comes to health and healing, there's one particular chapter that is said to be the most relevant and powerful. So, like when somebody is not feeling well, that's the chapter. The scholars will say, recite this chapter. Let it sink into you. You know, and it's not just about, oh, it's really about learning to embody, you know, whatever you study in the scripture. If you don't learn from it, if you don't embody it, if you don't practice it, of course, then you don't get as much benefit from it, right? Very interesting thing is that the chapter that's related to healing, the most directly connected to healing any kind of pain or illness, it's the chapter entitled the Compassionate, you know, and so it's like the connection between, not just like all life comes from the womb, but there's a connection between the womb and compassion. And there's a connection between compassion and healing.

LIVIA: Oh, yeah, absolutely.

SAMIA: And so it's like both life is emerging from the womb slash compassion, but also healing is made possible through the compassion and something to do with the womb. So that's so fascinating. Oh, my gosh.

LIVIA: Yeah, full circle, right? Yeah. And it is a practice, compassion, right. So, and it's... I would say it really boils down to returning to our source, who we really are. Because, you know, you talk about scriptures and I, you know, I, as a yoga teacher studying the eastern wisdom and teachings, you know, I'm totally aligned with, you know, with your, you come where you are coming from and, you know, scriptures also say that we are consciousness. That's, you know, that's who we are. And moving away from our true essence is the source of all pain and suffering... I mean, you know, obviously pain is real, and pain comes from different experiences and situations and events. You know, it can be physical, very physical, you know, injuries, obviously, and, but, you know, when we talk about disease, thinking about the disease, we cannot forget about mind-body connection, how mind-body are so inseparably interconnected that no thought, no feeling, no, it's all energy, right? So no thought passes through the mind that does not affect immediately the state of our physical body. So. And it, it happens over time. Obviously, it doesn't happen overnight. But when we live in those mental emotional patterns, limiting beliefs and negative and low vibrational thoughts, all that, it definitely will manifest as a disorder. And every disorder really is just a symptom of that deeper core issue. So going back to the consciousness... So when, which I work a lot with my clients around this, like, my work revolves a lot around awakening the bliss body, because unless we tap into that innermost core, innermost bliss body that is a source of all healing, you know, we can do million things, a million therapies, and, you know, approaching the healing from externals, you know, like, yes, then no wonder that many times things are not improving because being in touch with that source while healing within, healing from within, right. I always say, then, yeah, it's most likely won't be lasting.

SAMIA: Yeah, yeah. You know, I never, until just a few years ago, realized the very profound connection between healing, our ability to heal ourselves, and being able to be in that blissful state. I mean, I don't often use the word bliss. I think more about happiness and peace and relaxation. But really, when you're happy and peaceful and relaxed, you are blissful. Yeah, but it's like, so critical for our healing. One of my teacher mentors pointed out that like, we actually were doing various experiments and just like, in terms of experiments with ourselves and it's like, it's like, okay, tense up your body now and try to experience. So this was in the context of some energy healing work that we were learning about and practicing. And you would be like, okay, do this. Tense yourself just by squishing your muscles and your face or some whatever, like just tense yourself somehow at a physical level and then, you know, experience what it receiving the healing energy and versus relax your body as much as possible and experience receiving the healing energy. And it's so different. And actually, once you become sensitive to these things, you can actually feel that when you're tense, it actually blocks your ability to receive the healing.

LIVIA:  Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. There is a methodology to it. It's not like, okay, just get blissed out. There is a scientific methodology to it. And what I have been noticing over and over and hearing, you know, about this, the bliss, the misunderstanding, what bliss really is usually, you know, people think about, I don't know, something from outside. There's something when I get it Or the temporary pleasure. You know, that bliss is often associated with the temporary pleasure. But this deeper dimension, there's a bliss that we are really going after. Bliss arising independently from within because we are divine and forgetting who we are.

SAMIA: Yeah.

LIVIA: Forgetting about, you know, and playing small, especially women... Playing small and, you know, don't even feel that they deserve to be healed or they want it very much. But we got so used to that unworthiness, which is one of the core wounds of humanity and it bridges into exploitation. So we are so used to this conditioning that that is one of the main reasons why we get stuck, you know, as far as the lasting healing goes on…

SAMIA: Yeah, yeah…

LIVIA: But the world is changing and the consciousness is. We are constantly evolving... So I think we are on good track evolutionarily.

SAMIA: Yes. And this is a really excellent point that you raise about how people tend to associate being able to experience bless with things outside of themselves. It's like, oh, if some, by some miracle, everything around me is perfect, then I get to experience bless. But how often is everything perfect around you? Not very often at all... And so if you truly, if that was the only way we could experience bless, I mean, we would be very, very sad people and very not…

LIVIA: Yeah. So it is really about, as I mentioned, there is a methodology to it and intentional conditioning on a regular daily basis, conditioning our mind, our body to consciousness through various practices. And it takes time... You know, first it might be just glimpses, right. Glimpses of bliss. And as we continue bathing in that field that we intentionally create, then those glimpses become longer. Each time. A little longer can stay in it, or a little longer, a little longer, until it becomes always state, you know, and no matter what is going on, just as you say, it will be never perfect, but no matter what, we are anchored, rooted in that state, and it becomes our primary state. Study state... Yeah.

SAMIA: Yes. You know what you just reminded me of... I watch a lot of Indian dramas. One of the dramas that came on tv. This was actually like, maybe two, three years ago, but it was a drama portraying the life and teachings of one of the religious spiritual healers and leaders that emerged in India. This was, I think, in the 18th century... So his name, he was commonly, most commonly known as Sai Baba. And, you know, he was known to have performed many, many, many miraculous spiritual healings for people, sort of, you know, the kind that you hear about Jesus. You know, Jesus being able to heal a leper with his touch or heal the blind, etcetera... These are the kinds of healings that Sai Baba, you know, was also, he became known that he was able to perform spirit, like, heal people spiritually, energetically, etcetera. And so some of the drama portrayed that kind of aspect of his life. But more importantly, I thought they also showed how he was very, very actively engaged in creating social change and involved with, you know, he would, you know, part of how he lived. He basically lived a beggar's lifestyle... Like, he didn't own things. He didn't even have a home, you know, this and that. He lived in ruins. Like, there was no roof, there was no proper walls. And he. And he refused to let anyone build. Like, there were many people who were like, oh, let us build you a home, whatever. But he refused because he. So, because it was part of how he chose to live. And every day he would go out to ask for alms or whatever else that he needed. He would literally go from door to door asking for that aid, for that help. But in the process, that's how he got to know what was going on with the people. Because when he went to their homes to ask for, hey, do you have any food? Or whatever else he needed? They would talk to him about what was going on with them. And so then he was able to help people out…

LIVIA: And so sorry to interrupt you... Just like these days, you know, when they say, okay, go out and talk to your clients and people to find out what are the problems so you can help them.

SAMIA: Yes. Yes. It's so important to have that, you know, one on one connection with people. And, you know, so the relationship that people built with Sai, you know, because they could see and feel and experience that he cared about them and that he knew what was going on with them. He was aware... And in any case, there were, like, some people, not everyone, obviously, was ready to have that level of trust and so forth in him. So some people. I remember there was this one scene in particular that you triggered in my memory where there's this one person who was, like, going through all kinds of suffering in his life, and he was feeling very angry. And, you know, he, this person was experiencing one loss after another, one loss after another... And in this particular Sai Baba was sort of listening to him. He was present with him, but he was also very calm... And he was. And this man was like, how can you be so calm? We have lost this, and we have lost that. And I know you care. You know, how can you stay so calm? And even Sai Baba had a little smile on his face, which was very, you know, like, most of the time when they showed him, he would, you know, be smiling and saying, how can you smile in these times of, you know, difficulty and loss and challenge? And, you know, and I don't remember exactly what Sime said in that scene right now, but I remember it had, you know, something to... Something like the essence of what he shared in that moment was basically that, you know, right now what you're focusing on is the pain and the loss that you're seeing. However, if you go deeper within yourself, you will find that, you know, God is still with us and loving us and taking care of us. And if you can, you know, sort of focus on that, on receiving that love and care, you will find that the problems, the pain that you're experiencing will ease for you you know…

LIVIA: So in a way, it just reminds me the identification, really, it's all about what we identify ourselves, who we are. We are not that lost... We are not that heartbreak. We are not that drama. We are more.

SAMIA: Yes. Yeah. We connect back to the core of who we are. And when you do that, you discover the bless, you know?

LIVIA: Yeah, yeah... So, yeah, so I am all about, you know, I usually say, okay, I hope women break free from the cycle of chronic back and pelvic pain and ignite the inner power so they can heal and feel whole and radiant from the inside out. I just realized I forgot to introduce this message.

SAMIA: This is the good time for you to share that.

LIVIA: Yeah. And it is all about breaking free. You know, I say breaking free from the cycle of pain, but it's more than just back and pelvic pain right. So in a way, breaking free from a cycle, karmic cycle, you know, samskaras, that's why we are here, you know, in this lifetime, at this time to play out and what we subscribe to, you know, to go through lessons that we, you know, made agreement to do so for the sake of that becoming right. Evolution, evolutionaries of becoming who we are. It's coming home. It is a journey of coming home. And, yeah, so the, as far as the female pelvis, it's, you know, and I often say restoring or creating or restoring the body to the state of that sacred, sacred temple of divine wholeness because the body is just a house. The house is our sacred wholeness and divinity right. So we need to take care of it. Our bodies, you know, it's. Yeah... And pelvis is very powerful hub, you know?

SAMIA: Yeah.

LIVIA: That we must pay attention to and restore wholeness of female pelvis.

SAMIA: Yeah, yeah. You know, what you're making me really appreciate about your approach, Livia, is... I mean, there's obviously different pathways for us to take to achieve the kind of healing and happiness and bliss that we desire in our lives. And, you know, for a lot of people, physical pain, physical ailments, whether it's in your back or pelvis or any other area of your life, oftentimes those are the strongest motivators for us to do something to create change in our lives. You know, a lot of times if you're experiencing an issue at a mental, emotional level, if there is like spiritually, you know, that feel of discontentment, a lot of times people feel able to ignore those callings from our inner self, to do something, to change. But when we experience physical pain, for most people, that is a very, very strong motivation to do something, to create change in their lives... And so it becomes a pathway to strive for healing ourselves at a physical level becomes a pathway to healing all aspects of ourselves, really, that is more in some ways accessible or desirable, at least to begin with, for a lot of people than otherwise. And really wonderful that, you know, you have the approach that you do where, you know, you meet people where they're at, and you begin your work with them, with what the problem is that's at the top of mind for them. And then you also don't stop there at the surface level, but you continue to take them deeper and deeper and deeper so that they can heal in this more holistic fashion. It's just... It's really, really amazing and awesome. Thank you so much for the work that you do.

LIVIA: Thank you. Oh, yeah. I mean, I am really honored and humbled, truly humbled to serve in this capacity and being able to serve in this kind of variance capacity. It is really an honor and I'm grateful for it. By the way, I just wanted to say it is very critical to build a strong, stable, balanced foundation in the body, you know, because there are many situations when people want to get into this extraordinary states, spiritual states, you know, consciousness. But if the body is not built strong enough, you know, if the foundation is not strong enough to hold those frequencies right, then it can be even dangerous right.

SAMIA: Right.

LIVIA: So. And I'm all about, you know, I'm all for spirituality, all for ascension, all for, you know, expansion and all that, but we cannot forget about this, this shell, this vehicle that we were given, we chose to embody. We cannot forget to take care of it in that multi-dimensional way.

SAMIA: Yeah, no, you're absolutely right. I mean, thankfully, I personally haven't had this experience because actually, you know, I'm half Indian, and I started out living in India. I mean, my family's moved around over, but for the first so many of years of my life, I was actually living in India. And, you know, so, like, for me, ever since I was even a little child, I sort of had this sense of awareness and of how important it is to be to work with teachers who have experience and wisdom when it comes to your working to grow yourself, improve yourself, especially in the context of spiritual growth. And I emphasize that because, you know, in our modern society, we take so much... It's like when it comes to our. Like, for example, our mental growth, we're like, oh, yeah, of course, send the kid to school and spend years and years being guided by, you know, teachers and, you know, in this whole setup that's designed to help you learn and grow in terms of how your mind works, how your brain works. But why don't we think we need teachers to help us and guide us when we need to learn and grow at an emotional level, at a spiritual level? Is this in some ways mind-boggling, that…

LIVIA: ..yeah.

SAMIA: You know, we don't realize and recognize that in modern society. But in India, the way that at least I experienced my life growing up, this awareness of, you need teachers who have been there and done that to sort of guide you, not just in the context of learning to make your mind and brain work better, but also in the context of your spiritual and emotional health. And so I have done my best to be careful in that context and always be seeking out teachers and guides in that context... But.

LIVIA: ..good for you. Yeah, good for you.

SAMIA: I feel very blessed, but I know so many people that when, who didn't have that awareness and they got themselves into all kinds of trouble trying to figure things out on their own. And a lot of people, like, for example, get caught up in cults and all kinds of other negative things where I had a, I was working with a client who was seriously spiritually traumatized because she thought she was going to be learning some form of meditation or something like that... It turns out that it was all like, I mean, the program that she signed for to learn the, this meditation practice or whatever, it was like somebody just made something up and they didn't really know what they were doing. And they were using this as a technique to, like, actually draw people in, into, like, this complete scam…

LIVIA: Oh, yeah. I know we have to be very careful. People have to be very careful, you know, and that's why it is so important to build that inner resilience, that strong foundation, not just physically, but, you know, emotionally, spiritually, that we don't. We are not susceptible or shaky, you know, and get, get brainwashed with some culture.

SAMIA: Oh, and you know what, you just also reminded me of, like, more specifically because you were talking about building the body's capacity in the context as it relates to spiritual growth. A few years ago, I was hearing about people talking about the kundalini. And there's another word... I think in some other cultures, they use other terminology to refer to kundalini, but it's a form of, like, energy that is housed within our body.


SAMIA: ..some people are like, okay, I want to awaken my kundalini. Activate... And they... And if you don't do it in the right proper manner, you can actually, there's actually a whole thing like, you can.

LIVIA: Yeah... People get... Can, you know, the nervous system cannot, you know, might hold those frequencies and they end up with the mental illness, you know, so it's so, so important.

SAMIA: Yeah.

LIVIA: Know. Yeah... To be under the guidance of authentic, genuine and real, real teacher, real master, you know, because unfortunately, even in a spiritual world, you know, there's lots of scam, lots of shady intentions right behind different, you know, things. But it is so... And I'm so glad you brought it up because, you know, as far as Kundalini. Yeah... It's not good idea to force it. Okay. And we all have it off, obviously, because we are spiritual beings and the consciousness became many, right, including us. So that divine force is within all of us... But it's very important to know and find a proper guidance.

SAMIA: Yeah. So can you maybe, and this might be one of the last questions I asked you because I know you will probably be needing to get going also. But what are some ways in which people can recognize an authentic teacher versus somebody who might be scamming, you know, because I've noticed this in the, in the west, like, people. I mean, in back in India, this was also true. But I think in the west, because people are more divorced from a lot of these practices and like, you know, religion and spirituality, for most people in the west, it's not a part of everyday life and everyday culture in society. For most people, religion and spirituality are more personal things. And so they're not as actually familiar with the more established traditional wisdom and pathways, etcetera. So it can be very challenging for them to recognize who is genuine and honest versus who might be, you know, just pretending and trying to scam you... Like, what are some ways people can recognize the genuine teachers?

LIVIA: It's a very good question. And often time, unfortunately, it's very hard to know what is real, genuine and what is manipulative, right? I personally, I was always trusting my inner guidance, inner intuition, and, you know, listening to that, you know, that was my own experience, that which never lied to me in my own inner knowing. So it's very important to tap into that inner, inner knowing and then be guided by that, you know, when it can be... Okay. People are naturally gravitating towards certain teachers, you know, it's mostly energetic thing, you know, but I personally would keep away from big claims, you know, and I mean, you have examples of such things like, you know, when some gurus are trying to impress people by performing miracles, right? Okay. That's... There is an ego behind it. I am not interested in that personally, in miracles, performing miracles. Of course, there were. There were very rare beings on this planet who would actually perform miracles, but not in such a fashion that, okay, impressing people. The intention was behind it to uplift, you know, help and uplift humanity. So there's differences in that, too…

SAMIA: Yeah.

LIVIA: And, yeah, so…

SAMIA: ..yeah, you just made me think again of Sai Baba and other genuine wise healers, leaders, teachers that I know. And for me, one of the big, I mean, something that you want to be very careful about is when somebody is charging a lot of money, try to suck a lot of money out of you. And also, you know, the moment a lot of money gets involved, you have to immediately be like, what's going on? Double, triple times, check everything. Because, like, a lot of the spiritual, like, the genuine spiritual teachers, they're not interested in money. They know that's the least of what they really need and want and desire in their lives. And, you know, like Sai Baba, I was saying, I mean, he was like a whole different level in terms of living as a beggar. I mean, you don't have to go that far. But certainly, you know, like, I know there's lots of, like, people are paying literally tens of thousands of dollars sometimes to go on these, like, retreats and things. And I'm not saying they may not be genuine or that they may not receive value out of those, but, you know, when a lot of money gets involved, that's a potential red flag.

LIVIA: Yeah. And there's also, you know, when there are some scandals, right. Of well, well-known scandals behind these leaders, whatever.

SAMIA: Yeah, some research. Yeah... I mean, they're, they're well known if you, if you are in the community. But a lot of times for new people, you may not be aware.

And so to do some research, do your due diligence is Google, Google some information about the person and see what comes up and, you know, just be careful.

LIVIA: Yeah, yeah. So as I said, I would go by my own feeling about it and, yeah, and even if, you know, if you get involved, whatever... But, you know, if you really stay true to yourself, what is, you know, to your values and all that, then you recognize very quickly, you know, but it works for you whether it is genuine or not. So.

SAMIA: Yeah, maybe... And the thing is that is also a skill in itself. A lot of people have to develop to learn to…

LIVIA: Yeah, so yeah…

SAMIA: on that first. And, yeah, so last time you, you asked me, Samia, about the tool, right. Like one of the tools and I was mentioning this specific breath work, right. That I teach and I mentor people around, and it's very potent, very powerful, yet incredibly, incredibly healing... So this victorious breath, and it's there's a specific way of doing it, and it has been handed down by lineage... The other thing I wanted to mention about how to know whether this is a genuine teaching, because there is a lineage behind it. Lineage is important. So this particular breath work, thousands have been handed down, you know, thousands of years, and it always... Yeah, I found it. The most powerful is simple, yet the most powerful of all practices and tools I have.


LIVIA: And so to go back to a question, how to, you know, refine that intuition in knowing and just perception. So using this breath, for instance, amongst other, obviously things. But this really helps not just with the perception, refinement, and healing, because it is profoundly oxygenating. It is revitalizing and replenishing and releasing, literally washing away stagnation and toxins, including trauma in the body and, you know, in combination with the somatic and the movement. So it's very powerful and in a very short period of time, can work miracles, really. That's a real miracle, your own breath... So, yeah, so this I would highly, highly recommend for anyone and everyone to practice, and obviously, I can help with that if people choose to. Would choose to, you know, to step into that work. But anyway, so I just wanted to mention this because…

SAMIA: Thank you so much for that. I have a deep, deep appreciation and love for breath work myself. You know, it's... It is one of the most fun and easy ways, I must say, to learn to connect with ourselves more deeply. I mean, we all have to breathe. I mean, we literally cannot survive for more than a very short amount of time without breathing. I remember one of the teachers quote something he says, "If you can learn to control your breath, you can learn to control your life."

LIVIA: Yes. And I would add, if you learn to surrender to the breath breathing you, which is none other than God itself, breathing you, if we learn how to surrender, because that's. That is ultimately practice of surrender, and from that comes that compassion. So, yeah, I mean, I have been practicing this for over 30 years, and you can see I am just so thrilled about it because it's never-ending exploration and the subtleties. It's not just breath YouTube for five minutes. No, this is lifelong journey, that this is one of the potent tools that can actually get you connected and embodied in the bliss body. Bliss self…

SAMIA: So true. So true... Oh, my gosh. I could keep talking with you forever and ever, Livia…

LIVIA: I know. We have a good time…

SAMIA: Oh, gosh. Okay, so just for today, let's wrap up... In wrapping up, I would love for you to let our listeners or audience know some ways that they can get in touch with you and so they can continue to learn with you.

LIVIA: Yeah, thank you for that. And thank you for your work, Samia. his is very much needed in the world, your work. So thanks for that. So, yeah, listeners could maybe check out my website. One of you know channels,

is one of my website. Another one needs to be re aligned, but otherwise, I am on Facebook, Olivia Suver, on LinkedIn as well. And I am offering at the moment a handful of free breakthrough sessions rating to you. Breakthrough sessions, 60-minute breaks through sessions. So I don't know if you will be posting that link to my calendar or not, but that is probably the best way to get in touch with me.

SAMIA: Yeah. Yeah. Thank you so much for offering that wonderful gift to our listeners, this opportunity to get in touch with you, with the Radiant You Breakthrough sessions. And I'll definitely make sure I drop that link in the show notes along with the links to your social media and your website so that people can get in touch with you whatever way is most easy for them and that feels most relevant to them in the moment. So we'll definitely do that. And yes, I would definitely encourage all of our audience, as my last reminder to you, to check the show notes and connect with Livia whenever you feel ready and wanting more help and help and support. And yeah, you know, I get excellent, excellent vibes from Livia. So based on what my heart guides me to, I recommend Livia very, very much. Thank you so much. And until we connect next time, I wish you lots and lots of peace and joy... :)

LIVIA: Thank you so much, Samia. And likewise, I am deeply honored to be here with you...

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Samia Bano, Happiness Expert

Samia Bano is the #HappinessExpert, author, speaker, podcaster & coach for coaches and healers. Samia is most known for her book, 'Make Change Fun and Easy' and her #podcast of the same name. With the help of her signature Follow Your Heart Process™, a unique combination of #PositivePsychology and the spiritual wisdom of our most effective #ChangeMakers, Samia helps you overcome #LimitingBeliefs, your chains of fear, to develop a #PositiveMindset and create the impact and income you desire with fun and ease… Samia’s advanced signature programs include the Happiness 101 Class and the Transformative Action Training. Samia is also a Certified #ReikiHealer and Crisis Counselor working to promote #MentalHealthAwareness. Samia models #HeartCenteredLeadership and business that is both #SociallyResponsible and #EnvironmentallyFriendly. Samia is a practicing #Muslim with an inter-spiritual approach. As someone who has a love and appreciation for diversity, she is a #BridgeBuilder between people of different faiths and cultures. Although Samia currently lives in California, USA, she has lived in 3 other countries and speaks Hindi, Urdu, and English fluently.

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