Blog: Make Change Fun And Easy

How To Unlock Your Potential Using Soul Power! Carolyn Greenleaf & Samia Bano

How To Unlock Your Potential Using Soul Power!

January 16, 202538 min read

How To Unlock Your Potential Using Soul Power!
Carolyn Greenleaf & Samia Bano

Hit a plateau in your #growthjourney? Want to experience more #SpiritualExpansion and #MindBodySoulAlignment?

Listen now to this interview with Carolyn Greenleaf, #Author, Speaker, Teacher, #Spiritual & #LifeCoach, to learn how you can #unlockyourpotential using #soulpower to achieve your goals and #liveyourbestlife with the most fun and ease!

Discover the journey of harmonizing the conscious, unconscious, and higher self, and how viewing life from a soul’s perspective and choosing compassion can help you find meaning, healing, and freedom in even the most difficult circumstances.

Plus: learn tools to recognize and release the #limitingbeliefs and barriers to achieve #PersonalGrowth, #abundance and success.

Learn more and connect with Carolyn at:

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Full Video Transcript

SAMIA: Hello, Salaam, Shalom, Namaste, Sat Sri Akal, Aloha, Holah, Ciao, Bonjour, Buna, Privet, Mabuhay, and Dzień Dobry! It's really, really good to be with you again and I know you'll be so happy you're joined us because we have a very special guest with us that is Carolyn Greenleaf, who is an author, speaker, teacher, and coach. Welcome, Carolyn…

CAROLYN: Thank you. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your invitation and this opportunity to speak with your audience. Thank you.

SAMIA: Yes. So happy to have you with us, Carolyn. And please tell us more about who you are and what you do.

CAROLYN: Oh, my goodness... I, my gosh, I have been in the kind of the holistic field of so many different things. I've studied many, many different things, and... But lately it's really focused more on the mind and subconscious mind and how all of that interplay plays with your spiritual self and really bringing those pieces together. So I have been in business doing this as coaching and all of this for the last… I think it's 18 years now, so it's been a long time. And primarily now I am... I'm coaching business owners who are looking to eliminate their blocks, the things that are preventing them from the expansion and, you know, the true, deeper power that they are choosing to have and that they are capable of having, you know, as well as other individuals in that too. So I help them to kind of clear the way that's actually within the self, as most people now have realized, and how it affects the external world. So I love this work. It's just absolutely amazing. I'm just constantly studying and learning new things, and I just love it.

SAMIA: Oh, yes, I love it too. And, you know, one of the things I really, really, really appreciate about your approach is how you're connecting the awareness of the spiritual side of things with how we are experiencing our life as humans, you know, in our world. And I really, really, really appreciate it because, you know, in the last few years, actually, that's sort of where my journey has also been taking me, both personally and professionally. And it wasn't really until I started to become more aware of these issues, first of all, for myself, and started to really work on it for myself and then started to experience the difference that it makes for myself, you know, I had not been able to appreciate before then just how important it actually really is. It's like there's something about when you don't pay attention to the spiritual aspect of things, you hit a sort of plateau, you know, and you're like, I want to go deeper, I want to go bigger, but you can't do it somehow.

CAROLYN: Yeah, you know, that is the issue that everyone had is we've actually been taught. And it's just, it's within our cultures and society. It's in our genetics, you know, that we were entrained really to separate the two, the two worlds of ourselves, right. Our... Because I come from the perspective that we are spirit. Everything is spirit. Everything has some form of spirit within it. And we're, we're in relationship with all of that. And so, you know, we have been taught, and there's reasons for that too, because it's the way that we learned. So we are here learning through experiencing the opposites of our truth, the opposites of ourselves. And in that journey of that discovering, of saying, you know, that doesn't really seem right. Why isn't, you know, why isn't my life working? You know, and, you know, especially when we are... when we disconnect the two worlds, you know, that spirituality as it is belongs in this place here, and your work and your physical life is over here, you know… and that's been the problem. So it's connecting the two. Because when we are not really aligning with our truth, our deeper truths, then the answers that we are looking for in our physical reality are only coming from our mind. What's in our mind. Our mind is like a computer, so it only computes what it has already experienced... It has no capacity to see beyond what you have already experienced or beyond what is known. And that's where the higher self comes in. You know, that... It's your other half of your brain, let's say, or your mind, you know, it's the higher mind. The mind, the part of you that sees all these amazing possibilities and will actually connect you with all those possibilities. We'll do all the work for you. But we get in the way when we. Because again, this is how we're raised, right? Is, well, you know, you have to think logically. We go in our brain, in our mind and our conscious mind, and we try to figure it out.

SAMIA: Yeah.

CAROLYN: And that's why we don't get, we're limited. It's very limiting…

SAMIA: Yes. 

CAROLYN: So it's, you know, we have to retrain ourselves, retrain our mind to just say, you know what? Our mind is brilliant, really brilliant when there's so many things but it also has certain limitations.

SAMIA: Yeah.

CAROLYN: Things that it's not really designed to do. So if we can just use our physical mind to make our choices, to say, okay, this is a goal that I would like to have in my life and then give over the how it's going to come together to the higher mind…


SAMIA: Oh, it's interesting that you say that in some ways, I might have framed things in the other way. So tell me a little bit more... So when you see make the choice, the what you want to do or like the goals that you want to start with your mind, and then leave the how it's going to happen to your higher self... Tell me a little bit more. Because, you know, the way that I've been practicing things, I think of it almost like, you know, for example, just this morning, one of my, you know, elections... By the time you, our audience are going to listen to this podcast, elections in America will have been over. But right now, when you're recording, we are still in the midst of election season. And we were, like, trying to figure out some of the props and measures and who to vote for. And there's, like, one or two that were, like, proving very tricky for us to figure out because there were, like, very strong pros and cons on both sides of the argument for a particular prop. And so ultimately I was like, okay, you know what? I've done enough thinking. I'm just going to ask my heart and see which way to go. And so that's what I did, and I made my final decision. And that way I chose my... And I mean, that's just one example. But a lot of, like, throughout my day, as much as possible, when I think about what do I want to do, what do I... What direction do I want to go in? I am tapping in and connecting with my higher self and asking for guidance. And then I let my brain sort of take over in terms of actually moving me to do what I need to do to make it happen. So I'm wondering if you're saying something different or if you're just expressing something that sounds different but is not…

CAROLYN: Well, yeah, it's about training your physical mind to take its... I don't like the word orders, but to take its cue to take the instructions, to get the instructions from the higher mind.

SAMIA: Yeah.

CAROLYN: Okay. And the way that we do that, because the higher mind, or your soul, your spirit, communicates to you through your feelings, you feel about something, right. So when it's coming from your higher mind or your soul, your spirit, it's going to feel this excitement about it or this passion. There's just going to be this, "Oh yeah.", it's something deeper. It's more... It's an expanded feeling versus the feelings that are generated through your ego self, your unconscious minds, limiting beliefs. Okay, so, so yeah, it's... You know, definitely what you do was perfect. You know, going into your heart and just seeing, you know, what feels, what feels more in alignment, what feels like it's a higher vibration, you know. It just, you know, it's kind of like we're talking about vibrations. The vibration or the, the quality, the frequency. Like in a radio, you know, that you get more, more tuned in the, the feeling of joy and bliss, right. That is really a high frequency, right. Love, all of those things, you know, and then you have appreciation and excitement and your passion. Those are all very high vibrating frequencies. So always choose the choice that feels a little bit more... You know it, because it's tuning into your frequency is what it is. Because we feel excitement and joy because it's like that's our song on the radio, you know, and we've been out of tune... When I was writing my book, Reentering Eden, reclaiming our wholeness and divine truth… and it has nothing to do with religion at all. It's just the way that the book and the name came to me, which is a whole other story. But anyways, you know, I was told through spirit that we're actually like our own… we're song within the chorus of creation, within the orchestra, the grand orchestra. And we each have our own song to play. And when we are in tune, then we feel the flow. We feel our unity and our oneness with creation and with everything in our world. We just feel this connection, that's just magical. And that's when things really start to flow in our life and really the pieces start to come together because we're not stopping things by saying, well, wait, like, what's does my mind say? This doesn't make sense. It's not logical. Well, you know what, when you, when we talk about the higher mind, the higher mind and soul, spirit, it goes with the flow, right. If you think about flow, being in flow, being blind, it's not a straight line. It's not going to be electric. It's going to… if you think of a river, it ebbs and flows. So it'll take some different directions, but these different directions are also places or things that you need to experience. It's like, okay, you guys get this piece first. You have to connect with that person over there. I know it doesn't make sense, but if you really tune in, you're going to feel that there's. There is something there. There is something there when you're tuning into the heart, to the higher mind. And you know, even though the mind will say, well, that makes no sense, that's not part of my journey. Well, guess what? Sometimes, like I said, it could be a person, it could be whatever it is. So we always have to allow for that ebb and flow. But if we're in tune, we'll know. Okay, I know it's part of the journey. I don't know what it is. And I'm just going to be okay with. I'm going to relax and I'm going to surrender to it. And then when you surrender, then it starts to make sense. And then you make a connection or you learn something new that you didn't know before, or you are clearing a limiting belief that you, that you could not... That was stopping you from advancing to that.

SAMIA: Yeah, I love both analogies you made… both with the orchestra, but also the ebb and flow of the river. You know, when I was thinking of what you were saying about the ebb and flow of the river, you know, one of the things that happens with how the river carves out its path, which is not always a straight path by any means, it's actually finding the path of least resistance to its destination. And I think that is something so important for us to realize, because when we are thinking from... and planning from our mind, I know I had this tendency where I wanted… I thought that, you know, the path that I could see forward, that I knew, that was the path that my mind wanted to take me on because it gave me a sense of, like, being in control of where I was going and what I was doing… But what I knew to do, what I could see in terms of where I could go, those were by no means the only options. And those were not even necessarily the easiest options, you know, and so that's where, you know, building the relationship of trusting the guidance from our higher self comes in. But to realize that, yeah, you know, that it… Our higher self can guide us to that path of least resistance. Because especially now when we're thinking about making change fun and easy as being a value and a way of life that we strive for, it's just… it makes so much more sense to, you know, follow that not always straight path…

CAROLYN: Right. Well, you know, you mentioned resistance and you know, resistance that comes from the mind.


CAROLYN: That is doing something that's not familiar... And so that's part of the unconscious mind that does not like change at all. It goes back to, you know, when humans, when we were cavemen, cave people, and it was all about survival. And if you did some, if you did something different, it could mean death. It was not safe... And so that's why we will resist changes doing something different. We have this, you know, that's when the fears come up, you know, and I love the analogy of the rubber bands... I hear this from different teachers, but my guides also gave me an analogy too. But I'm going to kind of blend some things here, is that when you are really expanding, when you are aligning to your, your more powerful, expanded self so that you can achieve more in this life, there is... Think of that there's an expansion that's happen, right. Expand. Right... Because that is your nature and you're opening to it. And so when you are asking for something more… more wealth, more love, more, whatever it is… you have to open, you're opening to receive. Okay. And that's your natural state anyways, is to be open. It's the ego that closes us out, you know, but when you're doing this, that resistance, the resistance comes in because it's the unconscious mind says, yeah, I don't know what's going to happen if you open that door. I don't know. Let's just stay safe because we're still alive. So I got to keep you alive. The unconscious, one of the jobs to keep you alive. Okay? But every single limiting belief or fear is like rubber band around you. So when you're expanding, you're feeling that resistance and it's pushing back. And it's your fears that's binding you, holding you back, saying, "No, don't, don't walk out the door". Because you don't know what's out there today, you know. So it's, it's, you know, I find it helpful to understand, to learn to understand, you know, the levels, you know, of the mind, the conscious mind, the unconscious mind, and then how the higher self, how they can all actually become a beautiful team. And that is what is intended to be. And that's one of the things that we are, we could achieve in our lifetime also within what we do.

SAMIA: Yeah, yeah. You know, I have felt that tension so many times, the resistance of, you know, on the one hand, you know, you feel inspired and guided to expand. But then there's the strong resistance that comes in, you know, because you're like, I'm losing control. I don't want to lose control... Tell me more about when you think about bringing all of these different aspects of us into alignment, what that means to you... How do you help your people do that?

CAROLYN: Well, it's funny, tonight I'm actually starting a 12-week coaching program and this is what we're going to be doing as a group because within a group you have the support, you know, of the members and you know the saying, when two or more are gathered, there's more energy there to really make things happen. So how to bring these pieces together, I feel that, understand, be becoming more aware and conscious of these players that you actually have in, within yourself, the different aspects of yourself. And we're not aware of them because we are experiencing within this reality… as I said before, we're experiencing opposites... So this is a dualistic type of experience within this reality. So there's, there's polarities. Always we're dealing with polarities and it's how we're learning, it's how we're growing. But there's always, you know... they're just differences. But understanding both sides of a situation, both that there are two sides of the... And that happen to be the same coin.


CAROLYN: So when we come to a point of understanding that what we judged or beside, is something negative, it actually we can, we can validate it by saying, you know what, this really was a great experience for me because I learned so much. I learned something about myself. I learned how strong I am, I learned how smart I am. I learned, you know, these things that I wouldn't have learned if that stuff hadn't hit me in the face, you know, so it's, and then when you get to that point, you actually come into a place of neutrality so that you are, you're saying there is value in everything. What we, you know, when we get into that place of judgment and see judgment is what separates everything is what's, you know, and when we are, when we separate these different parts of ourselves, these different understandings of ourselves, that's when we are disconnecting from the whole puzzle of who we really are... We're only looking at little pieces and then we are discriminating against ourselves. We're judging ourselves. Well, I don't like that myself. You know, we, the inner turmoil is there. And then of course, it's reflected in your outer world. But when you understand that all of these parts of yourself, they're actually, they're valuable. You're learning from all of them, and they actually do fit together... It's like they're all different pieces of the same puzzle. And the puzzle is you. And the more that you're bringing these pieces together, the more alive you're going to feel because you are tuning into more than what you realized that of who you are and your capabilities and what the world really is.

SAMIA: Yeah.

CAROLYN: You know, it. And it goes on and on, but it really, I feel that the educational piece of it. And then exercises, you know, you've got to, you got to train yourself, right.

SAMIA: Right.

CAROLYN: So there's meditations, there's mind, mindset, you know, exercises... There's a lot of different things. And then of course, you know, the discussion. And then I do have. I'm also NLP Master certified as well. So I have a lot of... I've got many, many years of different, different things that I've learned many different tools to help, to access the subconscious mind, to help unlock those that resistance and to resolve, you know, whatever it is that, where you're not clicking, where you're not... Where you're not able to allow for a more conscious awareness to take place or an expansion in your life or something, you know, and that it's all rooted in fears. So it's really... There is, part of it is also digging deep, trying to find the root cause. Where do these fears come from? What are these things? And then realizing most likely it is, is absolutely not your truth. And so you're using different techniques to release those things and to free yourself to move forward with new understandings, with new aha's, with a better connection with your truth and your own capabilities. So did I... I didn't go too far off…

SAMIA: No, no. What you were sharing, I mean, there's so much there. And I was like thinking about different questions for us to reflect on. You know, one of the questions that sort of came to me, and this is one that I have been contemplating on recently a lot also. And so I'll ask you this one. You know, you are talking about how there's a purpose and a value to everything, both in the, in terms of who we are, the different parts of us, but also, you know, what we experience in our lives, different things for us to learn from that. And the question. And I mean, I think that's a beautiful perspective to hold in life. And I think the challenge that comes with holding that perspective is when you are faced with someone or even in your own life, when you're faced with an experience that is really, really terrible, really horrific. Really... Yeah, I mean, I would use the word horrific. And you know, so in oftentimes, in that moment, you know, you cannot even... like all you can focus on and think about is, how do I make it through? How do I just survive? I mean, maybe something else is possible even in such times. I know some, something else may be possible, is possible if we connect to our higher self and so forth, but for a lot of people that stretch too far and all they can do in that moment is just do whatever they can to just get through it, to survive it, and then you can begin some kind of process to try and find some meaning, create some meaning, look back and think about, you know, like, okay, what did I learn from it? Or what could I learn from this? And even... And then, you know, a lot of people struggle with finding that kind of meaning in horrific things that they have experienced. And one of the questions that, I know we're not talking about any particular religion, we're trying to approach things, we're just addressing things from a spiritual broader, broad spiritual perspective. But it's like, you know, I, I was actually talking with someone and I was, you know, and she's a mom and she, you know, she said, you know, my daughter got raped and that was such a horrific thing. And you know, and she was like, I lost my faith. You know, she used to be a very committed person in terms of a religious faith that she followed. She was like, I lost my faith. I was like, how could a good divine being allow something so horrific to happen to my daughter? And is it really necessary for us to have been put in a world where such things happen and you know, so forth... And you know, and so, you know, having faced something so horrific, you know, how do you even... Is there anything that we can do in the moment of facing something horrific or at least afterwards that helps us to sort of rebalance things, reconnect with our higher self, etc…

CAROLYN: Yes, because... And the thing that keeps coming up while you're talking is you need to regain control…

SAMIA: You, sorry, say you need to regain what?

CAROLYN: You need to regain control.

SAMIIA: Ah, control…

CAROLYN: Which is when you're in... And I know that this is difficult to understand on certain levels, bu... Which way to which angle to take here? So let me just go to. Let's table that, you have to, well, okay, well, you have to regain control. Is there a reason for this. There, There is because nothing happens without an agreement from your soul from it, there's an agreement always. There's an agreement with all, with everything in your life. All of your experiences. They're on. On a different level. You did agree to this because of something, something that you chose to overcome, you chose to heal, you chose to learn through. Okay. And sometimes it is something from another experience that wasn't completed. So there's a lot of different reasons. But ultimately, if you can get to a point where, okay, this happened for me for a reason, okay. And this is not letting anybody out the hook you have to bring it back to, this is about you. It is. Has nothing to do with anyone else. It has a... It is about to. It has to do with that person who felt victimized. Okay. Well, I mean, everyone has to take, you know, the responsibility individually and all of that, but as a person, if you can get to the point where you say, okay, this happened for a reason, so I'm going to own that. I'm going to take responsibility for whatever it is, for whatever reason that I put this in place, even though you're not consciously aware of it, you know that on a higher level, this have to be in place for some reason. And then what I always... Well, okay, let's... I don't want to lose this one point. This one point is... And this is how a lot of my clients have been able to get to the other side of, you know, to forgive someone is to understand that the person who caused you so much harm, that person grew up like. I mean, that's all that that person experiences to a greater degree of pain within themselves. And so it's also kind of trying to get yourself to a level of compassion. How could someone cause that kind of harm? That person must be so disconnected from a source of truth and love and, you know, and, and light, whatever you want to call it, there is such a painful, painful place. that if you can at least get yourself to a point of compassion that, you know, that they experience something horrific themselves that probably happened to them multiple times or even worse on whatever it is. So there, so again, there's a lot of different pieces, and when we start to unplug from all the emotional reaction reactions that, that a situation you know creates when we... And this is where aligning and, you know, through meditation or however you do it. But choosing to look at something, and a lot of this is choice, choosing to look at it from the perspective position of your soul. Can help to diffuse the emotional reaction to a situation, something that's happened, so that you can start to kind of like see some of the things that you're not able to see because you're so reactive. And again, there's a lot of different pieces to all of these different situations. But you know, at the end of the day we, you know, I actually myself, I went through a really difficult, difficult situation for many, many, many years. And I always thought that I was the victim, you know, and I was because victimized in a lot of ways. But I finally came to... I mean, I forgave all of that, but yet I knew that there was still something else. And I finally just... I thought, wait a minute, I've been carrying this anger, this deep anger and this rage all these years while I was raising my daughter. And I thought I made things harder for myself and for my daughter because I was still connecting to that idea that I was a victim. So I let the perpetrator win. But, you know, we let them win when we say, you know, we assume the role of the victim, right? Well, that's one piece of it. But the other piece is, is that. It just, it really blew my mind when I discovered this, is that I, even though I didn't do anything wrong, okay? But yet I chose to hold on to that anger. I chose to hold on to all that, those negative memories and feelings and all of this because, you know, you sometimes you just. It's hard to let those things go. And I didn't realize that how deep they were and how they affected so many things in my life, it was really, you know. There was like this lack there, there was something like holding something, me in place. And I couldn't figure it out. So finally I'm like, I want to try this. And then I was practicing Ho'oponopono, the prayer of forgiveness, chanting it constantly, and I was just taking it deeper and deeper and deeper into all of these different levels of all of those years and the emotional releases that I was having. It just really opened everything in my life because I was so hell-bent on, you know, holding on to all of that anger and all this, everything that I was hurting myself, I was limiting myself in my life. So when I finally broke all of that away, that's when all of a sudden miracles started to happen again in my life and gifts started to come in and flow started to happen again. I thought, oh, okay... It's wonderful. You know, looking back, I just feel so blessed. I mean, and then when you do the deep work, all of those negative feel, they're just, it just doesn't exist anymore. And you're on literally in a different reality. You're on a whole different plane of existence where you're meant to be. Because I'm not holding my, anchoring myself into the past, into a reality that just was not working anymore... And so when we're, you know, when we're doing that work, you know, it just, it's truly amazing. Truly amazing. That's when you start to see those miracles and it becomes, you understand that that is, you know, that is life. That is normal now.

SAMIA: Yeah, yeah, I hear what you're saying and what you said also about, you know, needing to regain control. I really appreciate what you were saying about trying to see things from our soul's perspective or from a soul perspective as a way to allow us to have a different perspective, that actually when, when you take on that higher self-perspective, you realize, "Oh, oh, okay, okay, yes, I am still in control. I can still be in control". And, and you actually reminded me of the teaching in the Bhagavad Gita, which is, you know, the Indian, I mean, one of the four Hindu scriptures where, you know, it teaches the lesson of, of how our souls are indestructible, you know. So in that the teaching is, you know, no matter what happens to your body, you know, when you connect with the reality of your soul, you know, you realize that your soul cannot be harmed. I mean, in terms of, like, no one can kill it, no one can injure it, this or that... And so at a soul level, you know, you continue to be safe and loved and taken care of by the Divine Source through which, you know, you emenate. And so, you know, that's like a whole different perspective and level at which to become aware of your existence.

CAROLYN: Absolutely. And you know, I also you know, when you can really awaken, align yourself, align your mind, your thoughts with your soul self. Okay, you are feeling that support from the universe. You are feeling that love, you are feeling that expansion. You're feeling so many different things and seeing everything from a completely different perspective that you literally cannot be harmed when you are aligned like that. Okay. But the moment that Something triggers you and you leave. It's kind of like you leave that space because it triggered a reaction from you, a negative reaction that's, you know, of course, indicating that you have... There's something within your unconscious mind that is being triggered, that needs to be triggered, of course, that you need to heal it. But if you stay out there, out of alignment, that's when you are experiencing pain. That's when you're experiencing difficulties. That's when you, you're not finding the answers. You're experiencing restriction, you're experiencing limitation, you are, you know, you're being victimized, all of those things.

SAMIA: Right. And the idea that there's value in that also, right. That we are... So, you know, I think one of the things that had confused me is because, you know, like, I grew up in India, and so I had... But I never studied like, the, with the philosophy and the spirituality in any systematic way. So I would get little bits of information, you know, from here and there. And so one thing that I didn't realize is that on the one hand, yes, it's true, our souls... Well, from this perspective of Indian spirituality, our souls are eternal. They cannot be killed. They cannot be harmed by anyone else. Like, you can't be stabbed. You can't be, you know, like cut or whatever. But that doesn't mean that our souls are perfect. It doesn't mean that our souls are all knowing. You know, like our souls are going through a journey of learning and growth. And so actually, the things that we experience in this life in our physical bodies, it's actually to help our souls learn and grow. And so when we slip back into these moments of experiencing pain or feeling victimized and so forth, it's because there's something that our soul is needing to learn. And so, you know, it's actually, that's why it was not able to stay in that higher consciousness. It slips into, you know... Yeah.

CAROLYN: Yeah. But then the key is, is becoming aware, becoming conscious of.

Well, wait a minute. I need to take care of this. I need to go through with learning.


CAROLYN: Learning what it is, resolving it so I can come back.


CAROLYN: Really is. So many people. They are so used to. And it's actually a comfort for them. It's become comfort to be in that pain state, that's normal. And so sometimes they're longer than they need to be, and they don't even feel... And so they're in the goal, you know, and so learning to recognize, 1"Oh, wait a minute. Okay, I'm experiencing this. Okay, I'm gonna go through the steps of resolving this and come back into alignment". Because then you've got, you know, you achieve the piece, the prize, whatever it was that the reason that you got triggered and you went through the experience, you bring that, and that becomes a stepping stone down to your next level of understanding expansion.

SAMIA: Right.

CAROLYN: Yeah. So, I mean, too many... I see too many people staying outside there, staying in that misery.


CAROLYN: You know, having the, you know, the capacity for ________ in on some level to get back to center, to come back, you know, to do the steps that they need.

SAMIA: Yes, I see that a lot too. I see that... And I have been there myself also, where you just get so caught up in like, one of the times that I know I actually refused, knowingly refused to get out of my own emotions was when I was feeling a very strong feeling of righteous anger, or what I labeled or chose to think of as righteous anger. Because I was like, "No, I'm totally justified in feeling this anger, this righteous anger, and I will not let it go." Oh, but you can only hold on to it for so long. Like you were saying, Carolyn, although you, I'm sure, experienced it in a different context than I experienced it. But yeah, the anger, it is like that force that on the one hand, it can be really fueling you to do this, to do that, to, you know, take action, etc, but on the other hand, it's a something that's at the same time burning you up. And there's only so long that you can keep it burning without, you know, destroying yourself or burning yourself out.

CAROLYN: I had an experience, this was several years ago while I was going through my spiritual awakening. But it was a time when I was real, very, very connected to my spiritual guides and they were teaching me different things and I felt like they were pushing me too hard and I would stop and say, you know, I'm only human. You know, I know that you, that, you know, that I'm this, you know, this capable soul, this very powerful soul. But I'm here having a human experience and you just don't understand. And something happened where I blame them for pushing me too far. And I was so angry, so angry. But it was the first time that I experienced. They triggered a rage, a deep rage inside me that I've never allowed myself. I never thought it was okay to be angry. So it triggered that in me. And on the one hand it felt good. And on the other hand, during the night they came and they were was this beautiful healing taking place and I felt so wonderful. I was open, expansive. I was feeling so wonderful. And then I recognize, I'm getting conscious and I'm like, it should be nice. And then I'm like, I'm not done being mad at you. I am not done. And to me it was hilarious because here I was being offered this amazing spiritual healing and I refusing because my ego self was saying, no, I'm still mad at you. A five-year-old saying, I'm not done with this yet. Let me feel this, let me experience, experienced this. And that's really what I was saying is, I needed to experience it for a little longer.

SAMIA: Yeah…

CAROLYN: You're not off the hook yet though, because, you know, but for me, I never felt brave enough to be angry with a physical person. If this, I know this is going to sound strange, but for some people, they never allowed themselves to experience anger.


CAROLYN: And so when you're in this safe cocoon where your spiritual guys who have no, they just love you unconditionally, just you can do anything, you know, and so it was just this perfect container for me to finally experience something that I was too afraid to experience in my physical reality.

SAMIA: Yeah.

CAROLYN: And so that opened the door to other things. But yeah, but we can be so funny, can't we?

SAMIA: Yes, yes. And you know, we gave the example of anger. But I know people, for example, who will hold on to grief, like when they lose someone that they love because they think that's a way for them to hold on to the person that they loved so much. And you know, there is other emotions, another context where, you know, we can be like, no, you know, I want to continue to feel this for longer. And we're not ready to let go until we're ready to let it go.

CAROLYN: Right, right. But we do all need to come to a point. We have to recognize when it's enough. Because if I continue this, it's going to be a really big problem and it doesn't need to be. So…

SAMIA: Yeah.

CAROLYN: And grief is really difficult. Letting go of the past is very difficult. You know, but again, when you're aligned, then you're able to align with other souls as well.

SAMIA: Yeah.

CAROLYN: Living or those who have past the physical experience. And then you feel their, your eternal connection with them and you continue your relationship. You know, different level, but. And often times you can have a closer relationship with someone that you, someone in your family that you couldn't get along with and then they pass and then you make that connection and then now you're connecting with the authentic version of them who is, you know, one of your greatest fans or there to help you. So it's really, really interesting.

SAMIA: Yeah.

CAROLYN: But you know when people are needing to... And this happens when you are growing, when you're moving into another level of expansion personally or professionally, is that sometimes you feel like I've got to leave parts of my past behind that I don't really want to.

SAMIA: Yeah.

CAROLYN: But it's more of an attachment. These, they're ego-based attachments.

SAMIA: Yeah.

CAROLYN: And... But what you can also do is you can also connect to the other, another reality where you are, you have already arrived at this, at your goal or this expansion that you want in your life. And you can see sometimes those people from your past and your family know that you'll actually see them. You can see them... That means that they've also. There's a part of them that has chosen to do, to be part of that with you. And you'll experience that in a higher frequency in their higher capacity, if that makes sense. Where you have an even better relationship, you know, and there's more joy to experience going forward rather than staying in the past, you know. So it might seem a little strange, but that is also, you know what happens too, so.

SAMIA: True, true, true. Carolyn, I'm having so much fun learning with you and I know you have to be conscious of time. I know you're busy, you have to go. Ah... So I'm sadly going to have to begin to wrap up for today. Do you have any last thoughts you want to share?

CAROLYN: Oh my gosh. Just, you know, be true to yourself and realize that you are so much more than you could even fathom and to just really, you know, look in the mirror and just give yourself a big hug because you know, whatever you're experiencing, you are you know, you're very brave for doing it. You are... It also means that you are capable of mastering, you are capable of going beyond it. You know, there is just, there's so much for you. And the world really is an amazing place when you align to that deeper truth and experience those realities that are truly amazing. And I do believe that we can experience heaven on earth. And I think it's right here, right now. But it's just a matter of attuning to it. And living, living it. Being it.

SAMIA: Thank you. Oh, thank you so much for that. And further for you, I mean, for our audience. My last word will be to just remind you to make sure you check the show notes because we will be dropping Carolyn's links in there so you can connect with her and continue to learn with her. And until we connect next time, I just wish you lots and lots of peace and joy... :)

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Samia Bano, Happiness Expert

Samia Bano is the #HappinessExpert, author, speaker, podcaster & coach for coaches and healers. Samia is most known for her book, 'Make Change Fun and Easy' and her #podcast of the same name. With the help of her signature Follow Your Heart Process™, a unique combination of #PositivePsychology and the spiritual wisdom of our most effective #ChangeMakers, Samia helps you overcome #LimitingBeliefs, your chains of fear, to develop a #PositiveMindset and create the impact and income you desire with fun and ease… Samia’s advanced signature programs include the Happiness 101 Class and the Transformative Action Training. Samia is also a Certified #ReikiHealer and Crisis Counselor working to promote #MentalHealthAwareness. Samia models #HeartCenteredLeadership and business that is both #SociallyResponsible and #EnvironmentallyFriendly. Samia is a practicing #Muslim with an inter-spiritual approach. As someone who has a love and appreciation for diversity, she is a #BridgeBuilder between people of different faiths and cultures. Although Samia currently lives in California, USA, she has lived in 3 other countries and speaks Hindi, Urdu, and English fluently.

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