Blog: Make Change Fun And Easy
Spiritual Insights to Money Mastery...
With Andrea Petrek & Samia Bano
Does your #RelationshipWithMoney tend to be challenging and emotional? Want a #moneymindset that makes it #funandeasy instead?
Listen now to this interview with Andrea Petrek, #MoneyMastery Coach, to learn key #spiritualinsights that will allow you to #healYourRelationship with money and #BreakThrough the limiting beliefs that hold you back from #TrueWealth and abundance!
Learn how to avoid slipping into hoarding tendencies and embrace conscious, loving expansion to #makemoney flow into your life with #funandease.
Learn more and connect with Andrea at:
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#moneymatters #MoneyMadeEasy #moneyissues #liveyourbestlife #spiritualguidance #spiritualexpansion #moneymindsetshift #MoneyMindsetMastery#ConsciousnessShift #abundancemanifestation #AbundanceFlow #AbundanceMindset #MaterialConsciousness #GratitudeMindset #LetGoOfJudgment #AlignedWealth
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Full Video Transcript
SAMIA: Hello, Salaam, Shalom, Namaste, Sat Sri Akal, Aloha, Holah, Ciao, Bonjour, Buna, Privet, Mabuhay, and Dzień Dobry! It's really, really good to be with you again. And I know you'll be so happy you have joined us because we have a very special guest with us and it's Andrea Petrek, and she is a Money Mastery Coach. Welcome, Andrea…
ANDREA: Thank you... Good morning. Good evening, Samia. I know it's a nighttime for you and thank you for having me. Thank you so much for reaching out and inviting me to your show. I do so appreciate that. And thank you for the greeting at the beginning. Like, you did such a great job in welcoming everyone in all those different languages. And I just started crying when you, when you started doing it because it's just so amazing how such a simple world as a hello in in many different languages can connect the world. And I'm just so, so happy and so grateful that, you know, it's exactly you who is doing the job right now, connecting the world and, you know, just bringing us all together in this way. And I'm just so, so thankful for you…
SAMIA: Me too, Andrea. I'm so thankful to have you with us and I'd love for you to please tell us more about who you are and what you do.
ANDREA: Yes, my pleasure. So my name is Andrea Petrek. I'm a Money Mastery Coach. And I haven't been a money mastery coach for my entire life. But I started as a career coach, actually maybe six years ago, roughly. I used to be a lawyer by profession. I worked for a multinational corporation. I have like international background. All those crazy things that you can imagine when you are young and you think they are important for your life. And at around age 30 something I started realizing corporate world is not for me. It's not my way how I want to be living my life or what I want to be contributing. And I felt a strong calling to be helping people in a different way. So I started my own business. I was a career coach. Then I shifted into empowerment coach. And last year, around August, I actually shifted my business completely and I started doing money mastery. And the very reason for that is that I started connecting to the consciousness of money. I started channeling consciousness of money for those viewers or listeners who don't know what's channeling. Just imagine you're getting messages or you're getting ideas from the consciousness of money. I do believe everything is consciousness. You might call it energy, you might call it frequencies, you might call it God, Universe, Bliss, Divinity, whatever you like. There is no difference. I believe God will not get upset if we call that energy instead because because it's just something that is larger, bigger than us, than we can imagine, and it's way, way more powerful than we actually can imagine. And it's actually creating the worlds. So that part which is called consciousness of money, is what I've been tapping into. And as you can imagine, there was a reason why, why it was money specifically. It's because money is a heavy topic for many people, can be challenging and very emotional as well. We started talking about that Samia right before, before the interview. And I started being really teary already before the interview because all the emotions from years, and I'm not talking couple of years, I'm talking thousands of years that humanity exists. And since we started exchanging values in whatever way, and we could call the stones that we were exchanging as money. Since then, money had been a heavy topic for many people. And the scarcity might be deeply integrated in our DNAs, in our systems. And this is all coming up even now, these days, like in this era, for us to literally heal those negative emotions, those aspects of that divinity. Because money is energy, Money is divinity. You might have, dear listeners, you might have issues when I say money is love, but money is truly love. Because why would not money be love if everything is just made of energy, everything is divinity, why money would be excluded out of that? You are divinity, I am divinity. The, you know, the mouse or the cup I have is, is made out of consciousness. I'm using the word conscious. But you can just substitute that for energy, for love, for what you like. And it is so important, especially when talking about money, to be realizing that money is no different. And money is also love. And it's a tool that we could be using and we can be doing a lot of good things. There's no need to be scared of money. And yet we all might have some old unworkable beliefs around money. How much money do we deserve, how we make money, how we receive money, whether we are actually worthy of receiving money, all those things, they are deeply connected to the consciousness of money. And now it gets to be released and transformed into love. Because there have been a lot of misunderstanding around money, a lot of misuse around money as well, because people thought they had to do different things to earn money. And now that all is kind of like coming up and it's going to be transformed into love. And this is what I'm doing. This is the job that I get to do…
SAMIA: Thank you so much for taking on that job, being willing to do that job. Because a lot of us, we may feel called by our hearts and souls to do something, but not every one of us has the courage to take on the calling. I know there have been times in my life when I have felt a certain calling and been too scared to take it on. I hope I'm getting better and better at answering the calling of my heart and soul, when I hear it. But it can be challenging for us. And part of that is tied up with money issues or our relationship with money, right. Because… you know, when I think about money, you know, I really think about, I mean, in some ways, you know, the word money, the way that people in general, as we have come to understand it in a, especially in a modern Western context, you know, we have lost so much perspective on what money really is, you know. And a lot of times there are people doing just very crazy, harmful things for the sake of, or hoping to acquire more money, as it were. But I think, like, you know, that really has a lot to do with our having lost sight of what money really is. And like you said, if you think about it from a spiritual perspective, it cannot be anything but love, because truly everything is created in love, created out of love. It is love. It's an expression of love. And so there's no way that money would be excluded from that.
ANDREA: Yeah, yeah, absolutely. There's no difference between money, the essence of money, or the consciousness of money, or for example, my mobile phone, right. And if you imagine mobile phone is just a tool, right. It's a helpful tool for many, but it could be used for mean purposes as well. I could just do a lot of harm. I could just like hit someone over at their head with my phone or call them to bully them or whatever. And it's just a tool and it doesn't make the phone good or bad, right. It's just a tool and it's up to the owner, what do I going to do with that? What am I going to do with the phone? The same is with money. If I'm a good person or I want to do good things, I'll be doing so many good things in this world. But if I'm a mean person, I can just do harm if I want to.
SAMIA: Yeah, yeah. You know, one of the words that you mentioned and the ideas that you mentioned earlier was scarcity. And when I think about that idea of scarcity, but also the other side of the coin of scarcity is abundance. I think really a lot of times when we're talking about money what we are really talking about is our consciousness around scarcity and abundance. And you know, what makes people so challenged in their relationship with money... I think at the core of that is that, you know, the scarcity consciousness is so high or they're so, we're so enveloped, you know, in our sense of scarcity and we don't have enough connection with the abundance side of things.
ANDREA: Yeah, absolutely. It's the, it's a very deep poverty programming that a lot of us holds and it's being literally programmed into us since we were born. And it goes even further, right? Like, the years before, like, the thousands of years before when people lived in this three dimensional world. And it's just logical… When I have two apples and somebody takes one apple from me, I'm going to get less. I'm just stuck with one apple, right. And the logic of it is, oh, I will, I will not have enough or I might, I might starve if I don't have more. And so this poverty consciousness has been around for very long and it's… I don't want to say like it's difficult to transform that, but it's really, really ingrained into us. It's, for some people, it's telling them like we do live in abundance and there is abundance for everyone. It's like telling them you can grow a pair of wings and start flying. It's so, it just so contradicts what we know about ourselves and the world. So it can be challenging to transform those beliefs because many people will go, but my logic will not allow for me to go there. Like, I literally see my bank account. I see the money I have, when I pay for something, it's gonna go down. And I see how it's like lowering my resources literally. And that's the poverty consciousness. And the only way how to overcome the logical mind because it's so logical… It goes like two minus one is one, is less than two, right. So the logic will not respond to logic. You cannot overcome that logic by logical arguments. Only spiritual way can bypass that logic. So it actually goes and okay, I do like it's silence. And it gives way for the hard way, for the coherent way of the spirit rather than the heart called logic. There's no other way. That's why money consciousness transformation needs to come from the heart, not from the mind.
SAMIA: Yeah, yes, yes. You know, you make me think about teachings of various faith traditions, religious Traditions. Right now I'm thinking particularly about my Muslim faith tradition. But I know that this is a teaching that's present in other faith traditions as well. And it's this idea of, you know, like, for example, when we, a lot of times it comes up in the context of talking about charity and what does your faith tradition teach you about charity… So, you know, for Muslims in Islam, giving charity is actually one of the pillars of our faith. It's considered a pillar of faith. And it is said that every person must give of what they have. And there is actually a saying of the Prophet Muhammad that, you know, he said even your smile can be charity. And so there's no excuse for someone to be like, "Oh, I'm too poor to give". No, everyone has something to give. And it's a question of being aware of what you have been given, been blessed with, been gifted with, and to give off that, to share that with others. And the teaching around that also very important aspect of the teaching is that when you give, you actually get back tenfold. And so if you want to increase your, if you want to increase in abundance, you have to increase in giving and sharing what you have. And this teaching is there and it's very much, you know, like it's a very well known teaching certainly in the Muslim community. And yet even with this teaching present in our faith tradition, you see a lot of us still struggling with the poverty mindset, still struggling with the scarcity sense, feeling of scarcity, being afraid, you know, that we don't have enough, you will not have enough, and struggling to connect with the abundance, not being able to really believe, like you hear the words that this is what God has promised, that you give and you'll get back tenfold. But it's one thing to, for your mind, your brain to hear it and another thing for your heart to really experience that reality and to really believe in it and to act upon it. So I know, like, I can, you know, I hear what you are saying about how difficult it can be to change the programming around the poverty mindset.
ANDREA: Well, this is the thing, right? Like and like, for sure, many religions talk about very similar things, right. Like giving and charity and all those things. And we know about them, we heard them at least once in our life as a minimum, right? Like everyone had to hear that. But the thing is, many people don't understand, really, right, because it just goes against the logical mind again. And doing it, like, just doing it for the sake of taking the action is never going to work, right. Like, if I'm still feeling scared and fearful that I'm not going to have enough for myself and I'm doing charity, I'm actually giving from a wrong place, right. Because it doesn't come from heart. I'm probably doing it because I'm fearful, because I think I should be doing it, but I don't feel it. It's like it's just not inside. So where it needs to come from is the internal shift. And the internal shift is going to happen. Like, first you're going to feel it, right, you feel it inside, but it's going to happen when the kind of like mind and heart comes together, they go into alignment and the mind says, oh, we should be giving. And the heart says, yes, of course, right. But then is the shift and the understanding, and there is no attraction between that, oh, I should be giving, but then I have little because then I'm completely on board with all my mind and heart that of course this is the natural way of doing things and I'm gonna be like receiving rewards and I get back tenfold. But it has to be, like, felt and deeply believed as well. If I don't believe in it, it might be just... Well, I might be actually doing just something for the lip service, right. I'm saying I'm doing charity, but I'm not really doing it because the effect won't be there.
SAMIA: Yeah, you know that it's interesting. You know, there is a whole philosophy of change, of course. I mean, there's many philosophies of change, but there is a philosophy of change that, like, how do you make change happen? How do you… like when… if someone is stuck in this one kind of mindset and they need and want to move to a different, more abundant, more expensive mindset, how do you actually make that happen? And so, you know, there is, for example, again, if I may give examples from some religious traditions and fate traditions that I'm familiar with. Even if there, in most faith traditions, there is at least a strain within that tradition that is really focusing on the idea of action-taking. It's like, what do you do? And the belief is that when you do something, when you take some action, it has an impact on how you feel and how you think. And so transformation can begin by just doing the right action. And I think there is definitely something to that. There is value to it. But I also see how a lot of times we get so stuck in doing the action, but then it doesn't seem to connect to the feeling. Like, you know, for example, like, for me personally, I experienced that so strongly when I was younger and I used to perform ritual prayer because I used to really struggle with my mental health as a young person. And, you know, theoretically, what I was taught is that if you pray, you know, then you will feel better. And so I took that very seriously and I said, okay, well, teach me how to pray… what are the rules, the regulations, the method, the process of how we're supposed to pray? And I'm going to follow it exactly, and then I'm going to feel better, you know. And so I was really, like, on that mission of I will learn and I will do, and I did. But I continued to struggle to feel the inner peace and happiness that was promised. And so it seemed like there was some kind of disconnect between, like, that theory of change, for some reason, wasn't working for me, that by doing the right action, you also begin to cultivate the right feelings. So tell me more about, you know, what you have been sharing with us in terms of, like, how do we create change? How do we make it happens.
ANDREA: Yes, yeah, that's a great question. Everybody's like, yeah, what, how do I do that? How do I do it? We want. We want to change... And this is the beautiful thing, like, so many people are craving the change these days, right. Like, we are in a period of time where really so many things are changing for us and we're getting the awareness. And this is the beautiful thing, like, the awareness is rising, and that's the way how to go about those things. So the way how I see it is we literally need to understand the nature of ourselves, who we are, about the spirit, spiritual world, God, the essence of all the things around. And I, like, I'm not saying, you know, like, we know everything. We are very far from knowing everything, right. But like, at least what we are getting, the awareness that we are reaching is already helpful. But first thing is literally understanding, like, who am I? How do I work? Like, what's the spirit? Because when we operate on that human level only, and I see myself as a flesh and body and the mind, and then I'm trying to get logical about things. I can do very little steps, very little improvements. But when I start, understand, this is the example that I said, like the spirit, the heart needs to overcome the, the logical mind, right. So we need to lean more into the understanding to understand that we are spiritual beings, we are soul, whatever you call that we are the energy, we are the same as everything else, as the entire universe, right. The essence of us. And this essence is literally powerful. And this essence is indestroyable and will never cease to exist. And in that kind of sense, everything is abundance. If everything is love, everything is money, everything is abundance, and the abundance is around us, right. But having like heard that for the first time or just just getting to know that is not going to change my life overnight. Because I need to really get that. Because the old programming is so strong, it will contradict me so many times.
SAMIA: Yeah.
ANDREA: Right. I know myself as the, as this body. And I know that if I take a knife, I might hurt myself, right. I'm not gonna believe the knife is what love, what is it? Energy. I can hear, I can hurt myself. I can see that. But we need to get into the understanding that the spirit is the consciousness and consciousness is everything. Consciousness is all around us. We are consciousness. And on that consciousness level, many things can change. Those things that we cannot change or we seem not to be able to change... on that human level, we cannot change. We can change in consciousness because once we start changing the consciousness, the human level or the material level will start reflecting those changes. Because this world as we see it, as we know it, in 3D is just a reflection. You might have heard about that. You know, many people talk about metrics, I'm calling it the reflection. But really it's just a reflection. What's in the spirit and we are in our human body. We are blessed with knowing and understanding and having beliefs. And with those beliefs, we can change the reflection as well. You know, I just, I just want to give you an example, right. Like if I'm thinking about money, let's say if I'm thinking about my financial situation today and I don't feel really good about that, I'm thinking, oh my God, I may not have enough money. What if I'm not getting money? What if I'm not earning? If you're running your own business especially, might be thinking, where am I going to get client, am I going to get paid next month, right. All those worries and those worries, basically they are being reflected on the outside in the 3D world and it's coming to me. And if I'm worrying, I'm getting more reasons to worry. I get another bill, I get another email reminding me of some payments or whatever and I might, like, like the worry will start building up, building up, right. But if I can just a little bit relax about the worry and start trusting into the abundance, into the love, into the eternity, into the power itself. Many people rely on God, right. Like they leave it in the heart, in the hands of God, or they say, please do God, help me. And this is a way how to give your trust into something higher, into something unseen. That's why it's called faith, right. But it's so helpful. That's why it's so helpful. But it's also helpful for us to understand what is going on, actually. Because when I'm changing my beliefs, when I'm changing my vibration, this is what I get to reflect on the outside. If I relax and I feel good, that no matter what, I'm gonna be taken care of. No matter what, I'm gonna, like, be fine. I'm not gonna, you know, be suffering. And I still believe that I'm gonna be, you know, just, just okay. Then I can start seeing those things on the outside. But if I'm worrying and stressing and feeling anxiety, this is what I'm gonna be experiencing more of. And with money specifically, it's so easy to start worrying, right. And it's almost kind of like a natural state for us. Or I need to be worried about my finances, like, all the time. Because if I'm not worrying, I'm not a good person. I'm not responsible.
SAMIA: Yeah, yeah, right. Because we believe that we are responsible for providing for ourselves. I mean, that you know, you earn the money that sustains you, that gets you the food you are able to eat, that gets you the home you're able to live in, that got you access to the power you need, and the influence you need to do stuff in life. It affects who wants to be in relationship with you and how, you know, and how... So we feel responsible for all of that. And if any, if we desire any change in any of that, then again, it's like I... this human person is responsible for making that change happen. And so if I want more, I have to make more money. And so, I mean, when you have that thinking, I mean, no wonder people become so focused and willing to do all kinds of things that harm themselves or harm other people. I mean, even people who are not trying to harm other people may harm themselves by, you know, just ignoring their own needs and working, working, working, you know, you know, to such a extent, such long hours, that it compromises their own health. You know, they don't get enough time to sleep. They don't get enough time to, you know, in enjoy life, to have fun. To nurture their other relationships, etc. It causes all kinds of harm. But they, you know, they're so it's like... And I see this for a lot of men, but I also see this in a lot of women who maybe, for example, maybe single moms, and they are responsible, they feel responsible not only for themselves, but their families taking care of them. And so then it's like, yeah, "No, I cannot be irresponsible. I have to make this happen. I have to make more money." So, because it's not just even about me. My kids are depending on me, my wife is depending on me, you know, things like that. So again, you know, it's just so easy to keep getting pulled into this perspective of, you know, the human perspective…
ANDREA: This is where the confusion comes in, right? On so many levels. Because this is the logical mind, okay, the human level that dictates, "I'm responsible, I need to take care." But if you're relying only on that little human aspect, that is me, this is like, little aspect, right... But there's so much, so much more. That's the consciousness behind. That's the spirit. That's the connection to everything. That's the oneness. And if I'm using only that human perspective, "I'm alone. I need to hustle, I need to rely on my own skills. And I might take a second or third job to provide for my family." But that's where the struggle comes in when we don't realize there's so much more. This is where the spiritual perspective comes in. There's so much help, so much support, so much connection. We were never cut off any resources or support. But when I believe that my job that I do, that I work every day is paying me money, that's a very limiting perspective, right.
SAMIA: Yeah.
ANDREA: And I need to shift that. I need to really see the bigger picture and just see. Well, first of all, my money doesn't come through my employer. The money comes from divinity, from, you know, it's just energy and it's like the way how I see it is… okay, I see somebody is paying me, but it's only coming through the divinity, through that person, through that specific person. Because it's like kind of the easiest way how to deliver me my money. But there are many more avenues how the money abundance can come especially. Abundance, right? Money is just very, very little part of that abundance. I mean, so much help can come from family, friends, community, right. Like, I just remember you know when we had a baby three years ago with my husband and I was just like, I was not worried at all, like, "What are we going to do? Where we going to get the money? Or like, how we going to take care of the baby?" And like, I don't even like we got so many things. Like family, friends, started giving us, you know, their baby clothes, their baby bassinets, the equipment we needed for the baby. I'm like, I'm not kidding you. I'm... When I say like, I probably didn't need it to buy a single thing for the newborn baby when it, when it was coming, right. And I was like, oh my God, this is abundance. This is total abundance, right. And I, this is something we cannot plan for. The logical mind, before I had a baby would not go like, oh, people will give you stuff. No, my mind is not working like this. My mind would go probably, oh my God, we need to buy this, this, this, this, this, right? And then because I totally kind of like let go of those worries and surrendered and let go, it started flooding in. It literally started flooding in.
SAMIA: Yeah. Yeah, you know, I think one of the problems that we can run into in terms of our understanding and relationship with money is that, you know, we don't, I mean, we just think about it in that very narrow context of that piece of paper that has come to mean money in the modern world. But really what we're talking about isn't that piece of paper. We're talking about so much more. When we talk about or think about money and money consciousness and the relationship with money, we're thinking about so much more. It makes me think about, you know, the fact that... You know, this is actually, you know, again, I'll give the example from the Muslim tradition. So in the Quran, which is our holy scripture, there are so many stories of like, so many prophets that, you know, were like people who were chosen to be guides for people. And it is believed that, you know, the prophets are particularly aware, have a particularly close connection and sense of awareness of the divine and the divine guidance and so forth. And so they are really excellent guides for us, for the rest of us. And they're really one of the things also is their models for us to aspire to become like. And so actually, for example, one of... As Muslims, we believe in all the prophets actually that are also mentioned in the Bible, you know, every starting, like Noah, Abraham, Jesus, you know, you name like literally thousand hundreds of thousands of prophets have come and God and Interestingly, it's like there's only one prophet whose story is told in the Quran who is portrayed as being materially rich. All the rest of them that the stories… whose stories have been shared in the Quran are not materially rich. Like, for example, the Prophet Muhammad… there are stories about that we know of his life that are not actually in the Quran. But, you know, as a part of the historical record and memory that Muslims have of when the Prophet Muhammad was alive some 14,000 years ago. And people tell stories about how, you know, he... He had clothes that had patches on them and he would actually patch his own clothes. He would sleep on the floor on a mat that left marks on his cheeks, you know, and, you know, things like that. Like, he was not materially wealthy. Like, in the sense… I used the wrong word… he was not materially… Like, even when, for example, money came, he would give it all away in charity to help other people in the community. And so from that perspective, you know, you could say, "Oh, he was materially not wealthy or he was poor." But in fact, he wasn't. Because anything and everything that he needed and wanted, he was provided for in the sense that, like, literally... You know, like, whatever, you know, like, you know, you… He was healthy, he was happy, he was... He had so many amazing relationships in his life. And even though he didn't, you know, keep a lot of material stuff around him, you know, he was like, you know, clearly, you know, very well sustained. But also, you know, like, he had so much respect of people and so much influence. Like, literally 14,000 years later, 18 of the... No, actually even maybe 2/8 of the world population, you know, are trying to follow in his footsteps and so forth. So his influence has, you know, been that huge, you know, and so... And at the same time, materially, he had very little to no money in his hand.
ANDREA: Yeah. And, you know, I just want to kind of like wedge one thing into that, right. What I believe is that wanting money, like in our society, right… like, in our day and age, many people feel like I shouldn't be greedy. Many people feel like I shouldn't want more money because I might be taken away from someone else, right. If I'm rich, then others are starving or they don't have enough. Because again, it's the logical mind saying to me that if we have one big pie and if I take like three quarters of that pie, there is only one quarter of that pie to be divided between. Like, I don't know how many people, right. So that, that kind of logic will always want me… kind of like not everyone, but many people will feel like I shouldn't be wanting more, I should be just happy with what I have, or I should be happy with less. And I really want to kind of, like, bring the awareness to that. If money, if wealth is, if the pie is also consciousness, it's spiritual, right? How can anyone not have enough? Right? It's like love. And that's why I love equating money to love, because it's easier for us to imagine. Well, I can give as much love as, as possible, right. Like, there's no end to the love because it's infinite. There is no limit to my love or to other people's love, right. But with money, it's so difficult to imagine. That's why I'm saying it can be so challenging to shift those beliefs. But money is the same. Money is the same. And if I have a belief, oh, if I take money from this person, they will not have enough, I will feel probably greedy in earning money. I will probably feel that I'm not deserving to be paid. I'm not deserving to have more than I have already. And I will never get into like two, two different levels with my money or to my, with my wealth, right. But I really want to kind of of say it out loud that being wealthy, it doesn't mean it's greedy, doesn't mean it's unholy or not spiritual. So many. And when I started with my spiritual journey, I have to admit as well, I was this kind of, like, person who was like, oh, being spiritual is so much more important than material things, right. But again, like, why would one aspect of divinity be more important than another aspect? It's like saying my left hand is more important than my right hand. I don't think so... Both hands are needed, equally important. I don't see the division between them, right? And this is, again, saying it's all divine. Having money, it's divine again, it's what I do on that human level with that money might not be divine because I might be hurting people with that money. And because we saw control so much of our lives because of money, and because the control was put over our lives by money, by people who had money. You know, that's why we equal it all. Money might be bad. Money might be the source of all evil. And these are again, those unworkable beliefs that we hold on to with our power to Consciousness and keeping us stuck at the same paradigm where "Oh, men with money control our lives or the world or our society. And I don't like control, so I don't want to have money." This is the subconscious beliefs that we might have. Money is no good.
SAMIA: Yeah. I think, you know, for me the distinction that is coming up that I think is really important for us to make is, you know, like, for example, if I go back to the example of the Prophet.. like, I think the distinction is number one between needs and wants. It's like, what do you really need and what do you really want? And then when you think about, okay, well what I need is, are the things that will nourish me, that will sustain me, that will help me grow and learn the things that I am. You're a spirit to learn and grow into and stuff. Those are all things that I need. And then when we think about things that I want, a lot of times the wants that we have are reflecting desires that are themselves, you know, like, part of the more limited human consciousness and the more limited human perspective. And I think that's when they become problematic in the sense, like for example, if I say, I want, I want the more fancy big house versus, you know, whatever house I currently have. And I mean not… I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with wanting a bigger, more comfortable house, etc, but it's like sometimes what can happen is again, we're just thinking about it from that more limited human perspective of, like, where we think we are responsible for things and so, and for our sustainance and for our safety and for our comfort. And we equate that bigger house in the better neighborhood and stuff with you know, like, I'm doing better, keeping myself more safe, keeping myself more better provided for, better taken care of, etc... And so… But again, it's like this, you know, I like, I am focusing on me and being responsive and, and I'm in that actually disconnecting myself from that love essence that money is that abundance is. Because in striving for what I want in this kind of way, I am also disconnecting myself from that higher consciousness of what money and abundance really is. And I'm trying to get more, you know, like, I'm actually still thinking from a scarcity mindset. I just want more of that buy for myself because there's only so much of that buy. So in striving for more material wealth, I'm not actually expanding my consciousness and my awareness and my spirituality, I'm actually shrinking it, you know. And I think that is what the prophet was demonstrating to us that, you know, he was not playing that game and refusing to play that game to show us that, yeah, you know, that there is a difference between material wealth and material, yeah, having material possessions and stuff and being... And being truly free and being truly abundant and so forth, you know. And I mean, you know, the fact that there is only one prophet who has been mentioned, whose story has been mentioned, who was financially wealthy. But we should not discount that, because, like you were saying, Andrea, the fact that this prophet existed and his story is shared with us is to show us that this is also something possible, that this is also a state we can be in, that we can be materially wealthy and so forth, and we can still be very spiritual and be very spiritually connected and aligned and all of that. So, you know, I... But, you know, the challenge of… it's like such a challenge, I think, that… to disconnect that illusion that we have of material wealth with actual wellness and to break that illusion that you have to have material wealth in order to be well… I think that is what the prophets were trying to help us figure out.
ANDREA: I love how you actually answer your own kind of questions inside, right. Like, you're getting there with your own examples and logic... And I just have to agree with you, right. Like, it just like on the outside, it might look like, you know, like, "Oh, I want a house. I want a bigger house. I want a fancier house in a better neighborhood." Right? Oh, but it all depends where I'm coming from, what's inside, right? I could be coming from total scarcity. Like, I have to have this house because if I don't have it, I'm not gonna be happy. My brother has a bigger house. I have to have a much bigger house than he has. This is all scarcity, right. I need to show people that I'm wealthy. I need to… like, everybody has a house like this. I need… like, all this is definitely scarcity.
SAMIA: Yeah.
ANDREA: Shortage. And there is probably, like, it's just not seeing the love in it, right. And I could be called totally coming from that place. And our society... And I'm not even going into generalization, but many people are still coming from that place even these days, right. Me, myself included. Oh, oh my God, I was so living in scarcity or probably my, the majority of my life, right. Because there was so deeply programmed into me, and so I didn't even see that, that this is what I'm doing. It just felt so natural. Everybody is doing it. Everybody is like this. So I'm like this as well, right. And this is when the shift literally is happening inside. Inside the shift is happening. Because I could be coming from a place of total love, total abundance, total like, divinity for everyone. And I could be going, like, having a more comfortable house. This would be such a pleasure to have. It would be… just feel… I would just feel so immensely taken care of and so luxurious, and I would just be thriving in a house like this. But this is again, coming not from the want... Sorry, not from the need that I need the house. I won't be happy if I don't have the house. This is the need. But if, if I'm coming, oh, it's just a desire that would be a beautiful addition to my life, right… I could host people and family and friends in my beautiful new house and we could all benefit from it. And my children would be thriving in a house like this. And I'm not gonna die if I don't have that house. Nothing is gonna happen to me if I don't have that house, right. This is what I'm teaching to my clients as well. If you come to a place where you go, like, I'm so happy already, like, nothing can be more, can make me more happier than I am already.
SAMIA: Yeah.
ANDREA: Then I don't need a house.
SAMIA: Yeah.
ANDREA: But because we are growth-orientated, like, our spirit, it's based on growth. We are always developing. We are growing. And it's a natural thing for us to want to expand. And so the expansion is happening because of the reality that we live in. And I go like, “Oh, but I would love to have a bigger house. Why not?”
SAMIA: Yeah.
ANDREA: There's nothing wrong with that, right. It's just a reflection of my expansion and it's a reflection of my love as well…
SAMIA: Yes... That's the thing, right? And also, like, I think one of the things that becomes very important for me as I step into that expansion is to do it, like, you said… I mean, it's so important for us to remember, and not only remember, but to realize the love aspect of what money is and what everything really is. Because another way that I think we can become disconnected from that spiritual perspective, from that love consciousness and that understanding of money as love is when we start in our quest for expansion, in our striving for growth, we don't pay enough attention to how... To like, meaning to do it in a way that we continue to radiate and share, you know, like everything that we are receiving, you know, rather than hoarding. And because it's so easy to keep falling back into that mindset and the old habit of hoarding, keeping to myself, unconsciously slipping back into the scarcity mindset. And like, for example, one of the ways that I have been trying to practice in my life avoiding that is, you know, being conscious of, okay, If I'm going to buy this and that thing, how has that thing been made? What's the impact, like, social impact, the environmental impact of how this thing was produced and how it's being used. Because there's so much stuff now that we desire and we've been made to desire in our lives, but also at some levels that we need. Like, for example, I think a lot oftentimes about my phone. Like, my phone has become so critical to my life. It's a critical aspect of the work that I do and how I navigate my everyday life safely and so on so forth. How I connect with other people in my life. And yet in the way that this phone was produced, I know there was harm that was done to the planet in extracting materials that were needed to make this phone. And there were probably people who were mistreated in the factories where the phone was made... And I mean, not only probably, it's a fact, we know that, you know. And so at some point, you know, like, sometimes I'm like, "Oh, no, no", I start taking, like, get freaking out about that… and then I have to be like, "No, Samia. No Samia..." Okay, that, you know, to get back to a point of balance in terms of not taking responsibility for things that I cannot truly change and be responsible for, but at the same time having some consciousness and awareness… and if there is something that I can do to create positive change and reduce the harm that's being done in producing the things that I'm using, then that I want to do that, you know, and so because when we are not... Like, if I don't even think, if I'm not even… if I don't care about the fact that someone else is being harmed, our planet is being harmed to make something that I'm going to use, then, you know, in some ways I feel like we have not gone deep enough in, into the consciousness of love and how money is supposed to be love and is really love. But, you know, then, but then we're not… but we're not going deep enough into that consciousness and awareness if you're not taking care to reduce, minimize, prevent harm in the way that we use money, in the way that we get money, exchange money, etc…
ANDREA: You know, I believe that the divinity is actually love and it's not judging anything, right. In the eyes of divinity, universe, the energy, there is no judgment to what is a good behavior and what is a bad behavior. I know on our human level that might be difficult to understand because we go around and we see those things happening and we go like, this is not a good thing. This shouldn't be happening, right. Or that person does this and they shouldn't be doing it because it's another good thing. But the divinity doesn't… the Source doesn't see it this way. It just sees love everywhere, sees divinity everywhere. And where there are the ways that we don't agree, that we dislike, is just the way how we perceive it, right. And then there is kind of like we don't see the love in it. And because the divinity is not judging, it's almost like, you know, if I was you, if I was to use kind of like God loves all his children, doesn't make difference, right. If you have children, you don't go like, oh, I like this one better than this one. Or it's almost like, like unconditional love, right. And you don't care that child can do something really mean and bad and you go like, oh, but I love them still, right. You don't take away your love just because the child is doing something that you might not agree with. And that's why the love from divinity is so unconditional, because it lets us do whatever we want and it's not judging us, right, for what we do. This is an aspect that when we understand, that shift, that everything is love and from the higher perspective, nothing is judged… When we remove that judgment, it all becomes only pure love. And in that sense there is nothing that is happening actually wrong. But this is a really like hyper higher perspective that doesn't go along with our, like, men's logic, doesn't go along with that, right. But we have to shift. Well, we don't have to. It's an opportunity for us to do so. Because from that higher perspective, you will be embracing so many more things.
SAMIA: Yeah, I hear what you're saying and you know, wow, I think we could have... Oh my gosh.. I think I'm going to force myself to stop talking because I just was looking at the time and we've been talking for almost an hour…
ANDREA: I know…
SAMIA: …my gosh. I think we really, we are starting to hit something that I would love for you to come back and for us to keep talking about because this is a very critical... I absolutely hear you about the unconditional nature of divine love and I agree with you on that. And I also, also hear you and agree with you in the context of the unconditional love... I mean, because it's unconditional, you know, it loves us no matter what. And the non-judgment part… I actually have an understanding around that as well. And I would love to talk to you about that and dig deeper into how you are thinking about it and your perspective on it. Because this is like you were saying, for a lot of our listeners when like particularly the love doesn't judge part will be really difficult to wrap their heads around. So maybe, I don't know, if you come back and we talk about it, maybe…
ANDREA: I would love that…
ANDREA: I just want to, you know, Samia, I just want to add something… like, literally, I'm not here to change anyone's beliefs, right.
SAMIA: Yeah, yeah.
ANDREA: If anyone has religious beliefs, all those things, like, it's perfectly perfect, right, for anyone to have their own opinions. You might not agree, you might not take what I'm saying here for yours. But if there is anything that resonates at least a little bit, like, give it, you know, just question, right. Oh, what if this could be like this and just see whether it sits with you or not. If it doesn't, forget about it. Like, just like leave it, right. If it resonates, maybe ponder, maybe take it for yourself. I'm literally not here to change anyone's beliefs or religion on or anything like this. I'm just here to offer another perspective that might be helpful in terms of just ending the struggle that we go through.
SAMIA: Yes. And this is so key... I don't have any agenda to force change or demand change either. But yes, I do absolutely believe it's so valuable for us to expose ourselves to different perspectives, different ways of thinking. Because you know, like I… there's a saying about how we like what we know… or we love what we know. And so a lot of times what… the things that we reject or that we're afraid of, etc. are just things that we don't know, you know. And so the more we know, the more we are able to have the opportunity to choose to love. So yeah, and I think, you know, what you are sharing, Andrea, this perspective of unconditional love, of non-judgment... this is a very important perspective for us to dig deeper into and just gain an awareness of and then we can choose to do with it what we want. We don't have to take it on for ourselves. But most people are not having that conversation and they don't have opportunity therefore, to even consider that perspective because it's so rare to happen. And so I am so grateful for you and for our having this platform and this opportunity to engage in these conversations that people may not be able to have other spaces and other people to engage in with. So thank you again Andrea for all the time, and wisdom, and love that you have shared with us today. And I do hope you will come back and we'll keep talking. And in the meantime, I want to encourage all of you who are listening to make sure you check the show notes because you don't have to wait for another episode to be released on this show to connect with Andrea and learn more from her. Whenever you feel ready for that, just check the show notes… and we will be dropping Andrea's links in there so you can connect with her anytime you need and want. And yeah, that's it. So until we connect next time, I wish you lots and lots of peace and joy... :)
ANDREA: Thanks for listening everyone. Take care. Have a beautiful day. :)
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