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How To Unlock Your Manifestation Magic With Self-Love...
With Kathrin Niesel & Samia Bano
Struggling to #manifest the #AbundanceLife & #BusinessSuccess you desire, even though you've been working hard and tried out all the latest and best strategies and tools being taught by the guru's out there?
That may be because you need a #JudgementDetox, especially from thoughts and beliefs like you're not #GoodEnough!
Listen now to this interview with Kathrin Niesel, a #SpiritualHealer, #EnergyHealer, #LifeCoach and #BusinessMentor at Soul Purpose Activation. Kathrin reveals why #SelfTrust and #SelfLoveMatters when it comes to unlocking your #ManifestationMagic and #LiveYourBestLife!
You can also connect with Kathrin at:
#manifestationmindset #soulpurpose
Samia Bano is the #HappinessExpert, author, speaker, podcaster & coach for coaches and healers. Samia is most known for her book, 'Make Change Fun and Easy' and her #podcast of the same name. With the help of her signature Follow Your Heart Process™, a unique combination of #PositivePsychology and the spiritual wisdom of our most effective #ChangeMakers, Samia helps you overcome #LimitingBeliefs, your chains of fear, to develop a #PositiveMindset and create the impact and income you desire with fun and ease…
Samia’s advanced signature programs include the Happiness 101 Class and the Transformative Action Training.
Samia is also a Certified #ReikiHealer and Crisis Counselor working to promote #MentalHealthAwareness.
Samia models #HeartCenteredLeadership and business that is both #SociallyResponsible and #EnvironmentallyFriendly.
Samia is a practicing #Muslim with an inter-spiritual approach. As someone who has a love and appreciation for diversity, she is a #BridgeBuilder between people of different faiths and cultures.
Although Samia currently lives in California, USA, she has lived in 3 other countries and speaks Hindi, Urdu, and English fluently.
To Book your Free HAPPINESS 101 EXPLORATION CALL with Samia, click: https://my.timetrade.com/book/JX9XJ
Full video Transcript
SAMIA: Hello, Salaam, Shalom, Namaste, Sat Sri Akal, Aloha, Holah, Ciao, Bonjour, Buna, and Privet! It's really really amazing to be with you. And I know you will be so happy you're with me today because we have a very special guest. And it's Kathrin Niesel... And Kathrin is a healer, coach, and mentor. And I'm actually going to ask her to jump right in and tell us more about who you are, Kathrin, and what do you do...
KATHRIN: Thank you so much, Samia, I'm so excited to be here… thank you so much for giving me this opportunity to spend this time with you... So I am a spiritual healer, energy healer, and life coach, business mentor. And what I do is basically work with women who have this deep longing for inner peace and to create and embody who they are from within, and to express themselves fully... And that basically opens up the doors to abundance. It's just like, I love my work so much. It's such a beautiful work.
SAMIA: Yes, oh my gosh, I love it... And you're definitely my kind of people because I don't know, but I think as long as I can remember, my… I've known this, my deepest need has been for inner peace. And actually, for that matter, outer peace as well. But like just peace in general. And it's driven everything I've done in my life...
KATHRIN: That's really awesome that you say that because it took me quite some time to really understand that I was actually searching for inner peace. Instead, I spend a lot of time searching for external validation, external peace I guess... But on this journey, I realized which has been a desire through many different lifetimes of mine… this inner peace, this deep connection to the divine.
SAMIA: Yeah… can you tell me a little bit more about your journey and how you came to this realization that really the need, the want that you had, was for peace?
KATHRIN: Well, I used to be an international trainer and coach in the business world, in the corporate world and I would travel... So the between Germany, the US, LA and Tokyo, Japan, and deliver my coaching and trainings there... And at the same time, in my private life, I was diving deep into spirituality. I'm a yogi... I'm a yoga teacher. I've been practicing yoga for 20 years. And I never expected it, but I embraced yoga and spirituality full-on... And at some point, being this International Coach and Trainer, which was an awesome job with an awesome company, I realized that I couldn't express myself fully… that there was this deep longing within me that I... that just wasn't satisfied and fulfilled by what I've done… or what, or by what I was doing. And so I decided in my early 40’s that it was time for me to quit my job… and in Germany quitting a job where you have an unlimited contract, it's kind of like, wow, because I basically had that job for life. It was quite a courageous move for I guess, in general... And then when I started my business, I guess I was very much kind of like intrigued by all these, like, online business coaches who promise you like the five-figure, six-figure, seven-figure month/year… I don't know, quarter… and I was like, oh, yeah, that sounds so amazing. I mean, I believed in what I had to offer. So I was like… I was successful in the corporate world. So why shouldn't I be successful, you know, doing what I really want to do? And… but it turned out very differently… because even though I had so much knowledge about, you know, project management and time and task management, and I worked with so many business coaches, nothing worked out. And what I realized on that journey, that of course triggered a lot of fears within me, triggered a lot of doubts about myself, about my expertise, about my gifts and talents... I intuitively turned inwards. I would meditate more and more. I would seek refuge in nature a lot. I have a dog, so we would go on long walks. And I would just like, you know, seek… yeah, peace and answers inwards... And they came… They weren’t what I expected. And that basically kind of started this journey off. Because what I... the answers I continuously would receive was trust and self-love. And I was sitting there thinking, I don't need self-love, I don't need trust, I want to have a strategy that brings my… brings me more clients. You know, I was like, in the beginning, I was really confused... But it would be like, over and over again, my guides will tell me… self-love and trust. And at some point, I was like, I mean, I can be very stubborn. So at some point, I was like, Okay, let's, let's go with that one. And, yeah... I mean, that's basically how it all started. And then on this self-healing journey towards more self-love, which I now like to call self-acceptance, I eventually discovered that this deep longing I had felt inside of me, in my heart region, which was with me for so many years, I understood what I really was… It was to accept myself fully and to reconnect with the divine. Because I didn't grow up in a religious household or, you know, with any kind of spirituality in my life, so… and gaining trust…. that was like I think one of the most the hardest thing for me because I didn't know what trust means, you know... So that's basically what comes out of me right now in how to describe my journey... And through that journey, I also came across that I'm a manifester in human design, and they are destined to self-doubt and on their way of expressing themselves. And that's why I am so passionate about, especially helping these multi-passionate women, you know, who have so much expertise and knowledge and experience to instead of shrinking themselves or cutting themselves down to fit into a niche or like… no girl/queen… You have to fully accept yourself and then what is unique about you can shine fully and this will help you to stand out… You know this is how you find your people… not by clarifying your message, but by clarifying yourself...
SAMIA: Ah, I love that. I love that... And thank you so much for sharing that journey, Kathrin… It's so… well, first of all, it resonates a lot with me in terms of… there are many aspects of what you're sharing that as like, Hey, that was like me... You know, in other ways, my journey has been somewhat different from yours. But oh my gosh, like for example, the guidance of… what you really need is more self-trust and more self-love... and not even just self-trust, it was like trust. I actually received that message as well when I was struggling with the business aspect of my coaching training practice. And I was like, what's going on? Why isn't this working? I've been trying and doing it everything right, doing everything that my coaches and mentors are telling me to do... And it's still not working… what's going on? And the mind just wanted to find the next strategy or the next software or the next this or that, that would, you know, help me set up the perfect systems for my business... But my inner guidance was always like… No, you need to trust more, you need to love yourself more and better. And I was like, but that is not a problem, because I love myself. And I already have such deep faith/trust. And that's how I was able to take the jump into starting this work in the first place, for example… you know... But it was like, really shocking for me to realize that no, as much as I thought I loved myself, it was so surface level... And as much as I thought I had trust in Spirit and Divine, oh, it was so surface-level.
KATHRIN: Yeah, absolutely... absolutely… Yeah... And it's really, I think, especially for us women who are guided to tap into our intuition, which we have been brainwashed for 1000’s and 1000’s of years to not to, you know, and follow our inner guidance… But instead, we had to perform like men, you know… tap into this masculine energy in this like doing and hustling, and forward and keep on going and stuff. And I'm pretty sure you as well played that game very successfully for many years... And we succeeded. And/but then when we then choose to walk our own path, I think… and this is quite a challenge, I think, for many women is we don't really know how to do this. We know how to perform, we know how to deliver, we know how to, you know, live up to certain expectations... but we don't know how to be ourselves, oftentimes.
SAMIA: Yeah.
KATHRIN: And I think this is why when we have these highly intuitive, highly sensitive cultures, healers, or witches, you know, who have these beautiful gifts, have these beautiful talents to share, and guide and help others is… that is the… from my perspective, one of the biggest challenges to overcome for us...
SAMIA: Yes, can you tell me a little bit more about… because like I said, like, my experience for example, was that I thought I knew myself... I thought I trusted myself. But it was… it turned out to be… not false… but just, you know, that I didn't realize how surface level it was and how much deeper there was to go. And you know, it's like, I didn't know what I didn't know… And so can you share some guidance with us in terms of like… if somebody is struggling for example in their work, or life mission, or whatever… and they're in a similar position where they think they have it down in terms of self-love, self-trust, but they're continuing to struggle... How do you even figure out that the trouble is this, you know, rather than that you don't have some kind of right strategy or software or something like that?
KATHRIN: Well, I mean, one indication for sure is… and then you've mentioned it already… and I experienced the same…. You follow all the strategy, you do exactly how your business coach tells you, maybe even the second, third or fourth business coach, and still the big bang doesn't happen. That is a very clear indication to eventually stop looking for strategies but to turn inward… whether or not it's trusting yourself… For example, that can be a very easy example… And I actually practice that for quite some time... I don't know if you've ever experienced that you sit on your couch, reading a book, watching some TV… I don't know... Whatever it is you do when you sit on your couch… and suddenly you realize you're thirsty. But instead of just getting up and get yourself something to drink, you're just like, oh, no, I'm too lazy. This is a very great indication that you do not trust yourself. Because your body or your spirit or whatever… because water is very essential for the having a good flow of energy… indicates you, I need water... But instead, we resist it. So this is a really great indication… like, if you feel like you're thirsty, but you're holding it back… if you feel like you have to go to the bathroom, but you know… whatever it is, then you know, when you have like these clear indications that like, hey, I need this, or I want that, but you hold it back… that can be a great indication... Another one when it comes to self acceptance, loving yourself unconditionally… I would like to answer this with a little example from my personal experience... So as mentioned I'm a manifester, three-six. So in the three in my design stands for that I have to experience everything myself. So instead of just following someone else's guidance of rules, I’m always like, wait a second, is that really true, and I have to, you know, do my research and explore and experience, whether it's like training my job, or building a business or doing studies… like all my life, I was always like, let me try out first this, this, this, this, and then you know, I will have my final say whether or not I will follow your guidance... So what that meant was… everything all this talk a little bit longer for me to come to the finishing line. I reached my finish line. But on, you know, on this journey, I would always instead of going in a straight line, I would always go like, you know, like in circles or left, right, back, forth, you know... And at some point, I realized that really annoyed me about myself, you know…. So I was like, everything always take so forever for me, you know, I really like… I felt really, I really dove into this and experience like, what are the emotions that come up when I think about this kind of behavioral pattern, which I also couldn't seem to stop, you know, because that's just who I am. I need to experience everything myself. So there's two things that you can do, or I recommend you do… is to look into what emotions does that cause? So for me, it was frustration because everything took…take so long... it was disappointment in myself, and I just cannot follow someone else's rules. I mean, on the other side, I'm quite happy about that. But then, you know, like frustration, desperation, like will I ever make it... you know like there were all these different kinds of emotions within me be basically expressing I'm not good enough towards myself because of this habit I had... So the first point was to really acknowledge all these emotions, and to release them… that is so important. If you wonder why you cannot manifest the life of your dreams, it's because they are still emotions vibrating within you. So you have to identify them, acknowledge them, and release them... That is very important. And the second part was to feel compassion, and love this aspect of yours. So I sat down, and this is a exercise I borrow from Abraham Hicks. I love Abraham Hicks. I'm a huge fan of his work or her work or whatever you call this... And this exercise is called the positive aspects... So I sat down and listed all the positive aspects of me always having to explore everything myself. And then I realized, wow, because of that, I have so much more knowledge. I have so much more expertise. I can help my clients on such a broad spectrum because of all this experience I've covered throughout my life... And I suddenly switched my whole energy, you know, to releasing the emotions but also seeing… opening myself up for new perspective to like, Oh, I really like myself for that. I'm really proud of myself. That's so Awesome... that's really exciting... And that is how I help my clients to fully embrace themselves and accept themselves, you know... So that was a bit of a long-winded answer, but I hope I was able to...
SAMIA: Yes, yes, I'm getting it. So basically, to look at wherever in your life you might feel a sense of being less than or not good enough...
KATHRIN: …where you judge yourself…
SAMIA: Yes… where you judge yourself… and your emotions are the clue to that, because… it's like sometimes we're so used to thinking in a certain way about ourselves, or about some issue, or about something, that we don't even realize, you know, the impact that that thinking is having on us, in terms of, you know… I've been sharing this example a lot recently myself because this was just earlier this year… I started working with a health and wellness coach, who was mentoring me... And the reason that I started working with her was because I was actually just interviewing her for this podcast as a matter of fact. And in the process of interviewing her, I realized that I had not even been realizing that I had been having judgmental thoughts about my relationship with food and how I eat and when I eat and what I eat. And when I realized that, it just… like for me, I immediately knew that was a problem. My having judgmental thoughts about my relationship with food is a problem, and I need to heal that... And so, for me, it was a no-brainer, because I realized that judgmental thinking is one of the...
KATHRIN: ..it's what cuts you off from the divine by the way...
SAMIA: Yes… Yes... exactly.
KATHRIN: Because what judgment does is… it basically... I mean, you basically judge the Creator, God, Universe, Source, whatever you want to call it, for its creation, you know... So… and I think that's why judgment is such a great guidance if you desire to heal, if you desire to reconnect, if you desire inner peace...
SAMIA: Yes...
KATHRIN: ...whenever you judge… and judgment can be… it can show up as jealousy or envy or greed, you know… whatever, whenever you judge, take a look... What is it? What is it that you're judging? Why is it that you judge? What do you believe about this thing? You know, what emotions come up? This is your guidance.
SAMIA: Yes...
KATHRIN: ..let me say, I'm sorry to interrupt…
SAMIA: No, no, please go ahead…
KATHRIN: …but always, always be grateful...
SAMIA: Yes...
KATHRIN: …whether it's a person or a situation that triggers you, like, thank you so much for your guidance… because you show me potential for growth. You show me how I can reconnect with the divine, find my inner peace… Without you, it would take me even so much longer...
SAMIA: Yes, oh my gosh… And see, this brings us back to the trust issue. Because we were talking earlier about getting that message… if you don't trust enough... It's like what you just said right now, for me, you know… this is sort of like… it is, you know, bringing all of that into perspective. Because when we're being judgmental, and we're thinking, okay, this is bad, that's wrong, or even for that matter…. I think one of the tricky parts about judgmental thinking is that… I mean, sometimes the judgments we're making are… oh, this is good… That's you know… It's not always that we're judging something to be bad. Judgmental thinking goes both ways, you know… sometimes we judge things to be good, sometimes we judge things to be bad... It's just, if you focus on the negative judgments for a moment, that can really sort of be that indication of, yes, you're lacking trust, not just in yourself, but in the Divine, as you said… because you're questioning... not only questioning, but you are thinking… you are actually, in that negative judgment about whatever it is that you're negativly judging, that's saying… No, this is not a wise thing, this is not a good thing… And if you believe that, you know, the Divine brought all of this into being, whether we think it's good or bad, then you're really judging the Divine you know as having done something unwise and bad. So, ah… you know, when I... that was really a mind-boggling and life-changing realization, for me...
KATHRIN: And also, because you've mentioned… we can judge bad or good, you know, in a positive way, or in a negative way… but also when you think about it, judging something in a positive manner, is still judging, in terms of… you basically have kind of like, which is very human, kind of like a scale of like… oh, this is better and this is worse, you know… light is better than dark... But in the end, everything just is… And when it come to, for example, comes to success or money… and that is something, you know, entrepreneurs, of course, seek… or many people seek success and money and fortune... When you judge money as something good, as something you desire, but you put it on a pedestile, you know, that also kind of implies that you see yourself to be lower. So, you know, whether it's a good judgment or bad judgment, judgment is judgment… just accept as it is, appreciate what is… because you are, you know, the creator of your reality.
SAMIA: Yeah.
KATHRIN: And that's why it's so important to like... That's why I believe the key is really in self-acceptance, and full self-acceptance. Because if you allow yourself to accept yourself fully, you can give this gift to everyone else... and everything else...
SAMIA: Yes. So, you know, I can just hear people who might be listening to us, I think, you know, imaginary people, or my old self even… listening to you right now and being like… but what are you talking about Kathrin and Samia? There is good and there is bad… like, Hitler was bad… he did a really bad thing... And if I think so, there's nothing wrong with that. I'm right in that judgment, and in that thinking. And how can I not think that Hitler is bad, for example, you know... What do you want me to do? How should I think about Hitler?
KATHRIN: Yeah, as a German, I get this question a lot... Well, I mean, I'm not... I guess that's going to be a bit of a philosophical discussion. And I get that point. And I do not want to justify anything of these kinds of actions, whether it's Hitler, Stalin or Hun, you know, or anybody who chooses to torture or kill anyone. But from like a spiritual perspective, it's all about having an experience and choosing whether or not that experience serves you... It's all about experience and whether or not this experience makes you feel good or not... How does it make you feel… you know… and that is what it's... that's what it comes down to.
SAMIA: And when you talk about... by the way I'm in agreement with you about, you know, being guided by our feelings in terms of, well, does this make me feel good? Or not? …Now when we talk about this good feeling… Do you distinguish between different kinds of good feelings… in terms of being guided by them to go in a certain direction… or not... Or is it like a good feeling is just a good feeling and you just follow the good feeling?
KATHRIN: I think this is a very powerful and important question, because… especially, as long as the ego… which I think is very important to understand the purpose of the ego and what it does if you don't know how to handle and tame it... But as long as our thinking is intertwined intensely with the ego, then you know, our emotions can even be a bit hijacked, so to say... I, in general, I would say a good feeling is something that opens your heart, that allows you to relax, and to experience peace, even if it's just for a few moments. But then there are emotions, like, for example, let's get back to this like money because this is such an easy example. You know, because especially in the money manifestation world they teach you… imagine making the 10k, the 50k, whatever, and how would you feel? But the thing is, I believe, is that especially when the desires, the things we have are very much connected to material goods, they are very much driven from the ego mind. Because the ego is very much in the material, in the 3D. And if this desire triggers a lot of negative emotions, then yes, this is an opportunity for growth. But I'm not always sure that this is what you really deeply desire. Because also in this, you know, everything we desire is because of how we believe it makes us feel. And what we want to feel is we want to feel love, we want to feel peace, we want to feel joy… because this is who we are, we want to come home, so to say, you know… this is why we enjoy love, or enjoy joy or empowerment so much… because it reminds us of who we really are... And when you look at people who, you know, have a lot of money and make more money and make more money, what happens at the same time is they suddenly get scared that someone else might take it away. And they build a fortress, you know, and they have all these, like, things in place to make sure the money doesn't go away. So I don't know if this as the kind of like… and I'm not saying that money is bad or anything… but I would say first focus on your well being, which makes you feel expansive, which makes you feel safe, which makes you feel at home, at peace, at ease. And for me, it opens up my heart field...
KATHRIN: And then everything else follows anyways.
SAMIA: Yeah, yeah... Yeah. It's just really amazing how, you know when we look at things from a spiritual perspective, it just… it’s just a very different perspective to hold and have and it… you know… and I think that's the thing to understand is that like, for people who are not perhaps in tune with the spiritual perspective, it can… maybe because they haven't really had that opportunity to really understand and feel it and live into it deeply... it can feel like a crazy, crazy thing… I mean, if you think about the great spiritual healer… or healers or guides or prophets that we have you know… they didn't act like normal people... they didn't act like normal people… and yet, we admire them, we, you know, we recognize the amazing successes that they've achieved in terms of creating huge positive impact on people and in the world and we aspire to be like them, you know, to whatever extent we have that aspiration. And I think the disconnect happens where we would love to see the results that they're able to produce, but we're not willing to think as they thought. We are not always willing to act as they acted, in terms of, you know, acting from this place of unconditional love and self-acceptance, and so on, and so forth... It's like… and so you know, you have to just I guess make a choice at some point… it's like if you want to manifest the kind of results for example, that Jesus did, or the Buddha did, or whoever your hero happens to be... then you also have to be willing to think like them and act like them. Like when they... I mean, if I'm thinking about Jesus right now and the amazing levels of forgiveness that he practiced, you know… and most of us, like, theoretically we're on board with this idea… but when it comes to us, are we actually willing to do that? And a lot of times, you know, that's where I was finding myself falling short… that I'd be like… no, this person hurt me, and I'm right, and they're wrong… And then, you know, not being willing to let that thinking go. Even though theoretically, I, you know, love and admire and aspire to be more Jesus-like...
KATHRIN: Well, I think this is exactly what I've mentioned earlier is like… if you don't really understand what the ego is for and what it does and how it behaves, then it becomes quite challenging, I would say, for sure... And I think the very first… and not to underestimate the step you have to take, each one of us, if this is something you desire, is a decision…
SAMIA: Yeah…
KATHRIN: …is decide... And I mean, I remember, for many, many, many years long before I chose to start my own business, I oftentimes had this deep feeling of like… I would love to be a nun or a monk or something, and just like live at peace and quiet. And so for me, it was really like every day I would make this decision, and still do take this decision, that inner peace is what I desire the most… You know, like not doubting myself, not doubting the situation, not doubting my safety, not doubting whatever it is... but to deeply trust and know that this is the path I'm meant to walk in this reincarnation. And because the society, whether it's Western society or Eastern society, doesn't matter… I think is we have been taught that this is not how you succeed, that this is not how you will get there, you know… It's very contradictive to what we have been taught from very early on. And this is what makes it so hard to go this way. But if, you know, the teachings of let's stick with Jesus, wouldn't have been censored the way they have been, and we would have been, you know, taught the truth of what he was teaching, then maybe society would look differently and would be completely like… like, how could you possibly judge? You know… like, how could you not want to rest? How could you not want to meditate? How, like, of course, this is what you want to do, you know… But that will also ultimately lead us to the true power within us, to the creative force all of us have. And that's, of course, something not everybody wants you to know. So...
SAMIA: Yes, I… because you know it makes me think about the example you were giving earlier about how sometimes we just put things or people or ideas on a pedestal and then by default, that makes us feel less than... And so we look at someone like Jesus, and I know, this was my orientation as well growing up, where, you know, I looked at the figure of what I knew of someone like Jesus, and I put him on a pedestal…
KATHRIN: Yeah, again, there's this positive judgment...
SAMIA: Right, right... And it's like, Jesus was awesome. Jesus is amazing, Jesus did all these amazing things. And at one level, there is a part of me that aspires to be like him. But another part of me feels less than, and not worthy, and not enough, not good enough. And that judgment actually makes me think… oh, no, I cannot actually do what Jesus did… like, I cannot heal a leper or cure the blind or, you know, walk on water… or any of that… because I'm not Jesus… I'm not as good as Jesus...
SAMIA: ...and you know, so I keep putting myself down… and so then I'm not… I mean… and as long as I'm doing that, how can I even realize my power...
KATHRIN: And also you kind of like take away the opportunity for really wholeheartedly trying even...
KATHRIN: ...you know because it's so unbelievable that you could be as Jesus was, even though he kept saying that I'm not different from you… what I can do, you can do… And you know, this is exactly why if I might cut a corner here, so to say… this is why I love frequency healing so much. You know, I am trained hypnotist. I'm trained in RTT hypnotherapy. I am a Reiki healer. I know a lot about how the mindset works, you know. I helped my like… I love EFT… there's so many amazing techniques out there to help you release and heal. But as long as you… and again don't know what the ego is supposed to do, how the ego works… you know… there will always be this little bit of… or maybe even more of self-doubt...
SAMIA: Yeah.
KATHRIN: ...of questioning yourself. And this is where the frequency healing which I do, and which I also teach in my upcoming spiritual healing trance training, is so powerful… because the frequency... you connect... So, what I do basically is, I connect with the frequency of unconditional love of the Divine, you know… with the frequency of abundance, of fulfillment. And when you are connected with this frequency and you choose to reconnect with this frequency over and over again, then this is what basically silence the… silences the ego in the long term… because the ego will always try to keep you convinced that you are alone, that you're separated... But being connected through these frequencies with the Divine will give signal to all of your cells… I am not… The Father, the Creator, God, the Universe, whatever you want to call it… is in me… I am part of this…. the Kingdom, the paradise, Eden… whatever you call it… is within me. And this is why frequency healing for example is so powerful...
SAMIA: Yes... Katherin I could keep talking with you forever...
KATHRIN: I was just thinking… wow, we have nearly already talked for an hour...
SAMIA: Oh my gosh... it’s not been quite an hour, but we should probably start wrapping up for today…
SAMIA: Do you have any last thoughts that you would like to share for now?
KATHRIN: Well, what comes up for me is, if you have been listening to this podcast, first of all, I appreciate you. And second of all, if you also have this longing for inner peace and just trusting, trusting yourself fully… that this is available to you. Keep on your path, keep choosing you... And if you desire support and guidance, please reach out to me.
SAMIA: Yes. I love that idea… keep choosing you. Keep choosing...
KATHRIN: Keep allowing... keep choosing you, keep allowing... this transformation to happen.
SAMIA: Oh my gosh, you know, I think we could do like a whole other episode on this idea of allowing...
KATHRIN: Oh, yes.
SAMIA: Oh, Kathrin, you'll probably need to come back and share more of your amazing, amazing wisdom with us. And I will look forward to that. And in the meantime...
KATHRIN: Me too... I would love that. Allowing is so powerful...
SAMIA: Oh my gosh… So until we connect next time, I just want to remind all of our listeners to make sure you check the show notes, because we will be dropping Katherin's links in there so you can reach out to her, connect with her. I’ll also drop my links in there... And other than that, I just wish you lots and lots of peace and joy...
KATHRIN: Thank you… likewise... have a lovely, I guess, stay… and talk to you soon. And thank you so much for this lovely talk...
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