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How To Break Free Of Your Limitations!

With Samia Bano & Jacqy Stewart

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Tired of being #BoxedIn by the expectations of people around you? Craving to live with more purpose and passion but finding it hard to #changeyourlife?

Listen now to this interview with Jacqy Stewart, Soul Truth Illuminator/Quantum Guide, to understand exactly how you can #BreakFree of the boxes and limitations you've trapped yourself in with #easeandgrace so you can #liveyourbestlife!

Note: Jacqy provides #transformation and #empowermentcoaching that guides you to living a purposeful and #passionatelife in alignment with your #soulpurpose.

She guides you through a transformational process that works with your #consciousmind, #unconsciousmind and #higherself to help you #understandyourself on a deeper level, bringing all parts of you back into harmony so you can #livelifeonpurpose.

Learn more and connect with Jacqy at: https://linktr.ee/jacqystewart

#howtobreakfree #liveyourpassion #liveyourpurpose #livewithpurpose #limitless



Samia Bano is the #HappinessExpert, author, speaker, podcaster & coach for coaches and healers. Samia is most known for her book, 'Make Change Fun and Easy' and her #podcast of the same name. With the help of her signature Follow Your Heart Process™, a unique combination of #PositivePsychology and the spiritual wisdom of our most effective #ChangeMakers, Samia helps you overcome #LimitingBeliefs, your chains of fear, to develop a #PositiveMindset and create the impact and income you desire with fun and ease…

Samia’s advanced signature programs include the Happiness 101 Class and the Transformative Action Training.

Samia is also a Certified #ReikiHealer and Crisis Counselor working to promote #MentalHealthAwareness.

Samia models #HeartCenteredLeadership and business that is both #SociallyResponsible and #EnvironmentallyFriendly.

Samia is a practicing #Muslim with an inter-spiritual approach. As someone who has a love and appreciation for diversity, she is a #BridgeBuilder between people of different faiths and cultures.

Although Samia currently lives in California, USA, she has lived in 3 other countries and speaks Hindi, Urdu, and English fluently.

To Book your Free HAPPINESS 101 EXPLORATION CALL with Samia, click: tps://my.timetrade.com/book/JX9XJ

Full Video Transcript

SAMIA:  Hello, Salaam, Shalom, Namaste, Sat Sri Akal, Aloha, Holah, Ciao, Bonjour, Buna, and Privet! It's really, really good to be with you again. And, you know, I know you'll be really happy because we have very special guests with us today. And I'm so excited for our conversation. And our guest today is Jacqy Stewart, who is a Soul Truth Illuminator and Quantum Guide, how amazing is that? Welcome, Jacqy…

JACQY: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for having me. I'm super excited to be here.

SAMIA: Yes, and please tell us more about who you are and what you do…

JACQY: Well... Soul Truth Illuminator is something that just surfaced for me in the last few months. I was a mindset coach. So I work with the unconscious mind to help people make quantum leaps in there change, meaning, all of those things that we've been working on for years that we feel like we're on the hamster wheel about, and no matter what we do, we can't seem to shift it… that's where I come in. And I help you to make those changes quick… more quickly, more effectively, to get fast results. And when we're able to dig into the unconscious mind, that's where the massive change starts to happen. So in my work with this, what I started to realize… that as we start to do a deeper dive into ourselves, we really start to discover all of the things that we've been hiding from… all of the things we were told we shouldn't be or shouldn't do, that really our souls are calling us to do. And I began to realize that in the work I was doing with my clients, that we really were shining a light on their true essence. And when we could get back to someone's true essence, deciding what to do, stepping into new behaviors, beginning to visualize the life you wanted, became so much easier. So I'm transitioning into this role of really working with not only the unconscious mind, but also the higher self, or some people refer to it as your soul… that part of you, that is directly connected to all things in the universe, the Divine, God… whatever word you want to use for the powers that exist outside of ourselves… as well as working with and teaching people how to work with energy... how to move energy... how to manifest things into your life... What's stopping you from doing that... So really how to make changes on multiple levels.

SAMIA: Yes, I love that... I love that. Because I think that is what I have noticed as being one of the challenges, I think, in the traditional approach to mental health, physical health… like, all kinds of like health and wellness… is that in the traditional approaches, there's this tendency to compartmentalize different parts of us. And in some ways, of course, you know, there's a value to that. Because when you bring a focus on a certain aspect of yourself or a certain aspect of an issue, in some ways, you know, that obviously does help raise your awareness about the issues around that. And you know, that awareness can be very helpful. But at the same time, I am coming more and more and more to the realization that when it comes to, like, finding and implementing solutions in our life, that are really truly going to have a long-term impact, because they get to the root cause of things, we have to take a much bigger picture perspective… because ultimately everything is interconnected and interdependent. And so it doesn't, I think, make a lot of sense, especially in the long term, to just focus on one part of us at a time. We really do need to have that more holistic approach…


JACQY: I totally agree and what I've learned in the work that I've done... Is that what we think is the problem… so the thing that we can put our finger on and go, I'm struggling with this… so whether it's a habit we can't seem to break, or, you know, it's issues in our relationships, and that keeps happening over and over again... If you can name it, that ain't it... There's… it's come into your conscious awareness, right. But there's something else going on underneath that that's feeding it. So the picture I always like to create for people is we think about weeds in our garden, right... And we can come along and we can, we can pop off the top of the weed, right, and then our garden looks nice for a while and everything's great, right. But that weeds always going to pop back up. And it may not always look the same every time it pops up. But because we haven't gotten down to the root, if we pull the weed out from the root, it doesn't grow back. And so what people say are their problems or recognize their problems to be, are often the symptoms of a much deeper seated belief that is feeding the behaviors, the beliefs, the programming that we're running, that's keeping that weed at the surface.

SAMIA: Yes, yes. I love that analogy. And to take it even a little further in terms of, you know, having a bigger picture perspective… sometimes it's like we get so focused on, Okay, I just need to uproot this singular weed… but not think about why is it there in the first place? And how can I do some prevention, in terms of the weeds not growing so much in the first place?

JACQY: 100%... So, you know, there are three prerequisites for change. The first thing you need to do is clear out the weeds, right… You got to understand what's running  at a deeper level, right. And so what I talked about is we got to, we've got to clear out all of the past connections you have to a lot of negative emotions, we've got to shift your limiting beliefs or limiting decisions that are stopping you from moving forward. So we got to make the unconscious change first. The second thing that happens is that you've got to take action, right. So I can go in, and I can put in a whole new program for you in your unconscious programming. And if you choose to do nothing with it, nothing changes. So we clear out the stuff that's not serving us, we decide on the actions we want to take and we start doing them… and using the unconscious mind tools, it becomes a lot easier to do the actions. And then the biggest thing I find with my clients and in my own experiences is… the third prerequisite is you got to focus on what you want. 

SAMIA: Yeah...  

JACQY: Right. So many of us are not even aware of the patterns we're running in our thoughts, right. And we're shocked when all of this stuff shows up in our world. And we go we can't manifest anything. I can't manifest… I've attempted the law of attraction, I've watched the books, I've done the things and nothing's showing up... It's showing up. What's showing up is what you're thinking about. So even if there's chaos happening in your world, then there is chaos happening inside of you and it has manifested. And I was reminded of that the other day even personally doing this work, right. If we allow our thoughts to spiral out of control, we will watch our life do the same thing. Because we are all powerful manifesters, you cannot not manifest.

SAMIA: Yes. It's like we are manifesting all the time. Everything that we're experiencing in our lives is... 

JACQY: ..everything we're thinking... 

SAMIA: Right, right... 

JACQY: ...everything we are thinking, everything we're feeling... All of that is sending out signals to the universe saying, bring me more of this. What you focus on grows... So I teach my clients how to shift and check themselves, right… If you're thinking about what you don't want… and here's a tip… because the unconscious mind actually cannot process negatives… So if you're constantly saying to yourself, I don't want this. It doesn't hear the “don't want”… It just hear’s “this is what I want”, because this is what I'm focused on. Bring me more of that.

SAMIA: Yes, exactly. It reminds me of the saying, nature abhors vacuums. And so it's sort of like to apply that lesson in this context... It's sort of like… or going back, if you go back to the other analogy with the weeds, it's not enough to take out the weed, you can't just leave nothing/emptiness, because nature abhors a vacuum. So it's important not only to take out the weed but to then plant something in that space that you really want. Because nature abhors a vacuum, you cannot have nothing there. If you don't choose what you want to be planted in that area of soil, something else will come and try to grow there. So…

JACQY: Right, and then we let... that's when we allow life to happen to us. 

SAMIA: Yeah... 

JACQY: And you have a choice because everything that happens in our lives is happening for us in some way, shape, or form. So if you've got an experience or a behavior or a pattern that keeps showing up in your life, the question to ask yourself is, what lesson am I missing? Because it will continue to show up because it requires some change on our part. People will often think they're stuck, right? And it feels like you're stuck when you're on this sort of hamster wheel of going around and doing the same things over and over again. But we're never stuck. We're either moving forward and growing. Or we're slowly declining. One or the other. It's nature at its best, right. If I have a house plant, I either water it and it grows, or I don't water it and it slowly dies. 

SAMIA: Yeah. 

JACQY: So it's those choices we're making minute to minute, hour to hour… are we moving forward? And where is your focus at... Are you focused on your growth and willing to step into the discomfort of growth sometimes? Or are you trying to play it safe, stay small, stay in what you deem to be your safe place. But I guarantee you, if you're not moving, that's when all of this stuff we don't want start showing up because we haven't taken control. 

SAMIA: Yeah, yeah. I agree with you. I agree with you on that. So one of the things that I know, Jackie, you talk about, that I find so helpful is… you know, this idea of sort of becoming aware of the boxes you've built yourself into. Can you tell me a little bit more about that... I think you've already touched on it a bit, but maybe a little bit more would be helpful.

JACQY: So we know that as we develop, right, from the time we're very young children up until the age of seven, we walk around like sponges. And we're really, we're exposed to different people starting with our parents, we then go to school, and we get exposed to other friends and teachers and people who are influences on us. And somewhere along those lines, you know, society or our parents, or whoever it is, comes along and says this is who you need to be. This is how we do things. This is right, this is wrong… all of those things. And so we start attempting, by the time are seven and eight, to figure out where do we fit into this... right? What am I going to believe? What am I not going to believe? And with each belief that we take on and usually about ourselves, or about society, and how society should run and how I fit into society and my community and my family... we start putting ourselves in different boxes. And if we sit back for a minute and actually reflect, you may find that the way that you behave when you are at work, versus the way that you show up when you're with your family, versus the way you show up when you're with your friends, could be completely different. A different version of you shows up in each of these circumstances. Because the way you're choosing to behave or be in that moment is based on the expectations of the people that you're with. And this is all done unconsciously because we started at a very young age, right. So we make these choices. We don't even remember when we made these choices that in order to be accepted I need to behave like this... right? So by the time we hit adulthood, we have compartmentalized ourselves into all of these boxes of how we feel we need to show up in the world, and we've lost complete connection with who we really are at a soul level... who we came down here as, who we’re meant to be. And because we fear sets in, right... If I show up and I'm loud and bold, they might reject me. They may not want to be around me. If I challenge people's thoughts and behaviors, right… they may not talk to me again…

SAMIA: Yeah.

JACQY: And so we're constantly in this sort of balancing act between stepping into our own truth and liberating ourselves so that we can live the life we want, and attempting to please everybody else around us at the same time. And this really came to light for me through my own recent experiences of attempting to be the perfect student, the perfect trainer, the perfect girlfriend, the perfect friend, the perfect daughter, right... And so I started to realize I had lost complete connection with myself. Because I was… I was concerned about how to show up for other people to minimize any impact that it would have on those relationships…

SAMIA: Yes. Oh my gosh. The way you just framed this and shared what you just shared, makes you think about this Indian movie that I was watching, actually, just last night…

JACQY: ...of course.

SAMIA: And it's actually one of the most popular movies in Indian cinema history. It's been the longest-running Indian movie in Indian cinema history... Anyway, the theme in it was exactly what you were talking about, at least one of the major themes in it where the heroine in particular, in this movie, she's a very, sort of like, growing up in a very traditional Indian… Indian family. And part of that… of the culture that, in her family especially, that she's growing up in, is that there's lots of expectations that are placed on her about how she needs to be and she takes all of that on... And interestingly, you know, where things start to happen in the movie is when she is about to... like, she gets the news that, oh, you know, your marriage has been arranged, and the time has come for you to get married. And she makes this... and so at that time, and, you know, she has also at the same time that she gets this news, she has just come from a day where she was hanging out with her friends. And her friends were like, "Please come with us for this trip around Europe." And she's like, she goes to her father… and this is like one of the… I mean, I felt so sad when this dialogue happened… when she's like, "Father, please let me go on this trip before I get married. Because, you know, I will never get this chance again. And I will take this one trip and, and live my entire life desires in this one trip. And then, you know, I'll do what you want. And I'll get married." I’m like, oh my god, this is just so sad.

JACQY: Right.

SAMIA: And her dad is like, "Oh, you're such an amazing daughter, please go, go live your life in this one month… this month-long trip, and then come back to me." And you know… and I'm like, there's something really wrong here. And you know, she's just this… living into expectations, you know. But then the thing that continues to sort of bother me throughout the rest of the movie is exactly that, you know, like, what is the dynamic that they show between, like, especially the father-daughter relationship is that she's like this one way when she's with her father… she's very quiet and doing what she's told. But then when she's out on this trip with her friends, she's like, dressed in a way that I'm sure her father wouldn't approve, and she's out and about, you know, doing all kinds of things that I'm sure if her father knew, he wouldn't approve. And then actually by the time she gets back from the trip, she has fallen in love with some guy and the dad finds out and there's this whole drama about, "You broke my trust. How could you have done this while you were out on this trip..." and you know, all that kind of stuff. So… and then when she's back in the space with her dad, she goes back to, oh sorry Dad, I broke your trust, you're right… and so miserable... And off they go, you know, for her to get married, you know, the arranged marriage and stuff. And so, yeah... And this is like such a common thing that, I mean, I think so many of us experience… like, certainly I know, in my culture, I've seen that a lot. I have done this at various points in my life, also. And so it's just, it's a very common experience. Yeah…

JACQY: Yeah, it's a very common experience. And, you know, I grew up in a fairly white predominant culture, where there's a lot more liberties and freedoms, right, in what you can do. And that being said, I was also raised in a religion. And so, you know, I spent the first 16, 17 years of my life in this indoctrination of which I am very grateful for because it did instill a lot of very good morals and values that I still carry today. And the funny thing is, is that my sister and I both being raised, the same household, the same religion, right... maybe I had more of a rebellious spirit in me. But you know, we were both raised that women in the church, you grow up, you get married, you marry a return missionary, and then you have children. And that is your role, your role is to be a mother. And when I went to university, which is the interesting thing, is that I went to university so that I could be educated and get a job, if something happened to my husband, and I had to support myself, right. It because at that point in my life, my intention was I was going to grow up, get an education, get married, have children be a stay-at-home mom, right, and devote my life to that... And then I went to school, right, went away to school... had my own experiences, got out working, and went, wait, I actually love this. I was a teacher for 16 years, and I loved every minute of it, even the ups and downs, right. And my sister on the flip side also went and got an education. And then got married, married the return missionary, had four children, became a stay-at-home mom, right. So she followed that. And in each of those paths, we both gone to very different directions. My mother will constantly say, I wish the two of you would just come a little bit closer together because I abandoned the religion altogether. And my sister went even harder into it than we had been raised, right... Now, that resonated with her and her soul. Mine had more of a rebellious spirit and was like, "I'm gonna go figure this out for myself." Now, my spirit also sometimes likes to do things the hard way. But, you know, I came back around to a lot of the same lessons and teachings, but in a way that resonated with me… because that was the experience I had to have. So my life has not played out anywhere near how I thought it was gonna play out when I was 20. That being said, you know, I took off on a plane to England, I lived in England for nine years... I had different experiences that filled my soul because I needed to travel. I needed to be to be moving. The fact that I've been back in Canada for almost as long as I was gone, that restlessness starts to show up again, and I'm like, why am I staying here? Is it because people expect me to stay here? And what is my soul calling for me to do in my next evolution?


JACQY: And here's the other thing, it may have worked for you then, it doesn't mean it's going to work for you now. Because we're not meant to stay the same…

SAMIA: Yes. Yes... Coming back to that idea of, we need to be growing, we need to be growing, you can't stay the same... That is such a good point because... I think that's another potential mistake that I know, I have sometimes found myself making… that I will, actually, you know, go really deep in terms of introspection and be like, Okay, what direction do I go in right now. And then I take that direction, which is all very good. But then I just sort of like keep going, keep going, keep going... and don't check in and be like, Hey, do we need to make any adjustments? Is there a different path to take at a certain moment in time when things might begin to feel a little off, and so forth? And there's just this like, "no, no, no, just stay on this one, one path..." I love this experience… this point that you're making about... Yeah, you may need to shift because like, if I've learned the lesson, then it's like, "Okay, now I need to take another path, so I can learn my next lesson..."

JACQY: Yes, and here's the other thing to remember is that, you know, we learn the lesson, and then the universe or God, or whoever you want to say, is going to test to see if you actually learned the lesson. So, for example, right... I've learned about boundaries. And now I'm starting to set boundaries in my life, right. I'm not accepting the same behaviors. I'm learning to say, no... They're gonna throw a situation at you where it's gonna go... And are you really going to honor your boundaries? Are you really going to say no?

SAMIA: Yeah.

JACQY: Right? Are you going to let that toxic person back into your life? Or were you really done? Right. And it's once we've sort of proven we've learned the lesson, well, then there's other lessons to learn. Welcome to the school of life…

SAMIA: Yeah.

JACQY: Right... You think we leave school when we're done, you know, high school, college, university… and then we enter into the school called life. And it is about this continual learning, evolving, applying, pivoting, reflecting… everything is always in motion, nothing is ever stagnant... And therefore, it's like you said, we go down this path, and it may have been what felt like the right steps at the time that we took them, and they were…


JACQY: And then we get to a certain point where we need to reevaluate and go, is this working? Does it still feel good for me?


JACQY: Or do I need to pivot something because this is no longer the direction that I'm meant to go? And people often think that means, well, I got to abandon everything and start from scratch. No, sometimes it really is just the pivot…

SAMIA: Yes, yes... And the example, like, from my own life experience that comes to mind for me right now is, you know, like, growing up, I was also raised in a family that, you know, we're practicing Muslims… my whole family identifies as practicing Muslims. And I think I was in my teenage years when I made a conscious decision to sort of look into the teachings of my religion. Up until that point, I'd been just like following along what I'd been taught. And when I started to look into things for myself… at that time, there were a number of things going on. And what happened was that I didn't expect or consciously make a decision to take a dogmatic approach to religion, but I sort of… that's what I found myself doing... Its like I started… I got obsessed with learning about all the rules of the religion in terms of what's right, what's wrong, what's allowed, what's not allowed. And then I was like, not only am I going to learn all the rules, I'm going to follow all the rules. And so I got very, very, like, focused on this approach to living my religion. And it... I mean, I was like so obsessed by every little detail, like for example, we have, you know… like if you're being observant, there are rules to follow around dressing modestly. And so there's actually guidelines that, you know, you should have your arms covered all the way to your writs… and just using that as an example... And so if I had even one inch of my arm showing above my wrist, I'd be like freaking out about it. Like, "Oh, my god, no. Pull this sleeve back down..."

JACQY: Yeah.

SAMIA: You know, like that kind of a thing... So… and for a while, you know, that made me feel very empowered, and… like the sense of like, power and control in my life… Like, I was like, "Okay, this is helping me figure out what the right thing to do is, and I am doing it." And so it made me feel like I was in control and able to exercise some power in my life. And at that point in my life, I needed that sense, you know, order and stuff... But as I was growing into my 20s, and I was in college and stuff, I started to find these attitudes that I had developed and this approach of being, you know, so focused on the rule and being so, like, focused on following the rules, like, so strictly and all… they were starting to, like… be like a hindrance… There were things that I was now wanting to do that I was like, "Oh, I can't do this because it doesn't follow the rule." And, you know, and it was starting to compromise my sense of happiness and inner peace… And the sense of control and stuff that I'd gotten satisfaction from before, wasn't quite so satisfying anymore. You know, so something was shifting... And thank God, I allowed myself to shift.

JACQY: Well, and this is it. Because as we grow and have more experiences, and meet different people, and put ourselves in different situations, we start to expand our thinking, right. So when we're young, yes, we do everything that we're told to do. And, you know, being raised in that religious background, and even into my 20s and 30s, exploring different religions… like I was always seeking something... And what I learned was… religion is fabulous for providing a foundation in which you can build upon. But if we go into it blindly, and just blindly follow everything, right… religion is still, you know, as much as we have prophets, and we have, you know, guided… guides that we deemed to be put here by God, and that they're in communion with God… I can commune with God the same way they can commune with God, and they're still human. So there comes a point where even within a religion and we talk about, you know, forming a testimony… and testimonies aren't just about religion, right, I have a testimony about the tools that I use, because I've seen the impact that they can have... We need to start, at some point, sitting with each of these pieces of guidance and going… does this resonate with me… And this is where we get back to building that relationship with our own soul, where we can sit with it and go… following this particular rule, right, Like you were using your example of how I dress, right... Do I in my soul feel like in order to be safe and protected, I need to be covered from head to toe the way that I've been guided? Or do I feel like I just need to do this part. And I feel like I'm honoring it. Because ultimately, it's going to come back to how you feel in how you show up in the world... So we, you know, instead of just blindly allowing other people to tell us how to live our lives, we start to take the pieces of information we're getting, and we sit with them and go is this truth for me? Because if it resonates with my soul, and it's truth for me, then it's fun and easy to do. And, of course, fighting ourselves all the time, you need to check, does this even resonate with how I want to live my life…

SAMIA: Yes. And I think one of the reasons why it's so important for us to check in with how any particular rule is sitting with us is because context matters… the context within which we are applying the rules matter. And the context is constantly changing, potentially… you know, because things change, like cultures change. We change, our circumstances change. And so it doesn't even make sense if you really think about it, that you would be able to apply one rule throughout all of time for all people in every situation when all of this change is happening... And so, you know, when we look at even rules like, "Okay, dress modestly." Well, you know, even the very idea of what does a modest dress mean? I mean, those notions themselves have changed... And we don't even have to look at different cultures to see the change in those notions… we can look at even one single culture and within that single culture even, these notions of what modest dress means will change… within different parts of that same culture, community, there will be different notions of what modest dress means... Like, in the Muslim community, there's so much diversity, you know… not all Muslim saying the theme when it comes to what does modest dress look like... And Muslim... Muslim ideas, the ideas of Muslims about what modest dress looks like have changed over time… and different Muslims like, for example, Indian Muslims versus Arab Muslims have different concepts of what modest dress looks like, you know... So it's like, you have to… and like, in my case, I've actually moved around also, Jacqy, like, I started out life in India. And then, you know, we moved to the Middle East, and then I lived for a few years in Pakistan, and now I'm living here in America. And so like, that was one of the things that sort of forced me to, like, reevaluate how I was interpreting things and whether the one very specific interpretation that I'd been trying to hold on to was even relevant or accurate anymore…

JACQY: Yeah. It's really interesting. And I think the key part of all of this, to circle back to what we started talking about, was it's really the deeper you get to know yourself, and really know yourself... Who are you? Who do you want to show up as? What impact do you want to make on the world? What brings you joy? What is it that you need on a daily basis to feel fulfilled and thriving and to have the energy you want… and all of that… the deeper we go with that, and the more we know ourselves... One, the easier it is to love yourself. Two, is the easier it becomes to differentiate and make those decisions… because like you were talking about whether we decide consciously, or unconsciously, we're making decisions every moment of every day. People say I can't decide… well, not making a decision is deciding, right... We're always making decisions. It's what decisions are we making consciously? What decisions are we making unconsciously? And how are those having an impact on my life? Is it creating the life of my dreams, that I get excited about waking up every day for? Or am I sitting over here completely miserable because my life is about everyone else... I don't even know what my own needs or wants are. I can't decide whether that's truth or not truth. Because, you know, my mom's saying one thing, my dad saying another thing, my husband says something else, and I want to please them all. So you're all right... Like, versus going no, in my soul… and you know, we talk about soul, but I'll tell you that it's not even just… you're not going to feel it necessarily... on a soul level you'll feel it in your body, right... You'll learn to notice the signs of how information shows up to you, or up for you, in your body.

SAMIA: Yeah,

JACQY: ...right. So there's different ways that we can experience the world. And everyone knows that gut feeling, right... Where something just feels off. And I am going to tell all of your listeners… the one truth that I have learned in my journey to trusting myself… if it feels off, it is off. You don't need evidence that says it's off. If it feels off to you, if something… if somebody is speaking to you, and you're like… that just doesn't sit right with me.


JACQY: That it may be their truth, but it's not yours... And you do not have to take it on. We get to decide what we take on as beliefs and not beliefs… and the... You know, the fun part of this work is going in and figuring out… like, reevaluating the beliefs that we have at the moment and going… where did that belief come from? When did I decide that that was true?

SAMIA: Yeah.

JACQY: And most of the time, it's before the age of five, right... It's… if we take it into the money world, right… Money doesn't grow on trees... we have to work hard for everything we have. Is that a belief that really resonates with me… because, you know, growing up, that's what I was taught. We worked for what we have, you know, we always have enough… if you're telling yourself, you'll always have enough all the time, you're only ever going to have enough, you're never going to have more, right... Money doesn't grow on trees. We hear all these things as a kid from our parents, and then we believe them and we act them out. Well, if I shift my beliefs to… I am abundant in all areas of my life and abundance flows to me... to me, and from me, and everyone around me is abundant… then suddenly, things start showing up and I'm going… where did these come from? Because I shifted my belief.

SAMIA: Yeah. Yeah… Okay, you just made me think of a bunch more questions, Jacqy. And we're running out of time right now... So we're gonna have to make you come back for a second episode, so we can keep talking... Yes.


SAMIA: Oh, my gosh… do you have any thoughts to wrap up with for right now…

JACQY: Life is a journey. Not a destination. Every single one of us is human. And therefore, it's never going to be a straightforward process. Because, yeah human, we feel all our emotions, we react differently to everything. The journey is back to you. It's not outside of you… everything starts in side of you. And so if you can focus your journey on becoming 1% better every day, getting to know yourself 1% more every day, honoring your truth 1% more every day... that's what's going to lead you to living a life that you feel… you get excited about... That you are thriving in. And it's the most rewarding journey that you will ever take…

SAMIA: Thank you for that. Thank you for that, Jacqy... And for my last reminder to our listeners for right now is… please make sure you check the show notes because we will be dropping Jacqy's links in the show notes so you can connect with her and continue to learn with her and get some help and support whenever you feel ready for it. And until we connect next time, I just wish you lots and lots of peace and joy... :)


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