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Unlocking Infinite Abundance: The Power of Self-Love.

With Kathrin Niesel & Samia Bano

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Are you sick and tired of feeling limited by everything you don't have? Want to #magnetizeabundance into your life with #funandease?

Listen now to this interview with Kathrin Niesel, #SpiritualMentor and Founder of the Infinite Abundance Membership Program to learn how you can tap into #yourtruth which is infinite abundance. And best of all, Kathrin shows how you can unlock this #InfiniteAbundance in the most #simple, #funandeasy way using the #powerofselflove!

Connect with Kathrin and learn more at:



#selflove #selflovematters #AbundanceMindset #ReceiveLove #InnerPeace #HigherSelf #SpiritualJourney #TrustInGod #TrueAppreciation #ManifestationMagic #EgoTransformation #Mindfulness #HealingJourney #SelfAcceptance #DivineLove #SoulDiscovery #PersonalGrowth #SpiritualGuidance #PositiveVibes



Samia Bano is the #HappinessExpert, author, speaker, podcaster & coach for coaches and healers. Samia is most known for her book, 'Make Change Fun and Easy' and her #podcast of the same name. With the help of her signature Follow Your Heart Process™, a unique combination of #PositivePsychology and the spiritual wisdom of our most effective #ChangeMakers, Samia helps you overcome #LimitingBeliefs, your chains of fear, to develop a #PositiveMindset and create the impact and income you desire with fun and ease…

Samia’s advanced signature programs include the Happiness 101 Class and the Transformative Action Training.

Samia is also a Certified #ReikiHealer and Crisis Counselor working to promote #MentalHealthAwareness.

Samia models #HeartCenteredLeadership and business that is both #SociallyResponsible and #EnvironmentallyFriendly.

Samia is a practicing #Muslim with an inter-spiritual approach. As someone who has a love and appreciation for diversity, she is a #BridgeBuilder between people of different faiths and cultures.

Although Samia currently lives in California, USA, she has lived in 3 other countries and speaks Hindi, Urdu, and English fluently.

To Book your Free HAPPINESS 101 EXPLORATION CALL with Samia, click: tps://my.timetrade.com/book/JX9XJ

Full Video Transcript

SAMIA: Hello, Salaam, Shalom, Namaste, Sat Sri Akal, Aloha, Holah, Ciao, Bonjour, Buna, and Privet! It's really, really, good to be with you again. And you know what, we have an amazing, wonderful, returning guests with us today. So you'll be so happy you're joining us also. And our returning guest today is Kathrin Niesel. She is a Spiritual Mentor and founder of Infinite Abundance Membership Program, in which Kathrin shows her clients how to tap into their truth, which is infinite abundance... I love that. Welcome back, Kathrin…

KATHRIN: Thank you so much for having me. I love being here, Samia... Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for inviting me once more…

SAMIA: Yes, you know, we had such a deep, wonderful, and meaningful conversation the first time. I was like, we have to bring Kathrin back, you know. And for those of you who might have missed the first episode, please go into our archives and check it out. It was all about how to unlock your manifestation magic with self-love... You know, you need to really let go of all these negative thoughts about yourself, like, “I'm not good enough”, if you want to unlock that manifestation magic. And so, go listen to that episode to learn more about how you can love yourself more and better and let go of these kinds of judgmental thoughts. And, you know, in that context, one of the things that Kathrin and I started to touch upon, but we didn't have time to dig deeper into, was the part of self-love where you actually become a better receiver of love... And oh, my gosh, that is so, so important. And I want to dig into that part of things with you more today, Kathrin. So, but before we do that, please tell us more about who you are and what you do…

KATHRIN: Thank you so much for this lovely introduction... So I'm Kathrin. Kathrin Niesel, I'm from Germany. I'm based in Berlin. And I have been on this spiritual journey, self-healing journey for 20 years now. And, searching for my truth, I can say now. And having wandered through many valleys, deep, deep valleys... I've was guided by my higher self, or how I like to call it, the Holy Spirit, which is my higher self to, you know, deep, deep wisdom within me. And using that, applying that, really opened me up to fully understand what self-love actually is, and how to apply it in a way that you don't need no healer, you don't need no affirming, no visualizing, no nothing of those tools everybody talks about. But by what we will talk about in a few minutes, a really simple practice, which will open you up to true self-love. And with that, to the infinite abundance that you truly are, which means, and I know that sounds like a dream, like a bedtime story, but that is actually your truth... You are infinite abundance. And what that means is, everything is available to you if you allow it. You know, and, but we don't, most of us don't... That's why, you know, we find ourselves having financial struggles, health struggles, dating unavailable partners, emotionally unavailable partners, you know, ending up in communites we don't like... I don't know… like, I mean, there's so many endless scenarios how we could possibly limit ourselves. And if people want to... if people have enough of focusing on their limitations and really want to tap into the infinite abundance, that is why I started my membership in July, Infinite Abundance... And I love it so much, and I'm so passionate about it. I'm so grateful for it. And that's basically who I am and what I do, and why I do it.

SAMIA: Yeah, yeah... Ah, you know what, Kathrin, this is like such a deep and meaningful... not just topic for us to talk about, but it's really like something that we need to realize. I mean, it's one thing to talk about, you know, these things at an intellectual level. And when you do that, that's when it feels like, oh, this is like, some kind of fairy tale or dream that, you know, people are just talking about, that you wish it was like that. But really, to feel the reality of this... And, you know, like, in my experience, I remember the first time that I really sort of, like, felt onto this reality of infinite abundance, it just brought me to tears because it's… like, there's so much love that you experience... And in experiencing that love is how you know that there is infinite abundance, because it's the love that gives you everything… and you know... And I mean, oh, it was just that experience of ...it really is actually infinite love that also manifests as, as infinite abundance, but really, it's all about the love. And so to experience that, oh... And like, for sure, you know our experience of, of that love, our awareness of that love, you know, it can go up and down in the course of our every day, because we lose focus, and we get distracted by our many distractions... But it's there, it's always there for us to realize...


KATHRIN:  ...and if I might jump on in here, right.. off this like, up and down, and we might lose it. And that's exactly... Because I want to be really honest with you and with your audience. I did so much healing over the past years, like over so many different healers for myself, you know, I did all the things, all these people out there, the healers, the gurus, the whatever, tell us… the books, the courses… I did all that and I have been on that journey for 20 years. So I've experienced a lot, a lot of different healers, shamans, different kinds of healings, you know, I tried really a lot of different things... And then of course, at some point, I also got into mindset work and manifestation, the law of attraction. But one thing… and that voice got louder and louder over the years… and I want to hear from you if you also know this… at some point I recognize this voice within me, this kind of knowing which was somewhat shy in the beginning, which was… that can't be it, that can't be it. That cannot be the truth, that cannot be the path to… and you call it love, I also call it inner peace... Because when I thought about what actually is perfect love, inner peace was like right, right up there. 

SAMIA: Yeah, yeah, yeah... 

KATHRIN:  ...you know because when you are in peace, then love is present… and knowing that everything is always taken care of and such things. Anyways, I always had this like voice within me that like it cannot be that complicated. It cannot be that… it cannot be such a hardship. It cannot be such an up and down all the time. 

SAMIA: Yeah. 

KATHRIN: That was something I carried within me. And to be honest, this voice kept me going, kept me searching, kept me trying to understand more. And, and at some point where I thought you could basically… or I don’t know if it's okay to use the word…. I kind of lost my shit... Because I was like, my life was in shambles, I didn't know where to go. I did so much healing. I had done all the work and nothing had worked really... I was going through these ups and downs. And I was like, I've had it. I was like, What am I missing? What am I not understanding? And this is like… you have to visualize this, me walking in the rain, screaming and yelling at the sky, like, what am I doing wrong? And then I don't know what opened, but some gate opened up and I received one download after another... I like to say my higher self likes my temperament. But so I don't know if that would work for everybody. But it sure worked for me. And this is also when I really understood what it means to really, truly love yourself and how that can actually open you up to your infinite abundance. And it's not taking a bubble bath. It's not by you fancy things. It's not, you know, doing EFT… and I love EFT. EFT is a powerful tool in telling yourself you love yourself. It can help... It might help you. But that's not how you truly honor, appreciate, accept, love yourself. 

SAMIA: Yeah. 

KATHRIN: ...it's actually very simple.

SAMIA: Yeah. No, I can actually relate to what you're saying, Kathrin... I've been through my own journey of, you know, healing and trying out this and that. And, you know, until you, you know... like, you don't know what you don't know. And so as you learn every little new piece of information, you're like, "Ah, okay, let me give this a try." And so you grab on to this solution, or that solution that other people tell you is, is the solution. And you try all the things out... And you're right. I mean, I have had a similar experience where I was like, "Okay, well, I did this, I did this..." And, you know, the thing is that I have always.. if I've had one strength throughout my life, it's being a good student, in the sense that I actually have a tendency to take whatever I'm learning, especially through teachers and books… I have a tendency to take it very seriously. And actually do the work to actually apply what I'm learning…

KATHRIN: …like, I mean, I'm sorry, but this goes without saying, "If you're willing to do the work, whether it's studying for chemistry, or if you're on your spiritual path, if you're not willing to do the work, nothing will change. You will not get the results. That's just how it is."

SAMIA: Yeah, right. And that's.. isn't that the shocking thing, though? Because I was like, I'm such a good student. And by the way, I did not start out thinking that I'm a good student. This was feedback I kept getting from other people, and other… my teachers… whether it was in school or after school with the many mentors that I worked with, they were all like, "oh, Samia, you're such a model student. You show up, you do the work, you do this, you do that." And just like you were saying, though, Kathrin, that it all helped to a certain extent. And I think in some ways I had to go through that journey to get to where I am. But it definitely… I very much relate to you in terms of… no matter how much of that work I did, there always did feel like there was something missing… because in terms of the results that I was seeing in my life and how I was just feeling, there was always that something missing. Like, yeah… there was always something missing...

KATHRIN: Yeah. And and no, you know, what kind of like put me over the edge... So there was this, like, voice, knowing, within me, like you also just described... And then you know, your higher self, it always wants to guide you. And it always knows when you're ready for your next lesson. 

SAMIA: Yeah. 

KATHRIN: And someday my higher self poped this question into my mind... So God is perfect love... What was it again? Let me think, oh my god, did I just… I just had it! Where did it go? No... So... So basically, if God is perfect love, if God is the Almighty… or whatever you want to call it, it doesn't matter, you know, it doesn't matter what you want to call him, her, she… doesn't matter... If He is really perfect love, if He is also powerful, is that really the best He could do? So suddenly that question was in my mind. And I was like, that didn't make any sense to me... If He's so perfect, why is everything so messy? Why is everything so complicated? If He's perfect love, that seems pretty straightforward, simple… There are no, like, left and right turns and you have to go around and then like, in an eight shape, and whatever. No, it's pretty straightforward. Why is everything so complicated? Why do we have to dig so deep? Why do we have to do all that work? And I'm not saying it's not involving work. We just said it... 

SAMIA: Yeah. 

KATHRIN: But in that I realized, you know, there's like this ego… I received a huge download on ego, like, what the ego is, what the purpose of the ego is, how to release it, why it's there, and all this... Which I think most people don't really have access to, which most people, I would say I experienced, don't really have the knowledge for maybe... And I was like, that just proves the point… that like, this inner voice within me was always right. And I also wanted to say something else, because you said, like, all this wisdom and you were such a good student, and you know, how they always say, in the spiritual world, that everything is within you?

SAMIA: Yeah.

KATHRIN: Well, turns out, it is. We just haven't been taught how to tap into it. Again, once you know how to really self love yourself, you open up to it… with ease.

SAMIA: Yeah. 

KATHRIN: You know.

SAMIA: Yeah.

KATHRIN: Then there's no, "Oh, should I do this? Or should I do that?” It’s like, No, it just… everything is like, just clear and makes sense.

SAMIA: Yeah, yeah. Oh, gosh, Kathrin, you always bring up so many different threads of amazing points that I want to talk about, but okay, so let's come back to the receiving love part, because…

KATHRIN: Yeah. I'm sorry.

SAMIA: No, no, no, because I mean, that other things are so important, too. But I… but this keeps coming up. And we… I think we really need to dig deeper into this because it's like, okay, yes, we need to absolutely, you know, tap into the self-love and it is the key to, you know, opening up the infinite abundance, to realizing that we are infinite abundance... But like again, like, from my experience... so much of that self-love that is the key to realizing we are infinite abundance, that self-love is not about, like you were saying earlier, about me taking a bubble bath or…

KATHRIN: Going to meni-pedi…

SAMIA: ...yeah, or even thinking how beautiful I am, and all that… but it's about receiving, being open to receiving love, you know? And so can you talk more about…


SAMIA: ...what to blocks people from receiving love? And…

KATHRIN: ...yeah.

SAMIA: Why is it so important for us to receive love… to really be able to love ourselves and realize the infinite abundance that we are?

KATHRIN: Okay, so I think there are a few things we first have to come to terms with, or which is really powerful to allow ourselves to hear and let it sink in. One of these truths is, "You are love," whether or not you can accept it right now, but that is your truth. And the other one is, and I find this really powerful and I invite you and everyone who's listening to this, to just form moment, maybe put a hand on your heart, and either out loud or silently in your head, in your mind, say… "Thank you God for trusting me fully, and completely." "Thank you God for trusting me fully and completely..." And just notice how that feels.I promise you if you repeat that affirmation, which is your truth, three times a day, maybe even more, more often, those questions about being enough, not worthy, not lovable... all these questions I've carried around with me for years… they will just vanish. Because it's the light that dispels the darkness. So if you are opening yourself up to these two truths, you are love, because you come from love. And God trusts you and loves you, of course, deeply and completely, no matter what, then this is a good starting point.

And the second step, and that sounds so simple that most people will not give it the time of the day is, true appreciation. This has nothing to do with all these gratitude list, gratitude boxes, jars, gratitude practice… it's not about being grateful for what you might have accomplished, or what you might have received, or what you might have generated. Or about the bank account, the car, the house, the hand bag that… it doesn't matter. That's not true appreciation is about… but true appreciation… and that is the easiest, the fastest way to true self-love and opening you up to abundance, your infinite abundance… true appreciation is all about acknowledging your truth which is, God loves you, God trusts you deeply and completely. And God has given you everything He is or has. So in German, you know, I don't know… because how your religious texts are different to the religious texts I was raised in but, you know, I grew up on a Christian continent… so you know, they said like, God created humans in His liking. But by that, it wasn't meant that we look like God or God looks like us. But what that means is actually that He has given us all His force, all His ability, all His wisdom, all His love, all His peace, all His joy, all His creativity, everything God is, is within you... If you start appreciating that, if you start appreciating all these gifts, the creativity, the wisdom, the joy, the love, the peace, the infinite abundance, the creative force within you, then it will start opening up... And that's because… let me give you a really simple example... If someone comes to you on the streets and asks you for, like, hey, you know, I don't know my way. Could you please show me the way… blah, blah, blah… Just simple question. You give them the direction. And he's like, I really thank you. Thank you so much. I appreciate you. Thank you for helping me. I appreciate… What happens to you? You open up... And when you start appreciating your truth, not what you have in 3D, but who you truly are… appreciate the trust God has in you, appreciate the love that you are made off, appreciate the creativity within you… that is when you understood through self-love and open up to the infinite abundance within you. And what that means, what then happens, you suddenly get all these ideas. You suddenly have the courage to do them, to follow them. You suddenly have the energy… because all the shadows we try to heal with shadow work and tapping and whatnot... they just fade away. Because once you open up to your truth, to your light, the shadows, the darkness will dispel…

SAMIA: Yes. That is so true. That is so true... And so actually opening up to your light is about… is receiving love. And yeah…

KATHRIN: And no, it's acknowledging that you are love…

SAMIA: That's right. That's right…

KATHRIN: ...you are. And the more you acknowledge…


KATHRIN: ..who you are, the more... The only reason why infinite abundance isn't present in your love life, in your health, in your money, in your whatever it is, is because you don't acknowledge it... You know, I wear glasses, you know. And sometimes I run through my apartment and I cannot find them. And then I’m just like… Holy Spirit, just show me where my glasses are. And suddenly I see them right next to me... It's because the moment before I wasn't ready to see them. And I'm pretty sure if you think about this, there are hundreds of little examples where something was always ready available to you, you just didn't see it, you didn't acknowledge it.

SAMIA: Yes. And, you know, this goes back to why if you are being the good student and trying to do everything you will never succeed, is because when you are like rushing around trying to find your glasses, you are focusing on you trying to do it. Like, “you” the ego self trying to do it. And the moment you're like, "No. Holy Spirit, please show me the glasses..."


SAMIA: You know, that's when you really, I mean, that's... I mean, our language is so funny, you know, the way language works... It keeps creating, even though in the way that we speak, and therefore the way that we think, creates all these layers of separation, you know, in our sense of who we are… And then we keep forgetting because of that, I think, who we are, and so then you keep you know, making that… like, "Oh, I'm going to find my glasses”, rather than, you know, opening up to the love and to the guidance…

KATHRIN: And being it's really… I'm sorry to interrupt, I'm sorry... I think it is really important to understand -- the ego shall not be underestimated. The ego is very smart. It has a 1000 and more ways to make you believe in the story it has been telling us for 1000s and 1000s of years. So of course, the ego, if you listen to this, and you're like, What? All I have to do is appreciate myself and then I open up to my infinite… that cannot be that easy! If this crossed your mind, then this was your ego talking because the ego insists on… it has to be complicated. It has to be complex... You know, it cannot be that easy. And on top of it, you're not worth it anyways.

SAMIA: Yeah.

KATHRIN: This is really important to understand that the ego will always try to sidetrack you.

SAMIA: Well, I mean, you know, for the ego, I will say that, you know... the ego is just so limited in its perspective. And from its very limited perspective, it is trying to tell you the truth… it's limited truth. So it's just a matter of recognizing that we are not…


SAMIA: …our ego, that we're not confined to our ego, that it's just a very tiny aspect of how we experience ourselves in this world.

KATHRIN: It's a tiny, mad idea that we accepted as truth.

SAMIA: Yeah.

KATHRIN: And that is why as you said in the beginning, as a good student you have to have the willingness to practice… because, you know, we accepted the tiny mad idea of the ego for so long that of course, you know, it takes practice, it takes willingness, it takes allowing an openness to really tap into that truth, to appreciate ourselves and to open up to the appreciation. And that is exactly why I started my membership, you know, Infinite Abundance. And because of course, there's some other steps to it. But the main one is appreciating yourself, appreciating your truth… and, you know, because yes, it has a very limited view. But in this limited view, the ego has 1000 more, you know, ways to convince you that its stories are the truth…

SAMIA: Yeah, yeah, you know, we have this like really beautiful prayer in the Muslim tradition that… like, if you're a practicing Muslim this is the prayer that you must recite every single day multiple, multiple times a day because, you know, as a practicing Muslim, you know, I... Well, I mean, you know, I'm praying informally throughout my day. However, there are certain times when I do ritual prayer. So it's like, formal ritual prayer… And so whenever we do formal ritual prayer, there is this particular supplication that you have to, you have to engage with that in every single ritual prayer that you do. And it's such a… you know, towards the end of that prayer… it… there is, you know, the part that we recite is you say, okay, so we are, we're praying and say, "God, please show us the straight path...The path of those for whom you… the path of those that you love, not of those on whom is anger and not of those who deviate… nor of those who deviate." So basically, I didn't do a great job of giving a beautiful translation… but okay, this deviate part, is the part that I'm trying to sort of highlight right now. So in the prayer, we pray to God to help us not deviate, not deviate from the straight path that, you know, we pray to be guided to. And for a long time, you know, I did not realize just how significant this deviation part of the prayer was. I would just sort of, like, say it because it's part of the ritual, but I didn't really think about what that really meant… But what I've understood now is that this is actually highlighting one of the seminal challenges that we as humans face in this life… that we keep deviating, we keep losing focus… Like, we know what to do, we know where to go in order to be abundance, to experience infinite abundance, to be living infinite abundance and love, but we keep deviating off that path, we keep losing our focus. And it's one of the core, core challenges that we face as human beings, as our ego selves. And so this is actually… in this prayer, we are actually being given a clue... And we are… it's a way for us to remind ourselves that, hey, you know this is one of the core challenges that you're likely to face, so just be aware. And anytime you find yourself deviating, go back... And that's all it takes, to just come back.

 KATHRIN: And it's really... I love that, that you say that because… every time, I feel like I'm deviating, because someone triggers me and my ego wants to take me on this route of blaming this other person for example… which is such an easy route to take... I'm like, hold it. Holy Spirit, please show me the truth... You know, and most likely, the person that is triggering you, all this person wants is love. So you just send them some love, just send them love. And you do that by simply saying, I sent you love… of thinking… you don't even have to say it out loud... And the beauty of this is… because I truly believe in the law of one… there's… We Are All One… what you send out to others, you send to yourself.

SAMIA: Yeah. Yes, yes. I mean, and isn't that like… that… it’s really about… this is the remembrance that we need to have, it's like, that we are all one, that all is one. And that is how we are infinite abundance because we are all that is, because all is one... We are all one. So it's like, if we are all one, then how can we not be infinite abundance? 


SAMIA: Our universe is so abundant... It is so abundant. So if we are all that is… and I mean, all that is... I mean... 

KATHRIN: I think, the biggest challenge, because there are so many external factors that sidetrack us, that deviate us from our truth, is to really acknowledge that everything… the wisdom, the creativity… everything is within you... Everything comes from God is within you, the Holy Spirit is within you. The wisdom, the creativity, the abundance, everything is within you. And that's what I show my clients how to tap into, in my membership Infinite Abundance.

SAMIA: Yeah.

KATHRIN: And also… and that is one of the best parts and why I love this membership so much and which... and I only share what I've experienced myself... As said and you've said it as well, I've tried so many different techniques to heal. And for me the biggest one was, not worthiness, not deserving, not being good enough… which I know from speaking to many people, you know, being certified at these kind of things, many people face these kind of beliefs. And in my membership program, I again, share another really powerful tool, how to release all that, with the help of your higher self or the Holy Spirit if you feel comfortable using that term… but it doesn't matter if you use that term or not because once you do that work, the higher self, the holy spirit, will be on your side helping you. And you don't really have to do anything, you just have to… it's a certain prayer I teach my clients. And once you use that prayer the holy spirit will get to it and will heal this lifetime, past lifetimes, future lifetimes… And you can feel the shifts in such fast time, like, I've never experienced before. However, I have to speak a warning here… If you start doing that kind of work, if you truly want to tap into your infinite abundance, if you want to release the ego, if you really want to tap into your truth.. in the beginning your higher self will guide you to your biggest aches... And what I mean by that is, everything you experience, you create. And it will guide you to the biggest miscreation. Let's call it, just for better understanding... Let's call it mis-creations. So for me for example, it was, when I started on that journey, when I decided, "Okay God, I trust you fully and completely because you trust me fully and completely. I'm ready to do that"...

SAMIA: Yeah.

KATHRIN: …after I've received all these downloads… everything came to a stop. Suddenly, like, after making money, you know, making more and more and more, it stopped. And I was just like, what is going on... nothing worked anymore. In the end, I understand why because you know, this had the most potential.

SAMIA: Yeah. 

KATHRIN: And also, it also, made me make a big choice, a big change in my direction… because I'm no longer offering business coaching... But for another for example, another client of mine, she is currently facing a lot of health problems because of that.

SAMIA: Yeah. 

KATHRIN: …but if you are sticking to that path, using the tools, maybe after two weeks, three weeks, four weeks, maybe after two months… you have cracked the egg, taking out all the power…

SAMIA: Yeah. 

KATHRIN: …you will never have to go through that experience, ever again.

SAMIA: Yeah, yeah. I can testify to that. I can testify to that because, you know, it's just… it's actually, if you think about it, this in some ways… I mean it has to happen this way… because it's like you have all this gunk and all this junk that's, like, basically holding you back and making you miserable, etc... And then, you say, okay, I'm ready for the healing. I open myself up to the healing. Well, I mean, it has to be released. It has to be released... And so in the process of the release, you know, that's when you may experience some discomfort… but also, it's you know that... the… it's, like, a survival fight for the ego and whatever other things that, you know…

KATHRIN: ...absolutely.

SAMIA: …that created this gunk in the first place. They're fighting to survive because it's like, a lot of times, you know, these are actually shields and walls that we have built up to, we think, protect ourselves and keep ourselves safe... And so, it's like there's a part of you that's like, "I want to be free, I'm ready to be healed, I'm ready to let go of all of this." And there's this other part of you that's still the scared child and it's like, "No! I'm not ready. No... Will not let go”... So…

KATHRIN: Yeah. And if you're truly committed to that work, because you're like nothing else worked I'm just gonna do it, then in the beginning buckle up. Because in the beginning it's gonna be… not everybody... and it's different for everybody, okay... but it was rough for me. I know it's rough for some of my clients, that's why I'm there for them. Some other people might not experience it as rough, you know, or have different experience. So it's not… but yes, it gets uncomfortable because you know, it's your biggest ...the biggest pile of gunks will deliver first.

SAMIA: Yeah, you know, I will say that… I mean, can’t be grateful enough to the love that it never forces though, it never forces. So it's all about what you're willing to tolerate, what you're willing to let go, what you're willing to really release… Like for me, I had the experience of… the first time I made the intention and I was like, "Okay, I'm willing to let go. Please, you know, God give me all the healing, all the love... I'm ready to receive." And then, you know, I received to a certain extent. And then, I was like, "No... I'm too scared. I don't want to go further." And I actually closed up. And for a while, that, you know, I… like, I backed off... And I went back in some ways to the old habits and patterns where, you know, I was comfortable. I mean, I was still better than I had been because there was a certain level that of release that I had allowed to occur and happen… but then, you know, when, when I backed off... I backed off. And you know, it's not like, something held me and was like, "No, we will force you to stick it through and you cannot back off." No, it's like the love never forces... the love never forces. So you know, when I was ready for my second round, I was like, "Okay, I'm back." And it was much easier, it was much easier... I was able to go and release much further. But I had this happen like several times, where I went to a certain extent again and then, you know, I thought I was doing great, and then I got to another point, where I was like, "No, I cannot... I cannot." And then I backed off again. And then, you know… So I went back and forth a few times... and you know… So I just want to assure anyone who's listening, like, don't be scared... The love never forces. So you know, you can always... And this was actually one of the really… Like, one of my teachers that I've been working with, this is actually a reminder that he gives us. And he's like, yeah, you know, you can always, like, just choose to drop out. You know, just get angry at someone, just think about someone that annoyed you and get mad at them. Just fall back into blaming and judging that person. It's so easy to do, and that's it. That's such an easy escape route. You will not be trapped in the love and the light…

KATHRIN: It's more fun... 

SAMIA: Yeah.

KATHRIN: And I think it's also, what also really helped me was the knowing that your higher self will only give you the amount of gunk your higher self knows…

SAMIA: Yeah. 

KATHRIN: …you are capable of handling…

SAMIA: Yes... 

KATHRIN: So even though it might feel like I can't go any further, I really need… like, if this is like, "Oh, my God, what am I supposed..." Like, your highest self knows that you can do it. And that really helped build my confidence, and my trust so much.

SAMIA: Yeah.

KATHRIN: You know, I was like okay, this is really, really, really uncomfortable but if my higher self knows, I can handle it. I mean... 

SAMIA: Yes... 

KATHRIN: ...let's yes do it. I guess…

SAMIA: Yes, yes, exactly. And you know, like for me, what I've experienced is that, that trust in myself and in the higher self sort of comes with experience in some ways, you know. Like where I... when I… like, the second time or the third time when I had these experiences of, okay, I went to a certain extent, I backed off at a certain point… but each time I was able to go deeper, release more. And the even the fear that I did feel, that, because of which I eventually pulled back, it was less in intensity... And so I was able to go back into the process much more quickly, and with greater confidence and stuff. So, you know, I just, I was like, "Ah!" You know... yeah, it is…

KATHRIN: Yeah, absolutely. 

SAMIA: You know, yeah…

KATHRIN: Absolutely, wonderful.

SAMIA: Follow your path... follow your path… no judgment, no judgment…

KATHRIN: ...no judgment.

SAMIA: Yeah. 

KATHRIN: Because if you... if you judge others, you only judge yourself and in that you will limit yourself. 

SAMIA: Yes, yes…

KATHRIN: This is really important to understand.

SAMIA: Yeah. 

KATHRIN: Any kind of judgment, whether it's the weather, the garbage on the streets or another person's outfit… every judgment, judges yourself, limits yourself... 

SAMIA: Yeah. You know one of my teachers, who teaches about spiritual issues, he uses... he has a very interesting… like, especially, when you first start learning with him… so he's like, you know… there's an intro level and then as you go deeper, then he introduces you to deeper ways of thinking about sometimes the same concepts... And anyway, when he first introduces people who have never necessarily delved into spiritual matters... so he talks about… there's this physical universe and then there's a spiritual universe. And he talks about, you know, how... Like, and then he highlights some differences in what this physical universe is like and what the spiritual universe is like. And he says… again, this is still intro level, intro level sharing…. so he says, you know… your goal or your journey is about aligning yourself more and more with how the spiritual universe is. Because if you want to receive the abundance and the love and the light from the spiritual universe, you have to be more in that same kind of state. And so he, you know, he highlights like, okay, what are some things that are not present in the Spiritual Universe? Well, one thing that's not present in the Spiritual Universe is judgment…


SAMIA: You know... 

KATHRIN: Absolutely, because in the Spiritual Universe, you acknowledge that you've created everything. And if you would judge any of your creations you would understand that you, you know, would basically tell yourself you suck…

SAMIA: ...there's that…

KATHRIN: And no one would do that in the Spiritual Universe.

SAMIA: Yes. I mean, you know, from a judgmental mindset, you know, you could be like, "Oh yeah, I created stuff and I created junk. And I suck because I created junk..." But actually, it's not like that. It's like in the Spiritual Universe, yes, there is knowing I created everything. And there is a knowing that there's a good reason why I created what I created…

KATHRIN: And again, this comes back to appreciating it.


KATHRIN: Because if you appreciate even the gunk… oh, my God… you open up to the self-love…


KATHRIN: …and especially to the value of the gunk.

SAMIA: Yes, exactly. So really, you come to realize that the gunk is not really gunk. It makes me think about this saying... oh, my gosh, I'm forgetting the words of the exact saying…but the meaning of it comes out to something like… there is no trash in nature. Like, if you look at how nature works, how nature operates, there is no trash in nature... What is trash from one perspective is like the food for something else or the fertilizer for something else to grow and live and thrive and survive. It's like, one of my teachers, he says, you see this pile of dung over here, this pile of shit, wow, it's heaven for the dung beetle... 

KATHRIN: Yes, exactly... Exactly. 

SAMIA: Yeah.

KATHRIN: Yeah. So and I think, this is like, you know, to really sum it up or to to close the circle… if you really want to open yourself up, to self-love… and I really would like to exchange the word of “receiving the abundance” with “open yourself up”, because the abundance is there, the abundance is within you...

SAMIA: Yeah. 

KATHRIN: …start appreciating your truth. Start appreciating everything and anything, whether you actually like it or not. And this is how you tap into your loving yourself, into the perfect love God is. And with that you open yourself up to the infinite abundance you are…

SAMIA: Thank you so much for that Katherin. 

KATHRIN: ...you're welcome.

SAMIA: That was such a beautiful way to sum up the lesson... So I will resist the temptation to keep talking for right now. And we will wrap up for now. And oh, my gosh, as my last reminder to our listeners, I will just say, please check the show notes because I will make sure to include Katherin's links in there, so you can connect with her. 

KATHRIN: Thank you so much…

SAMIA: ...and learn more from her. And yeah, just until we connect next time. I wish you lots and lots of peace and joy... :)

KATHRIN: Thank you so much for your time. I appreciate you so very much, Samia. Thank you to all your listeners, and I appreciate all of you so very much. And if you have any questions, please, you know, get in touch with me, drop me a DM, follow me on Facebook and check out my membership, "Infinite Abundance".


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