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How to Overcome Money Blocks and Manifest Abundance.
With Sharan Sammi & Samia Bano
Feel worried about money? Concerned you don't have enough?
Have negative thoughts and feelings about money like, "money doesn't grow on trees", or "money is the root of all evil"...?
Most of us have unconscious and hidden #MoneyBlocks, i.e. thought processes that actually stop us from manifesting the money and abundance we want in our lives! But it doesn't have to be that way!
Listen now to this interview with Sharan Sammi, #ManifestingAbundance Mentor & #Intuitive #EnergyHealer, to learn how to stop repelling money away from you, unlock your #FinancialPotential, and #manifestabundance with fun and ease!
PLUS, grab Sharan's FREE GIFT TO YOU now!
This "Art of Affirmation" E-book by Sharan will help you unlock and attract prosperity and wealth from within, in all areas of your life.
Sharan is an inspirer, motivator and serial manifestor, with the aim of shining light everywhere she goes. As a Manifesting Abundance Mentor, Intuitive Energy Healer and a Corporate Trainer, Sharan empowers her clients to unlock their full financial potential by energetically activating their true self worth and inner confidence so they can start building an abundant legacy and create the time freedom to manifest a successful and fulfilling life by design.
Connect with Sharan at:
Email: sharan@sharansammi.com
#MindsetMastery #PositiveVibes #FinancialEmpowerment #SelfDevelopment #AbundantLiving #MindsetShift #InnerConfidence #LifeByDesign #LawOfAttraction #GratitudeJourney #WealthMindset #SuccessMindset #PersonalGrowth #EmpowermentCoach #AbundanceMindset #PositivityWins #SelfLoveJourney #LimitingBeliefs #MindfulLiving #EmpoweredWomen #WealthBuilding #PositiveMindset #MindsetMagic #FinancialFreedom #SelfEmpowerment #PositiveAffirmations #SuccessStories #believeinyourself
Samia Bano is the #HappinessExpert, author, speaker, podcaster & coach for coaches and healers. Samia is most known for her book, 'Make Change Fun and Easy' and her #podcast of the same name. With the help of her signature Follow Your Heart Process™, a unique combination of #PositivePsychology and the spiritual wisdom of our most effective #ChangeMakers, Samia helps you overcome #LimitingBeliefs, your chains of fear, to develop a #PositiveMindset and create the impact and income you desire with fun and ease…
Samia’s advanced signature programs include the Happiness 101 Class and the Transformative Action Training.
Samia is also a Certified #ReikiHealer and Crisis Counselor working to promote #MentalHealthAwareness.
Samia models #HeartCenteredLeadership and business that is both #SociallyResponsible and #EnvironmentallyFriendly.
Samia is a practicing #Muslim with an inter-spiritual approach. As someone who has a love and appreciation for diversity, she is a #BridgeBuilder between people of different faiths and cultures.
Although Samia currently lives in California, USA, she has lived in 3 other countries and speaks Hindi, Urdu, and English fluently.
To Book your Free HAPPINESS 101 EXPLORATION CALL with Samia, click: tps://my.timetrade.com/book/JX9XJ
Full Video Transcript
SAMIA: Hello, Salaam, Shalom, Namaste, Sat Sri Akal, Aloha, Holah, Ciao, Bonjour, Buna, and Privet! It's really, really, good to be with you again. And guess what? We have a very cool guest with us today and I’m so excited to have her, so please give her... Well, you can't... Wait, let me introduce her first and then we'll give a big warm welcome… And our guest today is Sharan Sammi. Welcome, Sharan…
SHARAN: Hi, thank you for having me. I'm so excited to be here.
SAMIA: Yes, I'm so happy to have you with us. Please, Sharan, tell us more about who you are and what you do…
SHARAN: Wonderful. So thank you, Samia, for having me and inviting me to your show. So I'm Sharan Sammi. I'm from the UK. I'm married, with two beautiful Earth Angels, my daughter, who is nine, and my son who is six. And I mentioned my family first because my highest value in life is my family. And I do everything for my family. But in terms of myself, I spent years traveling up and down the UK, up and down the country, loved what I did with a passion in financial markets, talking about the economy, etc. But then I started my personal development journey 18 years ago. So as a natural psychic medium, I started training myself in mindset, healing modalities, lots of coaching modalities, such as Reiki healer, master teacher in traditional Usui Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Master NLP practitioner, theta healer, you know that there's quite a different number of modalities that I did... But I did that as a hobby. And then throughout my journey, I realized that actually, I wasn't fully aligned with my true values in life… especially when I got married, had my two beautiful Earth Angels, working long hours in the corporate world just didn't really suit my lifestyle as a mother and as a wife. So something had to change. And that's when I turned my hobbies, my passion, into my training and coaching business as an entrepreneur. And I left the corporate banking world at the start of 2020, just before the pandemic hit… the best decision ever, the best move by the universe… and then started my business as a Manifesting Abundance Mentor and Intuitive Energy Healer. So what I do is I empower women, so ambitious women, who are really looking for more purpose in their life, to unlock their financial potential by uncovering and diving deep into their fears, their blocks, their limiting beliefs, you know, anything that's stopping them from moving forward, activating that inner confidence, so that they can then start to build that abundant legacy, and also manifest their life by design, I call it... So just really just living their true purpose, living their true greatness where anything is possible. So I just love to align everything I do with my true values. And I teach other people as well to do that as well…
SAMIA: Wow, I love that. That is amazing. And I think what you are doing, the switch that you have made in the career, and the mission that you're on now, I think it's a perfect switch for you. Because I know you are an amazing manifester yourself. So it makes sense that you are a Manifesting Abundance Mentor.
SHARAN: Yeah, thank you.
SAMIA: So I was thinking it'd be really, really great to learn more with you about how we can sort of erase the money blocks in our life. Can you tell me a little bit more about what money blocks are, as you understand them... What are the problems people are dealing with because of these money blocks might crop up?
SHARAN: Yeah. Definitely, definitely... And this is such a great topic area to be talking to you about. So many blocks is definitely my jam in terms of helping my clients to overcome them. So first of all you mentioned, what is a money block? Well, it's basically that thing, that block, that thought process that actually stops us from manifesting the money and abundance into our lives. And quite simply, I'll give you an example... It's like for example, if you think about money, what's the first thing that comes to your mind? And you're listening out there right now. So think about money right now. How do you feel about it? What are the thoughts that are coming through your mind? And then really notice… is it a positive? Is it a positive view? Like for example, like, you know, I know money's going to come to me, and you feel really excited and really lit up about money. You can go out, you can spend, you don't worry about money. You know that all your bills are going to be paid, all the things that you want to buy, you can do it in abundance... Or is it the opposite, where you may be repelling money away from you with the thoughts? I don't have enough money... Money never seems to stay. Money always comes in, then it goes... I can never buy the things I want to buy. Why is it so difficult? And the common ones are this… money doesn't grow on trees… which we probably heard so many times from my parents when we were growing up in our childhood, you know. Money is the root of all evil, you know. The rich people are greedy. You know... So why do we want to have this money because we don't want to be greedy. And it's all of the negative connotations that we've immersed ourselves with, and some of it is not even our beliefs. So when we grew up as a child, we may have taken on our parents view, you know… You go to the toy shop, or you go to a store, and as a child, you know, what do children do? I want this, Mommy, I want this, Daddy, I want this... And a lot of the time, you know, it's very common with my clients that have said, and even myself, parents will say, "Oh, no, we can't afford that, that's too expensive. Do you think money grows on trees? How, you know, you can have that when it's your birthday, you know, special occasion, we can't afford it..." You know, all of that lack and the scarcity and the limitation… and it's a downward spiral. And then what happens is as a child up to the age of seven, we're like a sponge. So thinking, Oh, I can't afford this, you know, money doesn't grow on trees. Money… money makes you greedy, you know… it's for the rich people, you know… And it's all of those connotations. And then when you grow up in life, the way it comes out is, you then start to... because we all manifest, whether it's good things, whether it's bad things, whether we are consciously aware of this, we are manifesting… but the key thing is, is to be deliberate creators, being really conscious of manifesting as a decision… instead of just going on default, you know, allowing your thoughts to run the show, which is… which is this, quite frankly, "I don't have enough money." So what happens, the universe is listening, the collective consciousness energy, and it's like… "Okay, don't have enough money? Okay, we'll give you a bill. We'll give you the credit card statement. We'll give you this..." You know, your car will break down, you need a new laptop… you know, so then you don't... So then you're fulfilling that thought, and your belief system of saying “I don't have enough money”. So the universe is just reinforcing that belief for you. So it's, I don't have enough money. So the universe is basically making that experience in reality for you. Whereas if you shift the paradigm, and you shift the habits and the behaviors, which I can share later on with you, as well, in terms of affirmations. You shift that completely from I don't have enough money to I have money, money flows quickly and easily to me, and you have that different energy. And then you will be surprised, because over time, when you work through your blocks at that deep, subconscious level, you open up to opportunities, or synchronicities, where money does flow to you. You know, people that may have owed you money, the money comes in, you get a pay rise at work, you know... If you've got a business, you know, more clients come to you, and they pay you in full without paying you in installments, and you receive this many refunds, competitions, you know, winning a scratch card, winning the lottery, all of this stuff. But it's a different mindset. When you have that different mindset and overcome the blocks, which is a process... It's not just you do it once and that's it… So me, you know, going through this 18-year personal development journey, every time I've up-leveled or, you know, gone through a particular point, you know, call it the income ceiling, you go through that income ceiling, you're faced with more money blocks, more stuff to learn. It's a bit like the onion. You peel it, the layers, you know, you keep peeling the layers and then you advance. Oh no, I've got all of this other resistance that comes in and then you peel back the layers… It's like a constant healing journey. But when you really work through the blocks, you can really change your life.
SAMIA: Yes... Ah, you brought up so many excellent points. You made me think about so many things. Oh, gosh... Okay, so I don't know where to start... I do, I do... I have lots of ideas, okay. You know, like, when you were, for example, talking about the idea of the universe, like, if you have those limiting beliefs, if you have that mindset of, "Oh, there isn't enough", then the universe sort of creates that reality for you... I think one of the things I've been realizing about that in my experience, is that, it's not so much that the universe is creating that reality for you. It's sort of like, you know, all of these... I mean, the universe, the reality… like, if you think of it as it is, what it is, it is what it is, and it's an issue perhaps, what am I focusing on? Like, if there's a big picture we are looking at... What part of the picture am I focusing on? And so what I focus on expands, you know, in the sense that if I choose to focus on the scarcity, it's… from a certain perspective, that's a valid perspective… But then that scarcity seems to expand for you because that's what you're focusing on… verses, if you focus on the abundance aspect, then the abundance expands. And it's not that one perspective is more right than the other. But, you know, we do want to know that we can choose which respective we cultivate and hold because we want to be and experience more abundance, rather than scarcity…
SHARAN: Definitely. Definitely… and I'll give you an example here as well taking that a step further... and it was great how you just put that together… because it is all in the focus. You can focus on the lack and the scarcity in repelling money away from you. Or you can focus on actually attracting money towards you… the, you know, the abundance, you know, the positivity, you know… and having it like a magnet towards you. And one of the key things here that I teach my clients and, you know, bringing the collective consciousness, you know, the collective together… and this is the key thing, because it's noticing as well who you are around. Because there's a quote out there, a famous quote that you are an average of the top five people you spend the most time with. So if, for example, you've got the thought process of “haven't got enough”, “money never… seems to stay in my bank account”, “I never have enough money”... And then you're around your friends, your family, your work colleagues, who are always thinking, "Oh, I don't have enough money, I can't do this, I can't buy this, I've got to scrimp, I've got to save, I can't go on holiday till next year"... and you're around all of this energy… because other people are relaying these thoughts as well to you… it's in your energy field, and it's all around you... So then what happens is, you're bouncing all this negativity off each other and you're escalating it so high that it's like, you know, it can really drain your energy and feel… starts to feel really uncomfortable. So one thing I would say to you listening out there as an exercise is, just notice and just answer to yourself, you know, who ware the top five people I spend the most time with. And then when you actually, you know, even write it down, write down the top five people you spend the most time with… so whether it's your husband, you know, your, your partner, your wife, your husband, your your children, whether it's your mother, whether it's your work colleagues, your next door neighbor, your best friend… whoever it is… your cousin's… whoever it is... write their names down. And then at the side, write down in terms of, do you feel that they're overall like a positive, optimistic person? Or do you feel they're quite pessimistic? You know, not not encouraging you, not supporting you? So if you had an idea, and you went to, say, person A, would they encourage you, or would they really disempower you and think really negative? And that's kind of your warning sign... Like, you know, the ones that are negative, okay, well, maybe start to have a plan, maybe spend less time with the negative and focus more times, you know, to be around the positive people. And then what you do is, as soon as you let go of the negative people, you know, the people that drain you, don't support you, you know, really take your energy, zap that energy and you… you move away from that, what you're doing is you're creating space for better, positive, more abundant people to come into your life. And then when they do, you know, feel that uplifted energy, because you are an average of the top five people you spend the most time with… and it's so powerful, and it's so important.
SAMIA: Yeah, you know, now you just made me think about... you know, like, I'm from India and Pakistan… and I mean both India and Pakistan, I’m half and half… and, you know, we in my family… well, at least certainly when I lived in India and Pakistan I always lived as part of the joint family system. So I was surrounded by family.
SHARAN: Yeah. SAMIA: And in some ways, you know, you are… you have the family you have, you don't... at least… especially when you're young and a child, you're not choosing the family that you have…
SAMIA: You know, one thing… one thing that I realized, even as a child, is that different people are good for different things for us, in the sense that, you know, there's… no one is completely encouraging or completely discouraging. Generally speaking, most people have their issues where they're cool with you on this, this, this issue… But then they have their buttons, that if, you know, they themselves get triggered, or, you know, something was difficult for them, and so if you bring up that for them, then they become, you know… then you see their more pessimistic side, or they're more discouraging side. And so part of, you know… the cool thing about being part of a joint family system is that you learn to navigate all of these kinds of dynamics, and you're like… ah, if I want this, then I will go to this person in my family, and they will help me and they will encourage me on this. And, you know, I will use them to be a cushion against that person in the family who I know is going to discourage me on that….SHARAN: Definitely, definitely… And you know what with families, because obviously from… we’re both from like Asian backgrounds and, you know, being around family is like, really important… like I mentioned right at the start, my number one value is my family, that's what I do everything for… And what I realized was as well is, you know, family wants to be there for you, they want to support you, they want to, you know, really help and encourage you. But sometimes… and this is just a big sometimes okay, and this is what I've personally experienced, and to an extent it has… you know, it did impact on the mental health side and, you know, my energy and my emotions, and everything… I had to deal with this even though I spent like 18 years, you know, training in coaching and healing modalities... Sometimes, like you mentioned, we go through ups and downs in life. And I'll give you a quick example… like, I got married and about… it's going to be 12 years now, almost in a couple of months time… and, you know, fantastic marriage, got on well with you know the in-law side of the family. But then what I realized was, when I then started coming out of the corporate world and wanted to establish my business, you know, me and my husband, you know, I'm just gonna say openly, like, we are abundant. You know, we manifest. Like, I'm known from my, you know, from my clients as like the queen of manifesting, a serial manifester from the age of six, you know, winning brand new cars, permanent role in a top UK TV soap, increasing my salary by 110% in the banking world, when, you know, there's so much resistance, lots of people like out there telling me, that's impossible, you can't do this, you can't do that. And this is the thing it's like, be really careful who you listen to. And I had a real personal, quite a negative experience… And halfway through my married life, you know, I was transitioning from corporate, starting business, very, very high positive person, very optimistic. It's what I really am. I'm very, super motivated, ambitious. And what I felt was, like, I was talking about my plans, I was talking about, you know, all this positivity stuff, because I was immersed in all this personal development stuff… not realizing that, really, that people are on their own journeys. Not everybody has gone through the same personal development stuff. And then what I realized was so much resistance by certain family members of my husband's side of the family, where they literally… it was like an emotional attack, so to speak… So we go through our ups and downs in life. And then what happens is, when you go to a certain level, you then may start to feel resistance from other people around you... whether it's your family, your friends, your peers, your work colleagues. And what actually essentially happens is, because you're shining your light, you know, in whatever, you know, you've up leveled, whatever you've achieved… it's bringing out the insecurities from other people around you, without probably them even realizing themselves. Because what happens is, they look at you as that shining example, but then automatically, they feel this resistance towards you, because you're there showing them that it's achievable, showing that they can do it. But then what's happening indirectly is it's bringing, it's triggering them, it's bringing out all the insecurities within themselves of… "Oh, I'm not I'm not good enough in my life, I want my life to be better." And it's like, sometimes it brings out the comparison, like comparing to another person. Sometimes it brings up the insecurities like, "Oh, how did they get that compared to me?", you know that jealousy that envious... So it's about also noticing the stuff that happens around you, because you're not going to be for everybody. You go through your journey. Not everybody goes through personal development. Not everybody, you know, makes it… like, for example, with me, it's a way of life... self improvement, working on my mental health is a way of life. And the key thing here with mental health especially, is noticing how you feel deep within, you know. And it's just… and we've got our own internal GPS system, and it's so incredible. It's our feelings... And we can literally go… Okay, in this moment… and you're listening right now… in this moment, how do you feel about your life right now? How do you feel about your relationship? How do you feel about the money in your life? You know, you the list is endless... You can… you can go through everything in your life... How do you feel about this? How do you feel about that? You know, and then notice how you feel. Do you feel negative? Do you feel positive? And this comes back down to like the manifesting and, you know, changing the vibration, changing the energy… noticing why it's so negative, noticing the people that you're surrounded by. Are they amplifying the negativity to you? Or are they helping and supporting you into changing? You know, because support is always available, especially on the mental health side. So I've had this within my life, and the way I personally dealt with it was, I took a step back, because I was emotionally attacked. Like, everything, that all the insecurities that these are the people were facing, because they saw me as this light, or however they they portrayed and they saw me as, it was bringing out all this insecurity where they, they literally threw back at me like, you know, you are not good enough, you know, saying all this negative stuff to me. And then it really affected me and I was just thinking to myself, I don't understand what's happened. Because I love my life. And I really did. And I really do. I love my life. And you know, I've got a fantastic business, amazing husband, amazing children... You know, we we are doing all this great stuff. Yeah, I'm hearing all this stuff about me not trusting people, not worthy, not being good enough. And I was thinking, is that me? And it did affect me... It affected me for a short space of time…
SAMIA: Yeah.
SHARAN: …because I knew how to deal with it, you know. The personal development mindset techniques to bring me back to reality, to think… actually stop...
...So I was thinking, Is it really me? Is it something that I've done? You know, I, I actually feel that my life is great... So I don't understand why I'm getting all this negativity thrown back at me. And then I stopped. And I assessed… actually, you know what, the issue is coming from the other side. And then I realized the deeper thing that actually other people can get triggered based on your success. And this is a key learning point here, for all of you listening… never compare yourself to somebody else. You know, your chapter two, you can't compare that to somebody's chapter 20. You know, your chapter eight, you can't compare it to somebody's chapter three. You're all going through your own journey... And the only person you can compare yourself to is the person in the mirror that you was yesterday. And I always say that… the only person you can compare yourself is to the person yesterday. You become the better version of you today for you, for your family, for the loved ones, for your children, for your partner, for your parents… you know, for those people that really matter and make a difference in your life. And that's what I'm all about, you know… being authentic, being true… but really feeling into your thoughts, your beliefs, your emotions, because that affects the actions you take, which give you the results...SAMIA: Yes... Ah, I love this. This is such a key, key insight. It's actually life changing once you really truly understand that your beliefs impact your thoughts, your thoughts impact your behaviors. Because....
SHARAN: ...yeah…
SAMIA: ...you know, I remember when I first started actually sharing this idea with people, I remember, some very vivid instances where the people I shared this idea with reacted so negatively… because they thought that I was blaming them, and saying, "Oh, where you're at in your life is your fault, because your behaviors are a result of your thoughts and your beliefs." And I was like, no, no, no, that's not where I'm coming from... If you… I'm sharing this as a thought of empowerment, because once you realize that, and accept this, then, you know, you also realize that, "I have the power to create change in my life. Because I can change my thoughts, I can change my beliefs." So...SHARAN: Yeah. And you know, the key thing here is, some people out there in the world… and if you're listening, this is completely fine as well… you don't realize the power and the magnitude of the power you have, the freedom of your own thoughts... And as the late Wayne Dyer says… change your thoughts, change your life. And it just sounds so simple. Change your thoughts change your life. It's true, you know. Change the, “I don't have enough money”, you know, “I'm not good enough", to, "I can do this." You know, it's all in your thoughts. It's all in your thoughts….SAMIA: Yes. And I think you know, sometimes when people are stuck in the scarcity mindset… and really, you… they're just not able to even appreciate their own brilliance. I'm reminded of, like, some people... So there is this one lady in particular I'm thinking about right now. And undoubtedly, she was in a tough situation if you looked at her life from a certain perspective. You know, she… the reason I got connected with her is because… as some of our listeners might know, if you're a regular listener, I actually have a background in working with survivors of domestic violence, because I worked as a crisis counselor on a sexual assault and domestic violence hotline for a good four years, actually. And at this point in time, when I met this lady, I had actually stopped working on the hotline. But you know, I have the skills that I do, and I have the knowledge that I do. And it's amazing, like, once you have awareness and understanding of what abuse looks like, this and that, you see it happening everywhere.
SAMIA: Anyway, I connected with this lady, because she wanted to work with me as a Happiness Expert. I was like, "Great, let's do it." Very soon, I realized she was actually in an abusive relationship, and the cause of her unhappiness was, in fact, that she was suffering a lot of abuse. Anyway, the point of why I'm sharing right now about her is because… I could actually see that she was a brilliant manifester, in the sense that… she needed all kinds of help and she keeps manifesting all these people into her life who are there to help her in amazing ways. Like, I mean, she manifested me into her life and I did all kinds of things for her. I've seen her manifest… like, she needed a place to live, and, you know, a safe place to live. And generally, you know, most shelters here in America for domestic violence survivors, they will place… like, either there is no space, you find a space, they're like, Oh, you can only be here for a few days, you know… they'll have, like, limits on how long you can stay there, and then you, you know, good luck to you. She found a shelter where they were like, you can stay here as long as you want. She had her own apartment, you know, that they gave her. It was clean. It was, you know, properly, well furnished. And, you know, they were actually wrapping her up with all kinds of, you know, support services. And I was like, wow, this is so amazing... And this was the first time I'd worked with this particular shelter. I didn't even know they existed before she came into my life. And somehow, she was... I mean, you know, like, I had suggested a bunch of other places to her. She got somehow referred to this particular place that turned out to be such an amazing place. I was in amazement by, you know, just how accommodating there were being. But you know, her attitude, like, within a few weeks of her being there, she was like complaining about this, and she was complaining about that... And she was like, "They're not treating me right". I'm like, "What's wrong?" And when she would actually tell me what's wrong and how she thought they were mistreating her... I was like, "No, no", this is a perspective problem where she was so much…
SHARAN: But it's also... Yeah. It also could go really deeper than that as well on so many different levels… because it also sounds like, as well, she's self-sabotaging herself... The most common thing here is the fear of failure or the fear of success. And she is, like you said, she manifested that place, having gone through that violence. And then, it also then brings up the whole thing of gratitude… having an attitude of gratitude and being really grateful, which then lifts your vibration. But then if it's conflicting with her mindset of sabotaging herself… and that comes back down to, as well, "I'm not worthy of this. I'm only deserving of being treated in that sort of domestic violence relationship… And that could come from various aspects, like her childhood, her DNA, ancestral chain, even past life oath, past life oaths and contracts and conditions that are still in place that's running through the lifetimes. It could even come from the soul level in terms of what is she here on this planet in this lifetime to learn, to discover, and to grow through... What's her karma, you know. So, on so many levels that you've mentioned there, she's gone through that fantastic, amazing journey of manifesting you into her life and that amazing place, but it sounds like she was self-sabotaging herself as well. And this is what lots of people do... Like, you know, I've done this in the past. And you know, even you out there listening, you may have been, you know, self-sabotaging yourself... Which means like, you know, you want to go for a job opportunity, like a promotion, or start a business, but then something happens to stop it. But you had everything there, like, maybe the money, the support, the background, and then all of a sudden, it doesn't go to plan. And that's because sometimes indirectly we manifest those circumstances and conditions that can really throw us off and sabotage the results that we want, because it comes back down to as well, like, that lack of confidence, the worthiness…. I'm not good enough... Who am I to do this?... The impostor syndrome…
SHARAN: …everybody else is so much better than me. Why should I do this? And I've personally gone through this as well. And it's having the techniques and the tools to get out of it, to change the whole trajectory of your life… it's mindset... And I always find it comes down to mindset. 80% is mindset, 20% is strategy…
SAMIA: Yeah. No, I'm with you on that. I'm with you on that... This is so profound to realize. It's really, really profound to realize… because the typical mindset is really about… like, when you have a problem, you're like, show me the strategy. Tell me what to do, and I'll do it, and it'll solve my problem…
SAMIA: …but actually, that's not the reality of how it actually works. Like, if you actually look, even at your own experience of when you were working with this mindset of find me the strategy, you search for the strategy. You even find the strategy. But then the strategy doesn't work. And it keeps happening over and over again. Because, actually, it's not the strategy that is the core challenge that needs to be resolved. It's actually the mindset issue. And making sure that you first are cultivating the right mindset, and then, of course, strategy also matters. But like you said, it's 80% mindset. In fact, one of my teachers, one of my mentors, I remember when I was taking a class in self-defense, I was learning, like, physical self-defense... my self-defense instructor said, it's actually 90% mindset…
SHARAN: Oh, wow. Yeah, I love that!
SAMIA: ..10% strategy. Yes. Because…
SHARAN: ...it's true. It's true, it's true…
SAMIA: Yes. He was like... He would say that, you know, if you have the right mindset, if you believe in yourself in terms of… that, I will do whatever it takes to protect myself, to keep myself safe, you believe that you deserve that safety, you have the right to stand up for yourself... If you have that mindset, you will do whatever it takes. Even if you don't know fancy techniques, you know, or proper ways of fighting, you will figure out a way to survive, to get yourself out of there... Versus somebody... there have been actually known documented cases of people who actually trained in various forms of, let's say, boxing or martial arts, or this or that, for literally years. But when they are faced with an actual fight, like an actual real-life fight, they freeze or they fail to be able to actually effectively protect themselves. Because oftentimes in these kinds of situations, what is happening is that when they did their training, it was like a sport... And so they didn't actually cultivate the mindset of “whatever it takes to protect myself”. When they were faced with the reality of people not acting by the rules and being nefarious, then they were not able to have the right... sustain the right mental attitude in that situation, unfortunately. So…
SHARAN: …definitely.
SAMIA: It really does come down to first mindset. And then there is a little bit of strategy that if you have in place, it helps…
SHARAN: Yeah, definitely. A corporate example... So in the workplace, that is really, really key… because I've worked with hundreds and hundreds of clients, and what I see the most common is, like we've mentioned… you can know all the strategy, how to do your job description, A to Z... You've been in the same job for 20 years, why? You know all the strategy. But then a younger person comes in or somebody else that lacks the experience, so doesn't have the strategy, yet they progress, they up level, they then become your manager. And one of my clients recently said… this was when they started working with me… and she said… I don't understand. I'm like 48 years old. Somebody just come in, he's 23 years old, and he's become my manager... He's 23 years old. I've gone through this job. I'm 48... She specifically said I'm 48 years old. I've got over 20 years of experience. This person's just left university, got two years experience… And he's progressed and he's managing her. So what we did in a short space of time was… it wasn't the strategy, like we've said, it was the mindset... And she literally had childhood pre-programming that… I'm not good enough, I'm not worthy. Everything I do, it's a mistake. I can never do things the right way… And then she had that impostor syndrome, like, looking at everybody else and go, "Everybody else is better than me..." And when we unraveled it through hypnosis, timeline therapy, lots of healing modalities, we unraveled it. We took her back to the childhood memories, and there was lots of different memories… but I can remember because she's like a very recent client of mine that's changed her whole life trajectory… But I can remember, one of her memories was when she was about four or five years old, her mom in particular used to compare her against her older sibling. She said, "You need to do this, because if you don't, you're not going to be like her. She's so much smarter, she's so much braver. You need to stop doing this and you need to start learning..." And her mom kept constantly comparing and comparing… even to the point of the weight. "Look, you need to get thinner, look how she looks and look how you look… you know, this is not going to fit you because look at you and look at her..." And there was all of this stuff that her own mother… and obviously it's not the mom's fault, because it went back through generations. Her mom used to do it to her, the grandparents used to do it too, the great-grandparents used to do it to the grandparents, and it was the ancestral stuff. But when you start unraveling, where is this coming from? Because then she's in the workplace and she's comparing and going, "I'm not going to be good enough. I'm not going to be as good as that person"... But actually, it's because of her mindset. One particular point in the past, her belief system literally associated a particular thought with that memory. And then throughout her life, her mind just triggers back to that memory and she's living the same reality. I'm not good enough, I'm not worthy enough. Everybody else is better than me… So she would never get that job. But then what's happened is within a short space of time of healing, going to the deep, subconscious level, removing that belief at the cellular level, and then replacing it with the embedded, empowered belief that actually, I can do this, I am worthy, I am good enough, I can get a promotion, you know, I can be successful, I am motivated... All of these empowering beliefs… she's now applied. Well, actually, a couple of months ago, she applied for a management role and she was successful. And the key thing here was, that icing on the cake, was that she asked for a 25% pay rise because that's what the management position was in a different department. But she actually got a 40% pay increase because of her skill set. She's got over 20 years of experience. So she's worth a hell of a lot more, more than the 23 year old that's come in... But she's on a different pay scale. She's on a different position. And it's more than ample, it's more than ten times paid for the sessions that she had with me. But isn't that worth it? Because she's changed. And she's also changed now her relationship with her partner as well, her husband. They were having a lot of disagreements, a lot of battles… the masculine and feminine energy, a lot of issues… And that's resolved because she feels better about herself. She feels good enough, she feels worthy enough. And above all else, she loves herself. She loves herself... And that's the key thing here. It's all about self-love as well. Self-love and self-care. But definitely…
SAMIA: Oh, man... Sharan, you just keep bringing up all this amazing…
SHARAN: I've really enjoyed our conversation…
SAMIA: Yes. Oh, my gosh... And I'm going to have to stop us because I know you are also on a schedule and you need to get going, but we'll probably need to bring you back so we can keep talking. Thank you so much for all the amazing wisdom you have shared with us today…
SHARAN: Oh.. You're welcome. You're welcome.
SAMIA: Thank you so much. Do you have any last thoughts you want to share? How can people get in touch with you? Anything at all…
SHARAN: Yeah. Okay, well, I'm going to leave you with a mantra, which is a positive affirmation that if you keep saying the words, you will change your vibration. You will switch your vibration from a negative to a positive. And it's six words that I use personally and so do my clients. And the power of the words is amazing. So I'm going to give you the six words first of all, so it's, "I can, I will, I am..." And when you say those words… I can, I will, I am… And you say them with so much power in your voice and feel the emotion from your heart chakra, from your heart center, it will really open you up to a higher vibration, and it will open you up to more opportunities, synchronicities from the universe, to come through to manifest the things that you want. But in terms of connecting with me further, I'm across all social media, so I think the links will be posted as well. But Sharan Sammi, across LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook… so you can connect with me there. I've also got a private group called, "Anything is Possible", and that's on Facebook. It's a high-vibe manifesting group where I teach a lot of strategies, do live coaching sessions, psychic medium readings, etcetera. And I'll also gift you a free affirmations ebook, which gives you 100 daily affirmations in ten life categories such as self-confidence, self-esteem, self-love, self-care. So there's all these different categories, ten categories. And you've got ten different life-affirming, daily affirmations... And the ebook tells you… it's like a guide, like what is an affirmation? How do you use the affirmation? What's the benefit? How not to use an affirmation, you know? It's all about evoking your feelings… And it runs through everything in this guide. It gives you all these powerful affirmations, and people have actually seen positive shifts in their life. So if you just click the link that's in the show notes as well, and you can access the affirmation ebook for free. So thank you so much, Samia, for having me here. I've really enjoyed our conversation. And thank you to our listeners as well…
SAMIA: Thank you, Sharan. Thank you again. And just right there, again, you dropped a bunch of great, amazing bits of wisdom. So to all of our listeners, please check the show notes and follow up on these links. Take advantage of this amazing gift that Sharon is giving us with the affirmations ebook… because I will also share that a lot of people understand that affirmations are powerful, and they're not able to actually tap into the power of affirmations because they are not doing them correctly in the sense that… people will often just make it an activity where you're just thinking words in your mind, but they're not feeling the feelings, you know… And they don't know how to feel the feelings that you want to feel with the affirmations... So there is a better way to do affirmations, and Sharan is sharing that with us. So thank you so much…
SAHARAN: You're welcome. You're welcome. Thank you for having me on the show…
SAMIA: Yeah. And until we connect next time, I just wish you lots and lots of peace and joy. :)
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